Ok, o sa vorbesc despre ambele in aceeasi postare, e lesne de inteles de ce. First of all, prima parte e mai interesanta ca prima, and second alt film care paleste cand vine vorba de horror, mai mult thriller. Prima parte e mai ok pentru ca te tine mai in suspans, gen, fata de a doua unde te cam astepti la unele chestii. Pe langa asta, actorii din prima parte sunt mai buni, numele lor sonore spun asta. Ideea e creepy in schimb, mai ales cand te gandesti ca unii oameni platesc pentru anumite chestii :)).
Pentru vremea lor, prima parte a fost chiar ok. :D
Nota: 6/10 (medie)
Vacancy 2: The First Cut
David and Amy Fox find themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere when their car breaks down. Luckily, they come across a motel with a TV to entertain them during their overnight stay. However, there's something very strange and familiar about the Grade-Z slasher movies that the motel broadcasts for its guests' enjoyment. They all appear to be filmed in the very same room they occupy! Realizing that they are trapped in their room with hidden cameras now aimed at them filming their every move, David and Amy desperately find a means of escape through locked doors, crawlspaces and underground tunnels before they too become the newest stars of the mystery filmmaker's next cult classic!
In 2004, the managers of the Meadow View Motel Gordon and Reece use room 6 to videotape the intimacy of the guests to sell porn movies. When the mysterious Mr. Smith checks in with a young woman, they witness the sadistic psychopath guest stabbing and killing his mate. The footage is a success and they decide to make other snuff movies with Smith. When Caleb, who is traveling from Chicago with his fiancée Jessica and his best friend Tanner, decides to rest in Meadow View, they have a nightmarish night and try to survive from the sick intention of the gang.
marți, 30 decembrie 2014
duminică, 28 decembrie 2014
The Orphanage
Filmul se presupune a fi horror, insa e plin de psihologie si mister + cateva parti horror. Actrita principala (se tine bine doamna :))) duce cam toata actiunea filmului si in afara de prestatia ei nu prea e ceva de notat in rest. Initial, porneste bine, insa pe parcurs actiunea filmului se taraganeaza inutil, devenind plictisitor pana la final, care te scoate asa putin din inertia in care te pregateai sa intri. Tinand cont ca e un film strain, iar ideea e relativ noua, e un film acceptabil, bun. Daca astepti sa vezi sange sau sa te sperii la fiecare faza, ar trebui sa-ti alegi alt film.
Nota: 7/10
The Orphanage
Laura, a former orphan, raises her adopted son Simón together with her husband Carlos in an old house and former orphanage where she was raised. While at the orphanage Simón tells Laura that he has five invisible friends which she believes are a product of his active imagination. Laura decides to reopen the orphanage to cater for disabled children and throws a party. During the party Simón tries to persuade Laura to go and take a look at his friends cabin but she's too busy. Later on she sees a mysterious masked boy and realizes that Simón has also disappeared. Laura feels the presence of other people in the house and months later Laura invites a team of parapsychologists to try to unravel the mystery.
Nota: 7/10
The Orphanage
Laura, a former orphan, raises her adopted son Simón together with her husband Carlos in an old house and former orphanage where she was raised. While at the orphanage Simón tells Laura that he has five invisible friends which she believes are a product of his active imagination. Laura decides to reopen the orphanage to cater for disabled children and throws a party. During the party Simón tries to persuade Laura to go and take a look at his friends cabin but she's too busy. Later on she sees a mysterious masked boy and realizes that Simón has also disappeared. Laura feels the presence of other people in the house and months later Laura invites a team of parapsychologists to try to unravel the mystery.
Interstellar este o capodopera a unui regizor excelent care pur si simplu iti plimba mintea prin tot felul de situatii mai putin prevazute. Din momentul in care incepe filmul, te vei simti captiv (la fel ca in film) ca intr-o capsula in care timp de aproximativ 3 ore vei fi nevoit sa deslusesti o serie de mistere ce te coplesesc din prima clipa.
Ideea filmului este unica pana in acest moment si are putin din toate: putere, emotie, plauzibila. Tocmai din aceasta cauza in timp ce esti atintit asupra actiunii trebuie sa ramai concentrat la toate momentele astfel incat sa nu ratezi nimic din ce-ar putea duce la neintelegerea filmului.
E un must see "obligatoriu", un film pe care ti-l recomanda un neiubitor de SF, dar in acest caz e un SF posibil si foarte usor de digerat, il incadrezi in alta parte imediat.
Nota: 10/10
In the near future, Earth has been devastated by drought and famine, causing a scarcity in food and extreme changes in climate. When humanity is facing extinction, a mysterious rip in the space-time continuum is discovered, giving mankind the opportunity to widen its lifespan. A group of explorers must travel beyond our solar system in search of a planet that can sustain life. The crew of the Endurance are required to think bigger and go further than any human in history as they embark on an interstellar voyage into the unknown. Coop, the pilot of the Endurance, must decide between seeing his children again and the future of the human race.
Ideea filmului este unica pana in acest moment si are putin din toate: putere, emotie, plauzibila. Tocmai din aceasta cauza in timp ce esti atintit asupra actiunii trebuie sa ramai concentrat la toate momentele astfel incat sa nu ratezi nimic din ce-ar putea duce la neintelegerea filmului.
E un must see "obligatoriu", un film pe care ti-l recomanda un neiubitor de SF, dar in acest caz e un SF posibil si foarte usor de digerat, il incadrezi in alta parte imediat.
Nota: 10/10
In the near future, Earth has been devastated by drought and famine, causing a scarcity in food and extreme changes in climate. When humanity is facing extinction, a mysterious rip in the space-time continuum is discovered, giving mankind the opportunity to widen its lifespan. A group of explorers must travel beyond our solar system in search of a planet that can sustain life. The crew of the Endurance are required to think bigger and go further than any human in history as they embark on an interstellar voyage into the unknown. Coop, the pilot of the Endurance, must decide between seeing his children again and the future of the human race.
sâmbătă, 25 octombrie 2014
Playing for Keeps
Un film dragut, emotionant, de familie cu momente de drama si cateva scene comice. Atmosfera e una placuta, care te destinde, nota de pe IMDB mi se pare cam mica pentru acest film, in care Butler devine o mare vedeta din fotbalul trecut (nu ma asteptam sa-l vad intr-un asemenea rol). Finalul ilustreaza legamantul familial si in multe cazuri decizia pe care multi o au de luat in unele momente, cariera sau familia.
Nota: 9/10
Playing for Keeps
George is a former professional soccer star who's moved to Virginia to be close to his ex-wife and son. He's broke, jobless, without a plan, and a constant source of disappointment to his son. When he takes over as his son's soccer coach, he has a new connection to the lad. He also gets the attention of three of the players' moms as well as the glad hand of a wealthy dad. His ex-wife's getting married, he has a lead on a sportscasting job, and he finds new ways to disappoint his son. Is there any way he can sort things out?
Nota: 9/10
Playing for Keeps
George is a former professional soccer star who's moved to Virginia to be close to his ex-wife and son. He's broke, jobless, without a plan, and a constant source of disappointment to his son. When he takes over as his son's soccer coach, he has a new connection to the lad. He also gets the attention of three of the players' moms as well as the glad hand of a wealthy dad. His ex-wife's getting married, he has a lead on a sportscasting job, and he finds new ways to disappoint his son. Is there any way he can sort things out?
marți, 14 octombrie 2014
Adore / Perfect Mothers
Povestea incepe cu mult timp in urma, cand cele 2 mame erau in acelasi loc si erau bune prietene si dureaza mult in viitor, vreme de 3 generatii. Actiunea ( :))) ) incepe in momentul in care cei doi baieti sunt dornici sa cunoasca cealalta mama, de aici se isca 2 povesti de dragoste cu sentimente sincere din partea celor 4. Idila e clar ca nu poate avea un final fericit mai ales in momentul in care unul din baieti pleaca si isi traieste o noua viata. Tema e una indrazneata si pare ca are o sansa sa se repete si in societatea actuala. Actiunea e lina, dar curge bine, scenele sunt filmate intr-un decor mirific din Australia (pontonul ala in mijlocul apei uhlala), doamnele arata exemplar, citindu-se fericirea pe chipul lor cand isi "traiesc" impreuna dragostea.
P.s. Ce frumos au combinat scenaristii si numele lor, toate 4 formate din 3 litere :)).
Nota: 8/10
Lil (Naomi Watts) and Roz (Robin Wright) are two lifelong friends, having grown up together as neighbors in an idyllic beach town. As adults, their sons have developed a friendship as strong as that which binds their mothers. One summer, all four are confronted by simmering emotions that have been mounting between them, and each find unexpected happiness in relationships that cross the bounds of convention.
P.s. Ce frumos au combinat scenaristii si numele lor, toate 4 formate din 3 litere :)).
Nota: 8/10
Lil (Naomi Watts) and Roz (Robin Wright) are two lifelong friends, having grown up together as neighbors in an idyllic beach town. As adults, their sons have developed a friendship as strong as that which binds their mothers. One summer, all four are confronted by simmering emotions that have been mounting between them, and each find unexpected happiness in relationships that cross the bounds of convention.
