marți, 10 februarie 2015

Blood Ties

Un film cenusiu, sa se potriveasca cu perioada in care se desfasoara filmul. Se prezinta drama unei familii din New York ce doreste sa accentueze relatia dintre frati in principal. Cu multi actori unul si unul, toata miscarea se invarte in jurul lor, cu bune si cu rele, ca in final sa tragi singur concluzia, cum ca orice s-ar intampla intre 2 persoane, in final dupa toate, ei tot frati sunt si-si salveaza pielea unul altuia. Chiar daca distributia este impresionanta, actiunea nu e cine stie ce, poate doar invatatura pe care ar trebui sa o tragi dupa vizionarea lui. Pe tot timpul filmului am trait cu impresia ca au disparut subit momente, parca ramaneau fara idei si erau gen " let's skip this " ...

Nota: 8/10

Blood Ties

New York, 1974. Fifty-year-old Chris (Clive Owen) has just been released on good behavior after several years in prison following a gangland murder. Reluctantly waiting for him outside the gates is his younger brother, Frank (Billy Crudup), a cop with a bright future. Chris and Frank have always been different, and their father, Leon (James Caan), who raised them alone, seems to favor Chris despite all his troubles. Yet blood ties are the ones that bind, and Frank, hoping that his brother has changed, is willing to give him a chance - he shares his home, finds him a job, and helps him reconnect with his children and his ex-wife, Monica (Marion Cotillard). But Chris' inevitable descent back into a life of crime proves to be the last in a long line of betrayals, and after his brother's latest transgressions, Frank banishes him from his life. But it's already too late, as the brothers' destiny is bound together, forever.

luni, 9 februarie 2015

Dead Man Down

Film bun realizat de Collin Farrel. Destul de bun tinand cont ca are multa actiune de buna calitate si foarte frumos construita pas cu pas, apoi mult suspans pana spre final. Totusi, totul a mers foarte bine pana in momentul in care actorul principal a intrat in final in casa si a inceput sa traga in stanga si-n dreapta si totul s-a rezolvat, chiar si punctul final, cand cei doi capi de trib s-au rezolvat reciproc, omu' s-a chinuit sa omoare 2 etaje si aia se rezolva singuri :)))). Oricum, actorii joaca bine, coloana sonora e super misto, iar replica de final data de Victor lui Darcy face tot, inchizi filmul cu zambetul pe fata.

Nota: 9/10

Dead Man Down

Victor, a rising gangland player, has infiltrated the crime empire run by ruthless kingpin Alphonse, with the single purpose of making Alphonse pay for destroying his once happy life. As he meticulously orchestrates his vengeance from his high-rise home, Victor watches and is watched by Beatrice, a mysterious young woman who lives in the apartment across from his. On the surface a fragile woman-child, Beatrice seethes with a rage of her own. When she uncovers Victor's dark secrets, she threatens to expose him unless he helps her carry out her own campaign of retribution. Each fixated on avenging the past, they devise a violent and cathartic plan that could change their worlds forever.

Baggage Claim

Cum plagiatul e naspa in muzica, la fel si copiatul ideilor in filme e nasol. E ok daca vezi 2 secvente si-ti aduc aminte de alt film, dar sa vezi o copie e deja prea mult. Tot cu avioane, tot cu vecinu' de vis-a-vis, acelasi final. Pe toata durata filmului, jumatate din minte imi pleca la What's Your Number ? ceea ce nu e prea bine, oricum mi s-a parut mai buna varianta "alba" sa-i zic asa. Considerandu-se a fi o comedie, am ras de 2 ori si atunci la glume tampite :)).
Daca aveti de ales intre cele 2 filme, alegeti What's Your Number, mai bun, mai original (ca idee :))).

Nota: 5/10

Baggage Claim

Determined to get engaged before her youngest sister's wedding, flight attendant Montana Moore (Paula Patton) finds herself with only 30 days to find Mr. Right. Using her airline connections to "accidentally" meet up with eligible ex-boyfriends and scour for potential candidates, she racks up more than 30,000 miles and countless comedic encounters, all the while searching for the perfect guy

duminică, 8 februarie 2015

Blue is the Warmest Colour

Pfiuuu, a venit timpul sa vedem si varianta feminina a Brokeback Mountain, de cand o asteptam :))). Film frantuzesc, foarte curajos, plin de sentimente si emotii, care emana o sexualitate puternica. Filmul are 3 ore, dar totul curge lin, normal, nimic nu grabeste sau nu incetineste lucrurile. Actrita principala, Adele, are o expresie a fetei geniala, trece de la o stare la alta foarte usor si exprima cu mare usurinta o gama larga de sentimente. Pe langa asta e si foarte frumoasa, are charisma.
Scenele de sex sunt din plin, insa una in special tine la nesfarsit, cred ca au mers cam departe cu ea :)).
Filmul mi-a adus aminte de piesa asta si ma bucur, am reascultat piesa dupa ce s-a uitat de ea si am realizat ca e o piesa buna in continuare :D.

Nota: 9/10

La vie d'Adele - Numele in franceza, poate va suna mai cunoscut, cu acesta a luat multe premii.

