luni, 31 octombrie 2016

The Girl on the Train

Un film psihologic care ar trebui sa se joace cu mintea privitorului. Ce mi s-a parut mie insa, este ca vrea sa-ti dea un mindfuck grav, dar lasa in finalul fiecarei scene cu pricina un mic indiciu dupa care sa te ghidezi ca 'detectiv' al cazului. Pana aici totul e bine, ai parte de actiune si de un plan narativ, insa finalul mi se pare ca a stricat tot ... aveam o alta viziune asupra endingului fata de cea din film care mi s-a parut putin 'grabita' ca sa incheie filmul totusi. Pe langa asta mi se pare destul de lame si ireala ideea de a lua trenul intr-o directie si apoi retur, timp de un an, doar pentru cateva momente pe care le vezi pe geam.
Mi se pare genial ca dintr-un anume unghi e abordata mahmureala de a doua zi, de dupa o betie crunta cand nu-ti mai aduci aminte ce-ai facut, bine sau rau, dar iti poti imagina dupa ce vezi consecintele (hainele murdare si disparitia), iar Emily Blunt isi arata latura de genul in film :)).
Overall, mi s-a parut a fi o copie nereusita a Gone Girl, urmarind o idee comuna (de asemenea film dupa carte), dar nu e neaparat filmul pe care trebuie sa-l vezi la cinema mai ales ca te duci cu ceva asteptari la el (ca mine).

Nota: 8/10

The Girl on the Train

The Girl on the Train is the story of Rachel Watson's life post-divorce. Every day, she takes the train in to work in New York, and every day the train passes by her old house. The house she lived in with her husband, who still lives there, with his new wife and child. As she attempts to not focus on her pain, she starts watching a couple who live a few houses down -- Megan and Scott Hipwell. She creates a wonderful dream life for them in her head, about how they are a perfect happy family. And then one day, as the train passes, she sees something shocking, filling her with rage. The next day, she wakes up with a horrible hangover, various wounds and bruises, and no memory of the night before. She has only a feeling: something bad happened. Then come the TV reports: Megan Hipwell is missing. Rachel becomes invested in the case and trying to find out what happened to Megan, where she is, and what exactly she herself was up to that same night Megan went missing.

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