Don Jon
Nu ma asteptam sa-mi placa filmul atat de mult, tinand cont ca e printre primele, daca nu chiar primul film al lui Joseph Gordon-Levitt. E bine gandit, bine regizat, bine construita actiunea si buna interpretarea, de acelasi JGL. E vorba de barbatul fatal in prim plan, care insira femei pe lista lui, dar nu e multumit de niciuna si se multumeste cu propria placere. Asta pana cand intalneste "femeia vietii lui", dar nu tine mult pentru ca-i descopera defectele in timp ce intalneste o alta femeie (ca tot ziceam ca insira femei pe lista :))). In final descopera cu adevarat ceea ce ii lipsea si e multumit. Partea amuzanta nu lipseste, tatal lui Jon fiind un haos comic. :))
Ceea ce mi-a placut cel mai mult in acest film este rapiditatea cu care se desfasoara actiunea, in stilul caracteristic, repetitiv. O idee noua aplicata bine.
Nota: 9/10
Don Jon
Jon Martello objectifies everything in his life: his apartment, his car, his family, his church, and, of course, women. His buddies even call him Don Jon because of his ability to pull "10s" every weekend without fail. Yet even the finest flings don't compare to the transcendent bliss he achieves alone in front of the computer watching pornography. Dissatisfied, he embarks on a journey to find a more gratifying sex life, but ends up learning larger lessons of life and love through relationships with two very different women.
Ceea ce mi-a placut cel mai mult in acest film este rapiditatea cu care se desfasoara actiunea, in stilul caracteristic, repetitiv. O idee noua aplicata bine.
Nota: 9/10
Don Jon
Jon Martello objectifies everything in his life: his apartment, his car, his family, his church, and, of course, women. His buddies even call him Don Jon because of his ability to pull "10s" every weekend without fail. Yet even the finest flings don't compare to the transcendent bliss he achieves alone in front of the computer watching pornography. Dissatisfied, he embarks on a journey to find a more gratifying sex life, but ends up learning larger lessons of life and love through relationships with two very different women.
Mai interesant posterul asta.
Safe Haven
Un film dragut de dragoste in combinatie cu drama unei domnisoare simpatice (fara sa stii de antecedentele ei :>). Scenele sunt dragute, filmate in locuri faine, misterul planeaza destul timp in actiune, iar personajele se potrivesc destul de bine, au o chimie acolo :D. Finalul poate fi neasteptat sau nu, insa se termina intr-o nota pozitiva. E genul de film pe care-l poti vedea cu o persoana draga intr-o zi ploioasa, mohorata ca sa-ti revina zambetul.
Film dragut, relaxant !
Nota: 9/10
Safe Haven
A young woman with a mysterious past lands in Southport, North Carolina where her bond with a widower forces her to confront the dark secret that haunts her.
Film dragut, relaxant !
Nota: 9/10
Safe Haven
A young woman with a mysterious past lands in Southport, North Carolina where her bond with a widower forces her to confront the dark secret that haunts her.
Genul de film care se axeaza pe principalele vicii ale omului, drogurile si bautura, dar si consecintele lor asupra unei persoane care n-ar trebui sa le aiba, un pilot de avion. In primul rand, initial am crezut ca filmul se bazeaza pe fapte reale, Denzel intrand in rol foarte bine, chiar daca nu e unul din cele mai bune personaje, reuseste sa te tina captiv timp de 2 ore.
Mi-a placut mult acest film, mai mult drama decat actiune, deoarece ofera o lectie importanta multora, inclusiv celor ce se suie bauti la volan, dar ei nu sfarsesc prin a fi eroi ci invers. De asemenea finalul iti ofera realitatea din ziua de azi, ca o minciuna nu ajunge tot timpul la capat.
Nota: 10/10
Whip Whitaker is a commuter airline pilot. While on a flight from Orlando to Atlanta something goes wrong and the plane starts to fly erratically. With little choice Whip crashes the plane and saves almost all on board. When he wakes up in the hospital, his friend from the airline union introduces him to a lawyer who tells him there's a chance he could face criminal charges because his blood test reveals that he is intoxicated with alcohol and cocaine. He denies being impaired, so while an investigation is underway, he is told to keep his act together. However, letting go of his addiction is not as easy as it seems...
Mi-a placut mult acest film, mai mult drama decat actiune, deoarece ofera o lectie importanta multora, inclusiv celor ce se suie bauti la volan, dar ei nu sfarsesc prin a fi eroi ci invers. De asemenea finalul iti ofera realitatea din ziua de azi, ca o minciuna nu ajunge tot timpul la capat.
Nota: 10/10
Whip Whitaker is a commuter airline pilot. While on a flight from Orlando to Atlanta something goes wrong and the plane starts to fly erratically. With little choice Whip crashes the plane and saves almost all on board. When he wakes up in the hospital, his friend from the airline union introduces him to a lawyer who tells him there's a chance he could face criminal charges because his blood test reveals that he is intoxicated with alcohol and cocaine. He denies being impaired, so while an investigation is underway, he is told to keep his act together. However, letting go of his addiction is not as easy as it seems...
Piranha 3DD
Avand in vede ca prima parte e o prostie, s-au gandit sa faca si o a doua parte in acelasi stil, o mai mare porcarie :)). Pe acelasi stil, fete despuiate, distractie in toi si apoi apar pestisorii. Ideea e proasta, jocul actorilor e la fel, efectele vizuale slabe si ele ... per total bani irositi degeaba. Aparitia lui David Hasselhoff e degeaba, pus intr-un rol tampit. In concluzie, sper sa nu apara 3DDD :)).
Nota: 4/10
Piranha 3DD
Having awoken from their spring break extravaganza at Lake Victoria, the swarm heads upstream where they look to make a meal out of Big Wet, a local water park where when it comes to fun, nobody does it wetter! Though they came to get wet, get loaded and get some, the staff and patrons get more than they bargained for when they must face the fiercest, most bloodthirsty piranhas yet. Lead by the strong-willed, studious Maddy and her friends, Barry and Kyle, the trio must dive in and take on these man-eating creatures using every ounce of their being but can they be stopped?
Nota: 4/10
Piranha 3DD
Having awoken from their spring break extravaganza at Lake Victoria, the swarm heads upstream where they look to make a meal out of Big Wet, a local water park where when it comes to fun, nobody does it wetter! Though they came to get wet, get loaded and get some, the staff and patrons get more than they bargained for when they must face the fiercest, most bloodthirsty piranhas yet. Lead by the strong-willed, studious Maddy and her friends, Barry and Kyle, the trio must dive in and take on these man-eating creatures using every ounce of their being but can they be stopped?
sâmbătă, 6 septembrie 2014
Think Like a Man Too
Chit ca n-am vazut prima parte a filmului, s-a ras copios la film. Observ ca are o nota destul de mica, insa noi (o gasca mare si teribila) ne-am amuzat puternic si am ras copios la unele faze. Chiar daca unele scene sunt previzibile, actorii fac actiunea filmului sa fie destul de interesanta, iar pe Kevin Hart nu ai cum sa-l scapi :))))). Cheful de viata si naturaletea cu care-si joaca rolul parca'ti dau si tie o energie pozitiva.
Filmul e bun pentru o seara relaxanta cu prietenii in care vrei sa vizionezi un film pe care-l plac toti, nu e stralucit, dar are momente amuzante.
Nota: 8/10
Think Like a Man Too
In the highly anticipated sequel, which was inspired by Steve Harvey's best-selling book Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, all the couples are back for a wedding in Las Vegas. But plans for a romantic weekend go awry when their various misadventures get them into some compromising situations that threaten to derail the big event.
Filmul e bun pentru o seara relaxanta cu prietenii in care vrei sa vizionezi un film pe care-l plac toti, nu e stralucit, dar are momente amuzante.
Nota: 8/10
Think Like a Man Too
In the highly anticipated sequel, which was inspired by Steve Harvey's best-selling book Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, all the couples are back for a wedding in Las Vegas. But plans for a romantic weekend go awry when their various misadventures get them into some compromising situations that threaten to derail the big event.
luni, 25 august 2014
Dupa a mea parere, filmul este unul palpitant, nu pot spune ca m-am plictisit in timp ce-l urmaream. Ideea e interesanta (chiar daca multi il compara in secunda 2 cu Limitless, care e un pic mai bun totusi), partea audio-video e buna, mie mi-au placut corelarile cu natura si animalele. Partile amuzante ale acestui film: mafia asiatica, politie franceza ... alergatura amestecata :)))). Prea mult SF uneori, pe langa momentele in care prezici ceea ce urmeaza sa se intample, dar si finalul putin prea dintr-o bucata. Doi actori principali cu nume sonore, in rest actori de duzina.
P.S. Merita sa vizionezi filme in cinematograful din mallul Botosaniului alaturi de gasca ta amuzanta de prieteni.
Nota: 8/10
It was supposed to be a simple job. All Lucy had to do was deliver a mysterious briefcase to Mr. Jang. But immediately Lucy is caught up in a nightmarish deal where she is captured and turned into a drug mule for a new and powerful synthetic drug. When the bag she is carrying inside of her stomach leaks, Lucy's body undergoes unimaginable changes that unlocks her mind's full potential 100%. With her new-found powers, Lucy turns into a merciless warrior intent on getting back at her captors. She receives invaluable help from Professor Norman, the leading authority on the human mind, and French police captain Pierre Del Rio.
P.S. Merita sa vizionezi filme in cinematograful din mallul Botosaniului alaturi de gasca ta amuzanta de prieteni.