Adèle is a high school student who is beginning to explore herself as a woman. She dates men but finds no satisfaction with them sexually, and is rejected by a female friend who she does desire. She dreams of something more. She meets Emma who is a free spirited girl whom Adèle's friends reject due to her sexuality, and by association most begin to reject Adèle. Her relationship with Emma grows into more than just friends as she is the only person with whom she can express herself openly. Together, Adèle and Emma explore social acceptance, sexuality, and the emotional spectrum of their maturing relationship.

sâmbătă, 7 februarie 2015

Vantage Point

Din seria filme bune la PRO TV, astazi am vazut Vantage Point. Un film bun, care te captiveaza din primele momente, natura subiectului ajuta mult, suspans, actiune, actori buni, toate ingredientele pentru un film de amploare. Lucru fascinant in film: o singura situatie, multe puncte de vedere, toate diferite, un puzzle bine inchegat de regizori, iar cum orice puzzle te atrage, asa e treaba si cu acest film.

Nota: 9/10

The President of the United States is in Salamanca, Spain, about to address the city in a public square. We see a plain-clothes cop, his girlfriend with another man, a mother and child, an American tourist with a video camera, and a Secret Service agent newly returned from medical leave. Shots ring out and the President falls; a few minutes later, we hear a distant explosion, then a bomb goes off in the square. Those minutes are retold, several times, emphasizing different characters' actions. Gradually, we discover who's behind the plot. Is the Secret Service one step ahead, or have the President's adversaries thought of everything?

vineri, 6 februarie 2015

A Walk Among the Tombstones

O sa spun doar Liam Neeson si deja stii despre ce film vorbim .. exact, un film ce implica rapiri :)). Filmul e mai palid in comparatie cu seria Taken, mai putina actiune, mai putin suspans, poate doar pe final sa te 'ghionteasca' putin. Asta nu inseamna ca filmul e slab, e chiar bunicel, poate e putin previzibil totusi. Raman la aceeasi parere ca vocea lui Liam Neeson ar trebui folosita pe viitor in narari sau vocea unor personaje, dar nu animate.

Nota: 7/10

A Walk Among the Tombstones

Matt Scudder is a former cop now a private eye. He is asked by a drug dealer to find the men who kidnapped his wife. It seems like they killed her even after he paid them. Scudder refuses. But the man later goes to see him and tells him how his wife was killed. Scudder takes the job. He does some research and thinks the men he is looking for have done this more than once. And that everyone they grabbed is connected to a drug dealer. He was about to give up when they grab another girl and Scudder tries make sure she's returned alive.

joi, 5 februarie 2015


Dupa cum spune si numele, nimic nu-l poate opri pe Denzel Washington sa faca un film bun. Filmul este excelent, foarte multa actiune si te prinde rau de tot, cel putin pe mine m-a captivat si prima si a doua oara cand l-am vazut. Ar fi indicat sa te uiti la acest film in mediul pe care-l ai la cinema, sa auzi sunetele foarte bine, te captiveaza si mai mult. Faptul ca este inspirat dintr-o fapta reala te pune pe ganduri, asemenea catastrofe se pot intampla des. Pe langa Denzel si ceilalti actori dau dovada de implicare, le iese chiar bine, finalul asta cel la care se asteapta toata lumea totusi, dar poate modul prin care s-a intamplat difera de la persoana la persoana. Toata actiunea asta se petrece din cauza neglijentei unui singur om, paf.
By the way, filmul l-am vazut pe PRO TV, post care in ultima vreme ofera o gama variata de filme bune si foarte bune :D.

Nota: 10/10


A runaway train carrying a cargo of toxic chemicals puts an engineer and his conductor in a race against time. They're chasing the runaway train in a separate locomotive and need to bring it under control before it derails on a curve and causes a toxic spill that will decimate a town.

duminică, 1 februarie 2015


E destul de modest ca realizare, mai mult ca sigur un buget mic, dar totusi reuseste sa se faca placut, mai ales prin intermediul personajelor, care se dovedesc a fi foarte simpatice si diferite :)). Un film cu adolescenti care totusi binedispune, chiar daca subiectul abordat este mai 'intim', dar in ziua de azi orice problema personala a unui adolescent e motiv de facut un film :)).

Nota: 7/10


A high school senior has to re-live losing his virginity over and over again until he gets it right.

22 Jump Street

Iata ca a aparut si a 2-a parte a filmului si in mod sigur o sa mai urmeze si o a 3-a, asta pe langa faza funny din final cand au ajuns la editia cu numarul 2121, cu un movie poster ce aducea a Interstellar asa putin :)). Filmul e unul de vazut impreuna cu prietenii, sigur e mai amuzant asa deoarece nu are foarte multe faze sa razi copios. Cei doi actori fac totusi un cuplu destul de simpatic, ceilalti actori oricum nu prea ies in evidenta in seria asta de filme.
Actiunea e ok, ideea e aceeasi ca in primul film insa este una buna, iar finalul nu cred ca e previzibil pentru ca ei descopera o lista intreaga de vinovati :))).

Nota: 8/10

22 Jump Street

After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) when they go deep undercover at a local college. But when Jenko meets a kindred spirit on the football team, and Schmidt infiltrates the bohemian art major scene, they begin to question their partnership. Now they don't have to just crack the case - they have to figure out if they can have a mature relationship. If these two overgrown adolescents can grow from freshmen into real men, college might be the best thing that ever happened to them

O sumedenie de postere :)).