vineri, 5 februarie 2016

The Day After Tomorrow

In ultima vreme au inceput sa-mi placa filmele apocaliptice cu subiectele plauzibile si bine realizate, indiferent de natura subiectului. Well, acesta nu are un plot foarte realizibil (oare? :))) insa pentru anul 2004 e structurat destul de bine.
Pe langa structura, a beneficiat si de actori de marca, unul din ei la inceput de drum, Dennis Quaid sau Gyllenhaal pe care am fost surprins sa-l vad foaaaaarte tanar (a trebuit sa verific anul filmului :))).
Actiunea este ok pentru ca te tine in suspans in cateva momente, insa e plin de clisee si de 'bube' de genul (baietii impecabili la camasi in ciuda problemelor, drumul eroic facut de tata care ajunge intr-o suflare la sute de kilometri distanta - meh), se vede ca s-au bazat mai mult pe efectele vizuale decat punerea in scena.

Nota: 8/10

The Day After Tomorrow

As Paleoclimatologist named Jack Hall is in Antartica, he discovers that a huge ice sheet has sheared off. But what he does not know is that this event will trigger a massive climate shift that will affect the world population. Meanwhile, his son Sam is with friends in New York to attend an event. There they discover that it has been raining non-stop for the past 3 days, and after a series of weather-related disasters begin to occur over the world, everybody realizes the world is entering a new Ice Age and the world population begins trying to evacuate to the warmer climates of the south. Jack makes a daring attempt to rescue his son and his friends who are stuck in New York and who have managed to survive not only a massive wave but also freezing cold temperatures that could possibly kill them.

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