Nota: 8/10
It was supposed to be a simple job. All Lucy had to do was deliver a mysterious briefcase to Mr. Jang. But immediately Lucy is caught up in a nightmarish deal where she is captured and turned into a drug mule for a new and powerful synthetic drug. When the bag she is carrying inside of her stomach leaks, Lucy's body undergoes unimaginable changes that unlocks her mind's full potential 100%. With her new-found powers, Lucy turns into a merciless warrior intent on getting back at her captors. She receives invaluable help from Professor Norman, the leading authority on the human mind, and French police captain Pierre Del Rio.
miercuri, 20 august 2014
Un film relaxant, cu o idee noua intr-un anume fel, numa' bun de o seara placuta in compania prietenilor. E o comedie destul de buna pentru 2014 pana acum, care oricum incepe promitator (This shirt is on fireeee :)))))) si are o sumedenie de momente in care razi bine. Adam Sandler apare iar intr-un film BUN de comedie dupa altele slabute si o face in stilul sau caracteristic, exceptand unele clisee (observate de toti). Finalul este previzibil, dar era si cazul sa se termina intr-o nota pozitiva, insa per total e un film simpatic din toate punctele de vedere.
Nota: 8/10
After a blind date gone horribly wrong, Jim and Lauren agree they never, ever want to see each other again. Well, that's all about to change when the two find themselves and their respective families (including children) all stuck together in one suite at an African Safari vacation spot.
Nota: 8/10
After a blind date gone horribly wrong, Jim and Lauren agree they never, ever want to see each other again. Well, that's all about to change when the two find themselves and their respective families (including children) all stuck together in one suite at an African Safari vacation spot.
joi, 7 august 2014
3 Days to Kill
O complexitate de genuri, adunate toate intr-un film mediocru pana la urma. Kevin Costner face un rol interesant, complex si educational, din postura unui ucigas care are totusi principii :)). Un lucru dragut este faptul ca restabileste conexiunile pe care le are cu familia, dar mai ales modul cum se apropie de fiica lui. Scenariul este slabut, plin de clisee, dar vine cu idei noi, iar faptul ca apar unele glume din nimic ofera zambete de-a lungul lui (partea cu Guido :)))). Un film usor si binisor facut ce merge pentru relaxare :D.
Nota: 8/10
3 Days to Kill
A dangerous international spy is determined to give up his high stakes life to finally build a closer relationship with his estranged wife and daughter, whom he's previously kept at arm's length to keep out of danger. But first, he must complete one last mission - even if it means juggling the two toughest assignments yet: hunting down the world's most ruthless terrorist and looking after his teenage daughter for the first time in ten years, while his wife is out of town.
Nota: 8/10
3 Days to Kill
A dangerous international spy is determined to give up his high stakes life to finally build a closer relationship with his estranged wife and daughter, whom he's previously kept at arm's length to keep out of danger. But first, he must complete one last mission - even if it means juggling the two toughest assignments yet: hunting down the world's most ruthless terrorist and looking after his teenage daughter for the first time in ten years, while his wife is out of town.
marți, 5 august 2014
2 Guns
Denzel joaca mai nou in toate filmele cu rol 'undercover', iar Wahlberg e clasicul politist ... impreuna au pus de-un film plin de actiune si umor, foarte amuzant, cu genul ala de replici acide si amuzante care te fac sa zambesti foarte des. Clasicul gen de film pe care vrei sa-l vezi ca sa te binedispui intr-o zi posomorata. E plin de dinamica, dialogurile sunt miezul filmului, iar cei doi asigura succesul filmului. Chimia dintre cei doi actori e buna, tocmai din aceasta cauza o sa fii captivat de fazele pe care le vei vedea, mai ales ca iti ofera asa niste hinturi de-a lungul sau.
Nota: 9/10
2 Guns
Robert Trench, an undercover DEA agent, takes advantage of gunman Michael Stigman's idea to rob a bank to bust him and a mob boss. However, it proves too successful with much more money seized than anticipated with Trench's forces not stopping the getaway. Complicating things still more, Stigman turns out to be a Naval Intelligence agent who shoots Trench and takes the money. The interservice debacle suddenly finds Trench and Stigman in a bloody web of corrupt clandestine rivalries as they are hunted, blackmailed and isolated for the money on both sides of the law. Now, the fugitives must work together to find a way out of this situation with no one to turn to but themselves.
Nota: 9/10
2 Guns
Robert Trench, an undercover DEA agent, takes advantage of gunman Michael Stigman's idea to rob a bank to bust him and a mob boss. However, it proves too successful with much more money seized than anticipated with Trench's forces not stopping the getaway. Complicating things still more, Stigman turns out to be a Naval Intelligence agent who shoots Trench and takes the money. The interservice debacle suddenly finds Trench and Stigman in a bloody web of corrupt clandestine rivalries as they are hunted, blackmailed and isolated for the money on both sides of the law. Now, the fugitives must work together to find a way out of this situation with no one to turn to but themselves.
luni, 28 iulie 2014
Winter's Bone
Filmul prezentat nu este deloc o capodopera, este o simpla drama cu un scenariu destul de ok. Tinde insa sa te plictiseasca la o bucata, nu are acel ceva sa te scoata din monotonia actiunii. M-a dus cu ceva timp in urma cand citeam Baltagul, filmul are cam acelasi tipar, am vazut o Vitoria Lipan de 17 ani pe urmele tatalui de data aceasta, cam acelasi storyline, per total un film in care nu prea se intampla nimic notabil. Senzatia de realism este destul de pregnanta, dar dincolo de acest lucru nu prea se pot spune multe alte lucruri, cred ca s-a vrut prea mult de la acest film si n-a iesit ceea ce trebuia.
Nota: 7/10
Winter's Bone
With an absent father and a withdrawn and depressed mother, 17 year-old Ree Dolly keeps her family together in a dirt poor rural area. She's taken aback however when the local Sheriff tells her that her father put up their house as collateral for his bail and unless he shows up for his trial in a week's time, they will lose it all. She knows her father is involved in the local drug trade and manufactures crystal meth, but everywhere she goes the message is the same: stay out of it and stop poking your nose in other people's business. She refuses to listen, even after her father's brother, Teardrop, tells her he's probably been killed. She pushes on, putting her own life in danger, for the sake of her family until the truth, or enough of it, is revealed.
Nota: 7/10
Winter's Bone
With an absent father and a withdrawn and depressed mother, 17 year-old Ree Dolly keeps her family together in a dirt poor rural area. She's taken aback however when the local Sheriff tells her that her father put up their house as collateral for his bail and unless he shows up for his trial in a week's time, they will lose it all. She knows her father is involved in the local drug trade and manufactures crystal meth, but everywhere she goes the message is the same: stay out of it and stop poking your nose in other people's business. She refuses to listen, even after her father's brother, Teardrop, tells her he's probably been killed. She pushes on, putting her own life in danger, for the sake of her family until the truth, or enough of it, is revealed.
sâmbătă, 26 iulie 2014
Whatever Works
Filmul e asa amuzant intr-un fel ... are genul ala de replici acide, dar in acelasi timp amuzante. In schimb, nu pot sa zic ca e un film prost, dar nici genul de film genial pe care vrei sa-l revezi. E un film bun si atat, care trebuie vazut. In a doua jumate m-a plictisit nitel, insa dialogurile fac deliciul filmului alaturi de actorul principal. E un caz care se aplica in zilele noastre peste tot, femeia tanara se simte atrasa de un batran :)) Aici in schimb, atractia nu este influentata de avere (surprinzator nu?), dar finalul se mentine pe acelasi tipar. E genul de film facut pentru fanii lui Woody Allen, ceilalti s-ar putea sa nu-l inghita
Nota: 8/10
Whatever Works
Attempting to impress his ideologies on religion, relationships, and the randomness (and worthlessness) of existence, lifelong New York resident Boris Yellnikoff rants to anyone who will listen, including the audience. But when he begrudgingly allows naive Mississippi runaway Melodie St. Ann Celestine to live in his apartment, his reclusive rages give way to an unlikely friendship and Boris begins to mold the impressionable young girl's worldly views to match his own. When it comes to love, "whatever works" is his motto, but his already perplexed life complicates itself further when Melodie's parents eventually track her down.
Nota: 8/10
Whatever Works
Attempting to impress his ideologies on religion, relationships, and the randomness (and worthlessness) of existence, lifelong New York resident Boris Yellnikoff rants to anyone who will listen, including the audience. But when he begrudgingly allows naive Mississippi runaway Melodie St. Ann Celestine to live in his apartment, his reclusive rages give way to an unlikely friendship and Boris begins to mold the impressionable young girl's worldly views to match his own. When it comes to love, "whatever works" is his motto, but his already perplexed life complicates itself further when Melodie's parents eventually track her down.
That Awkward Moment
Un film presarat cu toate ideile preconcepute care au animat adolescenta fiecaruia. Plin de voie buna, cu "glume ca intre baieti" care vor doar sa mai copilareasca o vreme pana sa inceapa "adevarata viata". Distributia nu e excelenta, dar pare potrivita, momentele emotionante sunt mai numeroase decat cele amuzante (eu am numarat 2 faze la care am ras puternic, in rest cate-un zambet schitat in coltul gurii). E amuzant cum incearca ei sa combine in bar si le si iese sau momentele in care se mint teribil si totusi se prind de glume :)))). E film lejer, de vazut cand nu e altceva mai bun de facut. Stii ca filmul si-a ales bine coloana sonora in momentul in care auzi o melodie si iti capteaza atentia mai mult decat actiunea, asa s-a intamplat si cu piesa asta.
Nota: 8/10
That Awkward Moment
Jason has just been dumped, but he didn't even realize they were going out. Meanwhile, Mikey's wife has just asked him for a divorce, and perpetually single Daniel is still single. The three best friends are determined to stay single together and just have fun. But then Jason meets Ellie who just might be perfect for him, Daniel starts to realize that his gal pal Chelsea might be perfect for him, and Mikey has always thought that his wife was perfect for him. The boys are going to have to juggle their single life with their romantic entanglements and it's going to get awkward.
Nota: 8/10
That Awkward Moment
Jason has just been dumped, but he didn't even realize they were going out. Meanwhile, Mikey's wife has just asked him for a divorce, and perpetually single Daniel is still single. The three best friends are determined to stay single together and just have fun. But then Jason meets Ellie who just might be perfect for him, Daniel starts to realize that his gal pal Chelsea might be perfect for him, and Mikey has always thought that his wife was perfect for him. The boys are going to have to juggle their single life with their romantic entanglements and it's going to get awkward.
vineri, 25 iulie 2014
Exact genul de film care peste tot are note mici si e comentat negativ, insa mie imi place :)). Subiectul si distributia sunt generoase, actorii joaca in media aia normala. Nu e genul de film la care sa zici WOW dupa ce il vezi, dar nici nu poti sa spui ca e de gunoi, poate doar finalul care e previzibil de pe la jumatate, insa tot te lasa sa descoperi modul in care o face. Doua lucruri mi-au placut in special, faptul ca actorii aia cunoscuti peste tot gen Ford primesc roluri secundare si nu mai beneficiaza de toata atentia, iar cel de-al doilea coloana sonora, Zedd iar isi face loc cu piesele sale, dupa acest film si-a facut simtita prezenta si in Divergent, insa momentele in care ii intra piesele pe imagine dau bine.
Nota: 9/10
The high stakes thriller Paranoia takes us deep behind the scenes of global success to a deadly world of greed and deception. The two most powerful tech billionaires in the world (Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman) are bitter rivals with a complicated past who will stop at nothing to destroy each other. A young superstar (Liam Hemsworth), seduced by unlimited wealth and power falls between them, and becomes trapped in the middle of the twists and turns of their life-and-death game of corporate espionage. By the time he realizes his life is in danger, he is in far too deep and knows far too much for them to let him walk away.
Nota: 9/10
The high stakes thriller Paranoia takes us deep behind the scenes of global success to a deadly world of greed and deception. The two most powerful tech billionaires in the world (Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman) are bitter rivals with a complicated past who will stop at nothing to destroy each other. A young superstar (Liam Hemsworth), seduced by unlimited wealth and power falls between them, and becomes trapped in the middle of the twists and turns of their life-and-death game of corporate espionage. By the time he realizes his life is in danger, he is in far too deep and knows far too much for them to let him walk away.
joi, 24 iulie 2014
Los amantes pasajeros (I'm so excited)
Este un film care se vrea a fi o comedie, insa a iesit o mare porcarie. E facut cu un buget foarte redus, din care 70% dat pentru cele 10 secunde in care apar Antonio Banderas si Penelope Cruz, nu inteleg cum pot unii actori sa-si dea acordul pentru astfel de filme. N-are nicio linie actiunea, o tampenie, pierdere de timp, nu va uitati ! :))
Nota: 4/10
Los amantes pasajeros
A technical failure has endangered the lives of the people on board Peninsula Flight 2549. The pilots are striving, along with their colleagues in the Control Center, to find a solution. The flight attendants and the chief steward are atypical, baroque characters who, in the face of danger, try to forget their own personal problems and devote themselves body and soul to the task of making the flight as enjoyable as possible for the passengers, while they wait for a solution. Life in the clouds is as complicated as it is at ground level, and for the same reasons, which could be summarized in two: sex and death.
Nota: 4/10
Los amantes pasajeros
A technical failure has endangered the lives of the people on board Peninsula Flight 2549. The pilots are striving, along with their colleagues in the Control Center, to find a solution. The flight attendants and the chief steward are atypical, baroque characters who, in the face of danger, try to forget their own personal problems and devote themselves body and soul to the task of making the flight as enjoyable as possible for the passengers, while they wait for a solution. Life in the clouds is as complicated as it is at ground level, and for the same reasons, which could be summarized in two: sex and death.
Head in the Clouds
Un film interesant, cu atmosfera specifica acelor ani (20-30), o perioada plina de razboaie. Personajele, costumatia, locurile toate intra in peisajul specific unui astfel de film. Cele 3 personaje principale, cunoscute toate (Charlize Theron sau Penelope Cruz) fac deliciul piesei, ei emana o sexualitate autentica, insa lipsita de vulgaritate. Pe langa asta, filmul urmareste prietenia si iubirea, dar este cumva si despre aparente, iar actiunea din final te lasa sa-ti construiesti singur povestea. E un film pentru cei ce plac filmele de epoca.
Nota: 8/10
Head in the Clouds
HEAD IN THE CLOUDS is a sweeping romantic drama set in 1930's England, Paris, and Spain. Gilda Bessé shares her Paris apartment with an Irish schoolteacher, Guy Malyon, and Mia, a refugee from Spain. As the world drifts toward war, Gilda defiantly pursues her hedonistic lifestyle and her burgeoning career as a photographer. But Guy and Mia feel impelled to join the fight against fascism, and the three friends are separated - seemingly forever.
Nota: 8/10
Head in the Clouds
HEAD IN THE CLOUDS is a sweeping romantic drama set in 1930's England, Paris, and Spain. Gilda Bessé shares her Paris apartment with an Irish schoolteacher, Guy Malyon, and Mia, a refugee from Spain. As the world drifts toward war, Gilda defiantly pursues her hedonistic lifestyle and her burgeoning career as a photographer. But Guy and Mia feel impelled to join the fight against fascism, and the three friends are separated - seemingly forever.
miercuri, 23 iulie 2014
A fost un film reusit care te tine in tensiune de la inceput la final. E genul perfect de film care i se pliaza lui Liam Neesen, poate din acest motiv mi-a placut si atat de mult, el fiind actorul principal. Scenariu original, plin de suspans, nimic nu-ti prezice ceea ce se poate intampla in final, doar intr-o imaginare de ansamblu destul de mare. Cel mai misto lucru e ca iti da posibilitatea sa ghicesti tu "teroristul", ai de ales dintr-un avion de 150 de persoane ( +- personajele care's filmate asa, de decor). E de vazut !!
Nota: 10/10
Bill Marks, a former cop dealing with his daughter's death by drinking, is now a federal air marshal. While on a flight from New York to London, Marks gets a text telling him that unless 150 million dollars is transferred to an offshore account, someone will die every 20 minutes. Can he find the terrorist in time and save everyone?
Nota: 10/10
Bill Marks, a former cop dealing with his daughter's death by drinking, is now a federal air marshal. While on a flight from New York to London, Marks gets a text telling him that unless 150 million dollars is transferred to an offshore account, someone will die every 20 minutes. Can he find the terrorist in time and save everyone?
In prima faza filmul m-a captivat, insa ulterior a intervenit plictiseala si cliseul clasic cand binele invinge si ala bun salveaza situatia. Ok, ideea esentiala se bazeaza pe faptul ca multi uita ca puterea pe care ti-o da o functie inalta nu valoreaza nimic in fata mortii (cum statea la final ca un milog si cersea sa nu fie lasat acolo), iar tu cu personalitatea ta alegi cum sa fii infrant, demn sau plin de lasitate. Efectele vizuale nu impresioneaza deloc, jocul actoricesc e acceptabil, imi place totdeauna sa vad actori din seriale jucand si filme, cazul imparatului care a jucat in serialul 24 :D. Clar nu e film de cinema, e acceptabil totusi ca povestea aia de iubire nu isi face simtita prezenta foarte puternic.
Nota: 8/10 cu indulgenta
Set in 79 A.D., POMPEII tells the epic story of Milo (Kit Harington), a slave turned invincible gladiator who finds himself in a race against time to save his true love Cassia (Emily Browning), the beautiful daughter of a wealthy merchant who has been unwillingly betrothed to a corrupt Roman Senator. As Mount Vesuvius erupts in a torrent of blazing lava, Milo must fight his way out of the arena in order to save his beloved as the once magnificent Pompeii crumbles around him.
Nota: 8/10 cu indulgenta
Set in 79 A.D., POMPEII tells the epic story of Milo (Kit Harington), a slave turned invincible gladiator who finds himself in a race against time to save his true love Cassia (Emily Browning), the beautiful daughter of a wealthy merchant who has been unwillingly betrothed to a corrupt Roman Senator. As Mount Vesuvius erupts in a torrent of blazing lava, Milo must fight his way out of the arena in order to save his beloved as the once magnificent Pompeii crumbles around him.
sâmbătă, 19 iulie 2014
Filmul este tulburator, te tine in priza (daca pot spune asa :))) mai ales in prima jumate pentru ca pe final o lasa mai moale. E o poveste care socheaza, insa tind sa cred ca s-a mai repetat povestea de multe ori, doamna fiind probabil prima (povestea fiind reala in anii '60). Cred ca filmul poate fi o lectie de viata pentru fetele naive, care se grabesc sa se casatoreasca si sa se mute cu "persoana iubita" fara a o cunoaste foarte bine. In final, fiind un film cu o actrita porno, poate fi considerat film romantic? :)))))) Ca bonus: Linda Lovelace suna bine pentru un nume pornografic
Nota: 8/10
The story of Linda Lovelace, who is used and abused by the porn industry at the behest of her coercive husband, before taking control of her life.
Nota: 8/10
The story of Linda Lovelace, who is used and abused by the porn industry at the behest of her coercive husband, before taking control of her life.
Field of Dreams
Un film minunat si foarte emotionant, despre ce ai avut, ai pierdut si poti recastiga. Costner nu cred ca e actorul potrivit pentru acest rol insa o fi fost nevoia de un nume mare, in schimb a jucat destul de ok. Un film care se bazeaza pe o singura expresie " If you build it, he will come ". O sa ai impresia ca stii cine e acel "HE", dar vei ramane placut surprins cand descoperi ca nu e asa :)). Filmul merita vazut chiar daca e intercalat baseballul, un sport pe care unii nu-l agreaza, insa nu pe asta se axeaza povestea.
Nota: 10/10
Field of Dreams
Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella hears a voice in his corn field tell him, "If you build it, he will come." He interprets this message as an instruction to build a baseball field on his farm, upon which appear the ghosts of Shoeless Joe Jackson and the other seven Chicago White Sox players banned from the game for throwing the 1919 World Series. When the voices continue, Ray seeks out a reclusive author to help him understand the meaning of the messages and the purpose for his field.
Nota: 10/10
Field of Dreams
Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella hears a voice in his corn field tell him, "If you build it, he will come." He interprets this message as an instruction to build a baseball field on his farm, upon which appear the ghosts of Shoeless Joe Jackson and the other seven Chicago White Sox players banned from the game for throwing the 1919 World Series. When the voices continue, Ray seeks out a reclusive author to help him understand the meaning of the messages and the purpose for his field.
joi, 12 iunie 2014
Waiting for Forever
O drama care prezinta o poveste de dragoste putin mai ciudata fata de cele normale insa una destul de reusita. Povestea este draguta si emotionanta, pe unii posibil sa-i pocneasca lacrimile daca se uita intr-o duminica ploioasa la acest film :)). Chiar daca personajul principal da o senzatie de stalker, pentru o fata, in final s-ar putea dovedi o treaba frumoasa pe care n-a observat-o la timp. Chiar daca tipul are un caracter sensibil, cred ca-i destul de greu sa empatizezi cu o persoana care sufera totusi de o chestie psihica dusa la extrem. Intepretarea personajului principal face toata povestea una captivanta si plina de emotie. Finalul putea avea totusi alt deznodamant, dar descoperiti voi dupa vizionare filmului si il alegeti pe cel preferat ( sa nu fiu spoiler)
Nota: 9/10
Waiting for Forever
A Hollywood-set romantic tale of a guy who is content to live his life without a job yet with the love of his life, a young actress.
Nota: 9/10
Waiting for Forever
A Hollywood-set romantic tale of a guy who is content to live his life without a job yet with the love of his life, a young actress.
marți, 10 iunie 2014
Young Adult
Filmul este destul de banal insa jocul actoricesc prestat de Charlize Theron si morala filmului sunt punctele forte. Drama prezinta reintoarcerea unei femei in orasul natal pentru a-si recuceri iubirea din trecut. In filmele de genul nu povestea este cea care face deliciul, ci tipologia personajelor, evolutia lor si invataturile cu care raman in final. Sunt cateva momente comice in film, pe langa tristetea oferita de partea vietii pe care multi incearca sa o uite, parte transpusa in filmul de fata, sunt curios cati ar procedat ca in final
In final, e de apreciat cand vezi cat de mult bea o femeie, inteleg si ele astfel prin ce trec baietii :))
Nota: 7/10
Young Adult
Mavis Gary, once the high school 'It Girl', now an alcoholic divorcée who writes a soon to be canceled young adult fiction series, makes the decision to return to her childhood home in Minnesota. There she embarks on a plan to win back her former sweetheart, Buddy. The fact that Buddy is now married with a baby doesn't dissuade her. Along the way, she forms a bond with Matt Freehauf, another former classmate, who has been left disabled by a beating he took from a bunch of jocks.
In final, e de apreciat cand vezi cat de mult bea o femeie, inteleg si ele astfel prin ce trec baietii :))
Nota: 7/10
Young Adult
Mavis Gary, once the high school 'It Girl', now an alcoholic divorcée who writes a soon to be canceled young adult fiction series, makes the decision to return to her childhood home in Minnesota. There she embarks on a plan to win back her former sweetheart, Buddy. The fact that Buddy is now married with a baby doesn't dissuade her. Along the way, she forms a bond with Matt Freehauf, another former classmate, who has been left disabled by a beating he took from a bunch of jocks.
luni, 9 iunie 2014
World War Z
Un nou film despre zombie, unul destul de decent insa foarte greu de comentat. Nu cred ca este un film prost, insa are destul de multe lipsuri. Ideea generala cuprinde ideea de zombie, chiar si in film se discuta despre ei, dar nu prea este definitia de zombie aplicata intr-un film. Lipsesc muscaturile evidente, lipsesc oamenii mancati, foarte putin sange ceea ce ii scade putin si din eticheta de horror, dar mai important, din tensiunea filmului, nici principalele scene de actiune nu mai par realiste. Brad Pitt in schimb s-a descurcat destul de bine, da bine intr-un film de genul, insa pare destul de imbatranit (poate si faptul ca s-a plimbat pe toate continentele intr-un timp foarte scurt in acest film :))). Dramatismul este pe tot parcursul filmului, chiar si in final, modalitatea de a lupta cu acesti zombie fiind una noua ca idee, chiar daca se integreaza in final destul de fortat.
Iubitorii de zombie in mod clar vor fi nemultumiti dupa ce vor viziona acest film :)).
Nota: 9/10
Word War Z
Life for former United Nations investigator Gerry Lane and his family seems content. Suddenly, the world is plagued by a mysterious infection turning whole human populations into rampaging mindless zombies. After barely escaping the chaos, Lane is persuaded to go on a mission to investigate this disease. What follows is a perilous trek around the world where Lane must brave horrific dangers and long odds to find answers before human civilization falls.
Iubitorii de zombie in mod clar vor fi nemultumiti dupa ce vor viziona acest film :)).
Nota: 9/10
Word War Z
Life for former United Nations investigator Gerry Lane and his family seems content. Suddenly, the world is plagued by a mysterious infection turning whole human populations into rampaging mindless zombies. After barely escaping the chaos, Lane is persuaded to go on a mission to investigate this disease. What follows is a perilous trek around the world where Lane must brave horrific dangers and long odds to find answers before human civilization falls.
duminică, 8 iunie 2014
Runner Runner
As incepe postarea asta cu nota mica de pe imdb, eu cred ca filmul depaseste cu mult nota oferita de imdb, ofera o paleta buna de actori, unde l-am putea include si pe Leonardo diCaprio care isi pune amprenta ca producator/scenarist, prezinta o situatie noua cand vine vorba de filmele cu jocuri de noroc in special poker, o perspectiva care te pune pe ganduri si prima intrebare vine inevitabil " oare asta e realitatea din spatele jocurilor de noroc online? ", "asta e modul in care se invart banii cu adevarat? ". Scenariul este interesant, captivant, jocul actorilor este bun, are momente si momente cand te plictisesti, dar vine cu ceva sa-ti reatraga atentia. E imbucurator pentru Justin Timberlake ca isi face aparitia intr-o pleiada de filme, jucand diverse personaje insa tind sa cred ca ar trebui sa ramana la muzica. Pe langa asta, peisajele sunt dragute, iar coloana sonora are parti cand exceleaza (Piesele lui Deadmau5, care by the way s-a bagat in nebunia vietii lui numita Gumball 3000, se pliaza bine de tot pe actiune). Finalul previzibil chiar daca iti spune si personajul cam ce are de gand sa faca si la cum decurg lucrurile banuiesti si singur.
Nota: 9/10
Runner Runner
Princeton grad student Richie, believing he's been swindled, travels to Costa Rica to confront online gambling tycoon Ivan Block. Richie is seduced by Block's promise of immense wealth, until he learns the disturbing truth about his benefactor. When the FBI tries to coerce Richie to help bring down Block, Richie faces his biggest gamble ever: attempting to outmaneuver the two forces closing in on him.
Nota: 9/10
Runner Runner
Princeton grad student Richie, believing he's been swindled, travels to Costa Rica to confront online gambling tycoon Ivan Block. Richie is seduced by Block's promise of immense wealth, until he learns the disturbing truth about his benefactor. When the FBI tries to coerce Richie to help bring down Block, Richie faces his biggest gamble ever: attempting to outmaneuver the two forces closing in on him.
Arata mai bine posterul asta decat cel folosit de IMDB.
sâmbătă, 7 iunie 2014
Ride Along
Genul de comedie usoara, cu ceva actiune prezenta si fara mari pretentii de la el. Ma bucur sa vad ca apare un actor roman care a jucat in ceva filme americane, Dragos Bucur, cu o prestatie pasagera, dar in acelasi timp ma intristeaza faptul ca apare doar in primele 10 minute, 10 minute in care se simte diferenta dintre el si restul actorilor, dar e bine, nu stii cand de la 10 minute prinzi un rol principal :D.
Atmosfera din film este destul de destinsa, chiar daca actiune nu presupune acelasi lucru. Kevin Hart (Ben din film) e plin de energie si e peste tot in filmul asta, are glumitele la el, insa la un moment dat parca incepe sa te oboseasca insistenta lui de a face un lucru, devine exasperant ...
Nota: 8/10
Ride Along
Security guard Ben must prove himself to his girlfriend's brother, top cop James. He rides along James on a 24-hour patrol of Atlanta.
Atmosfera din film este destul de destinsa, chiar daca actiune nu presupune acelasi lucru. Kevin Hart (Ben din film) e plin de energie si e peste tot in filmul asta, are glumitele la el, insa la un moment dat parca incepe sa te oboseasca insistenta lui de a face un lucru, devine exasperant ...
Nota: 8/10
Ride Along
Security guard Ben must prove himself to his girlfriend's brother, top cop James. He rides along James on a 24-hour patrol of Atlanta.
Pe poster se precizeaza si motivul nuntii, insa e slab bagat in seama ... doar in punctul cand cei doi devin " parteneri ", oricum 'viitoarea nevasta' n-are nicio legatura cu filmul :))
joi, 5 iunie 2014
Panic Room
Un thriller din 2002 destul de bun. Ideea este originala si mi se pare mie destul de bine pusa in actiune. Actorii joaca binisor, iar cand te uiti la nume si vezi Jared Leto sau Kristen Stewart in floarea varstei iti dai seama ca ajung sa-si merite premiile castigate. Actiunea e si ea acolo, destul de captivanta prin ideea sa, te prinde pe parcurs. Apar insa unele clisee care-ti strica momentele alea de mare suspans. Chit ca totul se filmeaza intr-o casa, desfasurarea lucrurilor beneficiaza de mult spatiu, iar modul in care este filmat, prezinta multe detalii pe care le descoperi ulterior.
Finalul este ok si atat ... Apare politia la final ceea ce strica un pic ideea buna de pana atunci si termina tot ... pacat de unul din personaje la sfarsitul filmului, in viziunea mea vedeam alt deznodamant pentru acesta.
Nota: 9/10
Panic Room
Recently divorced Meg Altman and her daughter Sarah have bought a new home in New York. On their tour around the mansion, they come across the panic room. A room so secure, that no one can get in. When three burglars break in, Meg makes a move to the panic room. But all her troubles don't stop there. The criminals know where she is, and what they require the most in the house is in that very room.
Finalul este ok si atat ... Apare politia la final ceea ce strica un pic ideea buna de pana atunci si termina tot ... pacat de unul din personaje la sfarsitul filmului, in viziunea mea vedeam alt deznodamant pentru acesta.
Nota: 9/10
Panic Room
Recently divorced Meg Altman and her daughter Sarah have bought a new home in New York. On their tour around the mansion, they come across the panic room. A room so secure, that no one can get in. When three burglars break in, Meg makes a move to the panic room. But all her troubles don't stop there. The criminals know where she is, and what they require the most in the house is in that very room.
Posterul aduce mai mult a film horror, insa este un thriller veritabil.
miercuri, 4 iunie 2014
Paid in Full
Un film foarte bun. Precizez de la inceput ca filmul este inspirat dupa fapte reale, toata povestea fiind una adevarata. Ea descrie viata a 3 prieteni ispititi de lumea drogurilor din cartierele de negri din America. Povestea nu se abate deloc in momentul transpunerii in film ceea ce este foarte tare. E exact viata de Harlem din America, droguri, bani si "lumea" buna unde puternica legatura din cadrul unei gasti este redata foarte bine in scenariul filmului. Orice s-ar intampla, se ajuta unii pe altii cand le e greu, insa tot de la acest lucru a plecat si finalul filmului. De la o viata buna si 'echilibrata', cand apare acel "click" toate lucrurile se schimba si apar divergentele interioare. Un film in care se injura mult, dar un film destul de bun care te tine acolo, mai ales ca punctul culminant e de la inceput.
Mi-a placut mult motto-ul lor, " live and mantain ".
Nota: 9/10
Paid in Full
Ace is an impressionable young man working for a dry cleaning business. His friend, drug dealer Mitch goes to prison. In an unrelated incident, he finds some cocaine in a pants pocket. Soon, Ace finds himself dealing cocaine for Lulu. Via lucky breaks and solid interpersonal skills, Ace moves to the top of the Harlem drug world. Of course, unfaithful employees and/or rivals conspire to bring about Ace's fall.
Mi-a placut mult motto-ul lor, " live and mantain ".
Nota: 9/10
Paid in Full
Ace is an impressionable young man working for a dry cleaning business. His friend, drug dealer Mitch goes to prison. In an unrelated incident, he finds some cocaine in a pants pocket. Soon, Ace finds himself dealing cocaine for Lulu. Via lucky breaks and solid interpersonal skills, Ace moves to the top of the Harlem drug world. Of course, unfaithful employees and/or rivals conspire to bring about Ace's fall.
luni, 2 iunie 2014
Only God Forgives
Film morbid, intunecat.... cromatica specifica filmelor pline de crime and stuff. E genul de film care imparte spectatorii in 2 tabere: cei care nu agreaza filmul si cei care il adora, eu ma incadrez in prima parte. Scenele de violenta sunt prea expuse, iar scenariul este destul de slab... actiunile se petrec greu, iar scenele tin la nesfarsit, o fuga lenta de la o crima la alta. Acum partea interesanta a filmului, Ryan Gosling, e film pentru el sau nu? In opinia mea, NU!. A avut un rol prea static, pe post de 'mutulica', se putea obtine mult mai mult de la acel personaj daca era interpretat de altcineva... nu e Ryan facut pentru filmele astea
Nota: 5/10
Only God Forgives
Bangkok. Ten years ago Julian killed a man and went on the run. Now he manages a Thai boxing club as a front for a drugs operation. Respected in the criminal underworld, deep inside, he feels empty. When Julian's brother murders an underage prostitute, the police call on retired cop Chang - the Angel of Vengeance. Chang allows the father to kill his daughter's murderer, then 'restores order' by chopping off the man's right hand. Julian's mother Crystal - the head of a powerful criminal organization - arrives in Bangkok to collect her son's body. She dispatches Julian to find his killers and 'raise hell'.
Nota: 5/10
Only God Forgives
Bangkok. Ten years ago Julian killed a man and went on the run. Now he manages a Thai boxing club as a front for a drugs operation. Respected in the criminal underworld, deep inside, he feels empty. When Julian's brother murders an underage prostitute, the police call on retired cop Chang - the Angel of Vengeance. Chang allows the father to kill his daughter's murderer, then 'restores order' by chopping off the man's right hand. Julian's mother Crystal - the head of a powerful criminal organization - arrives in Bangkok to collect her son's body. She dispatches Julian to find his killers and 'raise hell'.
Posterul original. Pe langa acesta circula multe altele, tot cu Gosling in centrul atentiei (desigur), insa nu reflecta nimic din intamplarile acestui film.
joi, 29 mai 2014
Afternoon Delight
Filmul pare o comedie neagra, dar pana la urma e o drama cap-coada, este destul de plictisitor si oricum se adreseaza femeilor pentru ca la ele e problema principala din film, iar personajul principal nu face tare multe sa-si indrepte relatia de cuplu, de familia chiar, ba mai mult o complica in momentul in care se incurca total aiurea cu cine nu trebuie. In loc sa-si salveze ei viata, incearca s-o salveze cui nu trebuie :)).
Nota: 5/10
Afternoon Delight
Rachel is a quick-witted and lovable stay-at-home mom. Frustrated with the realities of preschool auctions, a lackluster sex life and career that's gone kaput, Rachel visits a strip club to spice up her marriage and meets McKenna, a stripper she adopts as her live-in nanny.
Nota: 5/10
Afternoon Delight
Rachel is a quick-witted and lovable stay-at-home mom. Frustrated with the realities of preschool auctions, a lackluster sex life and career that's gone kaput, Rachel visits a strip club to spice up her marriage and meets McKenna, a stripper she adopts as her live-in nanny.
da' nu Amazing Movie ...
luni, 26 mai 2014
Hell Baby
Cred ca e porcaria anului 2013 (daca aveti alte sugestii be my guest) pana acum. E genul de film la care nu te poti uita nici daca esti in ultima stare de plictiseala. Am impresia ca in ultima vreme sunt tot mai multe failuri atunci cand vine vorba unei comedii imbinata cu un horror ... Umorul in film e de foarte prost gust, actiunea n-are niciun rol in film, iar persoanejele sunt slabe, putine si ele oricum.
Budget: $2.500.000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend: $4.980 (USA) (6 September 2013)
Gross: $4.980 (USA)
Cred ca asta spune multe despre acest film :))
Nota: 3/10
Hell Baby
An expectant couple who moves into the most haunted house in New Orleans call upon the services of the Vatican's elite exorcism team to save them from a demonic baby.
Budget: $2.500.000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend: $4.980 (USA) (6 September 2013)
Gross: $4.980 (USA)
Cred ca asta spune multe despre acest film :))
Nota: 3/10
Hell Baby
An expectant couple who moves into the most haunted house in New Orleans call upon the services of the Vatican's elite exorcism team to save them from a demonic baby.
joi, 22 mai 2014
Genul de film dur, psihologic, care vrea sa exprime realitatea dura din timpul razboiul dintr-un tanc. Asta e conceptia mea referitor la ce a vrut regizorul sa arate cu acest film ... mie unul mi se pare cel mai slab echipaj organizat, adunat intr-un tanc si trimis la razboi :)) Tragaciu' a tras doar in conserve si ii e frica sa traga in chestii care misca, 'loaderu' vorbeste mult si prost si enerveaza tot echipajul, capitanul pare sa fie cel mai neexperimentat din toti :)))). Toata actiunea are loc in tanc si e destul de intunecata.
Nota: 6/10
June, 1982 - The First Lebanon War. A lone tank and a infantry platoon are dispatched to search a hostile town - a simple mission that turns into a nightmare. The four members of a tank crew find themselves in a violent situation that they cannot handle. Motivated by fear and the basic instinct of survival, they desperately try not to lose themselves in the most emblematic act of uncivilized problem solving: war.
Nota: 6/10
June, 1982 - The First Lebanon War. A lone tank and a infantry platoon are dispatched to search a hostile town - a simple mission that turns into a nightmare. The four members of a tank crew find themselves in a violent situation that they cannot handle. Motivated by fear and the basic instinct of survival, they desperately try not to lose themselves in the most emblematic act of uncivilized problem solving: war.
Cu efect de Instagram asa :))
Se pare ca orice film face Jason Statham, acesta e sortit succesului. Actor principal din nou, interesant sa-l vad cu pleata totusi :))))). In mare parte filmul mi-a placut, doar ca merge pe aceeasi idee consacrata de mult, din nimic, devii personajul care capteaza atentia, fie ca e vina ta, fie ca nu, iar in final tu esti invingator, iar ceilalti in salvari si masini de politie. Actiunea e destul de cursiva si te tine cat de cat acolo... De apreciat legatura fainuta tata-fiica, fiica ce joaca destul de interesant ce-i drept :)) Acuma nu stiu daca a fost de vina plictiseala teribila din tren sau filmul are totusi nitel potential, chiar daca e film regizat de Stallone care n-a avut o cariera ravasitoare in filme de genul.
Nota: 9/10
Phil Broker is a former DEA agent who has gone through a crisis after his action against a biker gang went horribly wrong and it cost the life of his boss' son. He is recently widowed and is left with a 9-years-old daughter,Maddy. He decides to quit the turbulent and demanding life of thrill for Maddy's sake and retires to a small town. His daughter fights off a boy who was bullying her at school and this sets in motion a round of events that end in his direct confrontation with the local Meth drug lord. His past history with the biker gang also enters the arena, making matters more complex. But he has a mission in his mind to protect his daughter and he is ready to pay any cost that it demands.
Nota: 9/10
Phil Broker is a former DEA agent who has gone through a crisis after his action against a biker gang went horribly wrong and it cost the life of his boss' son. He is recently widowed and is left with a 9-years-old daughter,Maddy. He decides to quit the turbulent and demanding life of thrill for Maddy's sake and retires to a small town. His daughter fights off a boy who was bullying her at school and this sets in motion a round of events that end in his direct confrontation with the local Meth drug lord. His past history with the biker gang also enters the arena, making matters more complex. But he has a mission in his mind to protect his daughter and he is ready to pay any cost that it demands.
The Other Woman
Se spune ca 2014 este anul comediilor, iar acest film face parte din acest gen. 3 doamne una si una alcatuiesc careul personajelor principale din film, un film facut special pentru fete, insa poate fi urmarit cu usurinta si de barbati (dovada reiesind din faptul ca ne-am distrat bine in cinematograf), alter-egoul lor facandu-si aparitia clar :)))). Este o comedie buna, presarata cu momente amuzante in fiecare secventa de-a lungul actiunii. Cameron Diaz inca se tine bine, in ciuda varstei, aparand usoare urme ale 'batranetii'.
Nota: 9/10
The Other Woman
After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly Whitten tries to get her ruined life back on track. But when she accidentally meets the wife he's been cheating on, she realizes they have much in common, and her sworn enemy becomes her greatest friend. When yet another affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot mutual revenge on their cheating, lying, three-timing SOB.
Nota: 9/10
The Other Woman
After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly Whitten tries to get her ruined life back on track. But when she accidentally meets the wife he's been cheating on, she realizes they have much in common, and her sworn enemy becomes her greatest friend. When yet another affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot mutual revenge on their cheating, lying, three-timing SOB.
luni, 19 mai 2014
Side Effects
Un film care te adoarme la inceput, dar te trezeste si iti capteaza atentia la un moment dat. Faptul ca te tine in suspans ii ofera o nota mare, actorii jucand si ei destul de bine, in special Law si Rooney, mai putin Tatuum, care e pus in film asa pion, nu deranjeaza pe nimeni :)). Scenariul e ok, iar atmosfera e demna de un thriller bun. Bun si finalul si toata imbarligatura de acolo.
Nota: 9/10
Side Effects
Emily Taylor, despite being reunited with her husband from prison, becomes severely depressed with emotional episodes and suicide attempts. Her psychiatrist, Jonathan Banks, after conferring with her previous doctor, eventually prescribes an experimental new medication called Ablixa. The plot thickens when the side effects of the drug lead to Emily killing her husband in a "sleepwalking" state. With Emily plea-bargained into mental hospital confinement and Dr. Banks' practice crumbling around him, the case seems closed. However, Dr. Banks cannot accept full responsibility and investigates to clear his name. What follows is a dark quest that threatens to tear what's left of his life apart even as he discovers the diabolical truth of this tragedy.
Nota: 9/10
Side Effects
Emily Taylor, despite being reunited with her husband from prison, becomes severely depressed with emotional episodes and suicide attempts. Her psychiatrist, Jonathan Banks, after conferring with her previous doctor, eventually prescribes an experimental new medication called Ablixa. The plot thickens when the side effects of the drug lead to Emily killing her husband in a "sleepwalking" state. With Emily plea-bargained into mental hospital confinement and Dr. Banks' practice crumbling around him, the case seems closed. However, Dr. Banks cannot accept full responsibility and investigates to clear his name. What follows is a dark quest that threatens to tear what's left of his life apart even as he discovers the diabolical truth of this tragedy.
vineri, 16 mai 2014
Sleepless in Seattle
Un film de craciun, dar care nu exemplifica spiritul acesta foarte vizibil, insa de sarbatori copiii pot face "minuni". Este o comedie romantic, numai buna de vazut impreuna cu familia, intr-o seara placuta. Tom Hanks primeste un rol destul de serios pe care-l interpreteaza interesant, iar Meg Ryan arata diferit de Meg Ryan pe care o stiu eu ( :)))))))) ), insa fac un cuplu dragut :D.
Nota: 8/10
Sleepless in Seattle
After his wife Maggie passes away, Sam Baldwin and his adolescent son Jonah relocate from Chicago to Seattle to escape the grief associated with Maggie's death. Eighteen months later, Sam is still grieving and can't sleep. Although Jonah misses his mother, he wants his father to get a new wife despite Sam having not even contemplated dating again. On Christmas Eve, Sam, on Jonah's initiative, ends up pouring his heart out on a national radio talk show about his magical and perfect marriage to Maggie, and how much he still misses her. Among the many women who hears Sam's story and falls in love with him solely because of it is Annie Reed, a Baltimore based newspaper writer. Annie's infatuation with Sam's story and by association Sam himself is despite being already engaged. But Annie's relationship with her straight-laced fiancé Walter is unlike her dream love life in the movie An Affair to Remember (1957). She even writes to Sam proposing they meet atop the Empire State Building on ...
Nota: 8/10
Sleepless in Seattle
After his wife Maggie passes away, Sam Baldwin and his adolescent son Jonah relocate from Chicago to Seattle to escape the grief associated with Maggie's death. Eighteen months later, Sam is still grieving and can't sleep. Although Jonah misses his mother, he wants his father to get a new wife despite Sam having not even contemplated dating again. On Christmas Eve, Sam, on Jonah's initiative, ends up pouring his heart out on a national radio talk show about his magical and perfect marriage to Maggie, and how much he still misses her. Among the many women who hears Sam's story and falls in love with him solely because of it is Annie Reed, a Baltimore based newspaper writer. Annie's infatuation with Sam's story and by association Sam himself is despite being already engaged. But Annie's relationship with her straight-laced fiancé Walter is unlike her dream love life in the movie An Affair to Remember (1957). She even writes to Sam proposing they meet atop the Empire State Building on ...
miercuri, 14 mai 2014
Premium Rush
Filmul nu are un scenariu stralucit ori prestatia actorilor sa fie la fel, insa ideea e interesanta si pusa in practica printr-un mod original (nu mai trimitem toate pachetele cu masina), iar dupa film poti sa zici ca ai pedalat si tu 2-3 kilometri :)). Actiunea e alerta si plina de adrenalina ceea ce te tine in priza in multe momente ale filmului (urmarirea prin parc mai ales). Amuzant e la final, momentul cand s-au adunat toti, zici ca-s taximetristii Bucurestiului, in orice loc ar fi cand e vorba de o "interventie" in 5-10 minute sunt acolo baietii :)).
Un film placut de urmarit mai ales pentru cei care detin o bicicleta sau fanii sportului pe 2 roti (daca tot e Giro saptamanile astea :D).
Nota: 7/10
Premium Rush
Wilee is one of 1,500 bike couriers in Manhattan who rides on the edge by having a bike with no brakes. On this day, Wilee has a delivery that is so valuable that a corrupt NYC Detective, who needs the money, begins to chase Wilee throughout the city to get it before the envelope is delivered.
Un film placut de urmarit mai ales pentru cei care detin o bicicleta sau fanii sportului pe 2 roti (daca tot e Giro saptamanile astea :D).
Nota: 7/10
Premium Rush
Wilee is one of 1,500 bike couriers in Manhattan who rides on the edge by having a bike with no brakes. On this day, Wilee has a delivery that is so valuable that a corrupt NYC Detective, who needs the money, begins to chase Wilee throughout the city to get it before the envelope is delivered.
O poveste intortochiata cu un subiect ce prezinta femeia si toate laturile ei. Premisele par sa ofere un thriller amoros de calitate cu actori de care s-a auzit insa ceea ce a iesit in final lasa de dorit. Chimia dintre personaja e destul de slaba, iar finalul este foarte incoerent. Sunt parti in film care sunt interesante si te tin captiv, dar si parti care te plictisesc si nu au nicio noima... apar unele insertii interesante (precum scena de balet) insa cam atat ...
Nota: 6/10
The rivalry between the manipulative boss of an advertising agency and her talented protégée escalates from stealing credit to public humiliation to murder.
Nota: 6/10
The rivalry between the manipulative boss of an advertising agency and her talented protégée escalates from stealing credit to public humiliation to murder.
marți, 13 mai 2014
Movie 43
O idiotenie de film alcatuit din scurtmetraje si reclame insa fara nicio legatura, nu exista un subiect concret al filmului. Cretinitate de film cu glume de 2 lei, scenetele parca-s scrise de copii de 10 ani, plin de glume cu tenta sexuala si injuraturi la greu. Niciodata nu te-ai fi asteptat sa vezi asemenea distributie (Uma Thurman, Kate Winslet, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler) alocata unui asemenea film. Ei probabil s-au distrat copios la filmari pe langa onorariul luat.
Filmul ar trebui sa ma faca sa zambesc in repetate randuri insa slabe sanse sa schitezi ceva vizionandu-l.
Sa nu va uitati la un asa film.
Nota: 4/10 - pentru actorii aia grozavi
Movie 43
Ineffectual, 'has-been' film-maker (Dennis Quaid) swindles his way into an interview with a film executive (Greg Kinnear) in order to pitch an outrageous and controversial comedy manuscript. After pitching the first of his thirteen offbeat fables, the dejected artist forces the rest of his disjointed allegory on the executive at gunpoint. He tells stories of a woman on a blind date with a man who has testicles growing from his neck, in another a smitten woman offers her neck to her boyfriend to 'poop' on -as a sign of commitment and love. In yet another two parents take home-schooling to a whole new level of indecency, striving to give their isolated teenage son all the 'regular' torment and humiliation of puberty by bullying, peer-pressuring and even seducing him themselves. An off-beat, elephant-in-the-room type film.
Filmul ar trebui sa ma faca sa zambesc in repetate randuri insa slabe sanse sa schitezi ceva vizionandu-l.
Sa nu va uitati la un asa film.
Nota: 4/10 - pentru actorii aia grozavi
Movie 43
Ineffectual, 'has-been' film-maker (Dennis Quaid) swindles his way into an interview with a film executive (Greg Kinnear) in order to pitch an outrageous and controversial comedy manuscript. After pitching the first of his thirteen offbeat fables, the dejected artist forces the rest of his disjointed allegory on the executive at gunpoint. He tells stories of a woman on a blind date with a man who has testicles growing from his neck, in another a smitten woman offers her neck to her boyfriend to 'poop' on -as a sign of commitment and love. In yet another two parents take home-schooling to a whole new level of indecency, striving to give their isolated teenage son all the 'regular' torment and humiliation of puberty by bullying, peer-pressuring and even seducing him themselves. An off-beat, elephant-in-the-room type film.
joi, 8 mai 2014
Life of Pi
Un film frumos. O poveste foarte interesanta si complexa. Peisajele si jocul actorilor este foarte interesant, iar amatorii de animale e musai sa vizioneze acest film, toata " jungla " e prezenta :)) Efectele sunt destul de slabute, prea fictive, iar la un moment dat e amuzant ca o da din Titanic in Arca lui Noe :)). In rest filmul e fain, relatia om-animal exprimata bine in acest caz. Ceea ce e interesant (exceptand acel moment trist din final - no spoilers), este faptul ca te lasa sa iti alegi finalul, final care este ales in functie de persoana ce urmareste acest film, ce iti place, ce crezi ca este plauzibil sau ceea ce vrei tu sa se intample.
Nota: 9/10
Life of Pi
In Canada, a writer visits the Indian storyteller Pi Patel and asks him to tell his life story. Pi tells the story of his childhood in Pondicherry, India, and the origin of his nickname. One day, his father, a zoo owner, explains that the municipality is no longer supporting the zoo and he has hence decided to move to Canada, where the animals the family owns would also be sold. They board on a Japanese cargo ship with the animals and out of the blue, there is a storm, followed by a shipwrecking. Pi survives in a lifeboat with a zebra, an orangutan, a hyena and a male Bengal tiger nicknamed Richard Parker. They are adrift in the Pacific Ocean, with aggressive hyena and Rickard Parker getting hungry. Pi needs to find a way to survive.
Nota: 9/10
Life of Pi
In Canada, a writer visits the Indian storyteller Pi Patel and asks him to tell his life story. Pi tells the story of his childhood in Pondicherry, India, and the origin of his nickname. One day, his father, a zoo owner, explains that the municipality is no longer supporting the zoo and he has hence decided to move to Canada, where the animals the family owns would also be sold. They board on a Japanese cargo ship with the animals and out of the blue, there is a storm, followed by a shipwrecking. Pi survives in a lifeboat with a zebra, an orangutan, a hyena and a male Bengal tiger nicknamed Richard Parker. They are adrift in the Pacific Ocean, with aggressive hyena and Rickard Parker getting hungry. Pi needs to find a way to survive.
sâmbătă, 19 aprilie 2014
End Of Watch
Filmul arata ca un documentar de fapt despre munca politistilor, o munca in care ai nevoie de curaj, daruire, sacrificiu... un film cu si despre politisti cu mult suspans si adrenalina cu momente reale care se intampla zi de zi in cartierele din orasele mari din America, jafuri, omoruri, scandaluri, petreceri cu droguri si urmariri periculoase. Chiar daca este putin plictisitor la inceput, el devine captivant destul de repede prin realismul actiunilor, fiind un film un pic atipic cand ai tot vazut filme cu politisti.
Se termina interesant, dar trist cu toate ca de pe parcurs iti ofera 'idei' despre cum s-ar termina, insa probabil ramai surprins (ca mine).
Nota: 9/10
End of Watch
In South Central Los Angeles, street cops Brian and Mike are partners - balls-out cowboys patrolling the streets as Latino gangs are in a power struggle with Blacks. Brian and Mike get lucky a couple of times, making big drug and human-trafficking busts, so a Mexican cartel orders their deaths. We meet Mike's pregnant wife (whom he married out of high school) and watch Brian's search for a soul mate. There are internal squabbles within the ranks of the LAPD and lots of squad-car conversation. Can the lads escape the cartel's murderous reach?
Se termina interesant, dar trist cu toate ca de pe parcurs iti ofera 'idei' despre cum s-ar termina, insa probabil ramai surprins (ca mine).
Nota: 9/10
End of Watch
In South Central Los Angeles, street cops Brian and Mike are partners - balls-out cowboys patrolling the streets as Latino gangs are in a power struggle with Blacks. Brian and Mike get lucky a couple of times, making big drug and human-trafficking busts, so a Mexican cartel orders their deaths. We meet Mike's pregnant wife (whom he married out of high school) and watch Brian's search for a soul mate. There are internal squabbles within the ranks of the LAPD and lots of squad-car conversation. Can the lads escape the cartel's murderous reach?
luni, 14 aprilie 2014
Come out and play
Cea mai pierdere de timp... sarac in personaje, putinele personaje joaca prost si nu atrag atentia cu nimic, decor saracacios, regia si interpretarea stupide. Subiectul destul de tampit, copii care omoara adulti, de parca oricati ar fi s-ar putea opune unor oameni mai destepti si mai impunatori fizic ca ei ... in antiteza cu finalul chiar unde personajul principal scapa de un numar mare de copii foarte usor. Finalul, o tampenie, barbatul e ucis de un politist de la paza de coasta, care si el e omorat de-un copil cu propria arma, apoi ei pun stapanire pe barca si pleaca .... penibilitate de film.
Poate ca ideea filmului era interzicerea avortului (femeia fiind gravida), deoarece in film apare jena de a omori un copil ...
Nota: 4/10
Beth (Vinessa Shaw) and Francis (Ebon Moss-Bachrach), a young married couple, are on holiday together when they venture to a beautiful, but highly remote, island. Beth is pregnant and the two are hoping to enjoy their last vacation before their baby is born. When they arrive, they notice that while there are plenty of children present, the adults all seem to be missing. Initially attributing this to the after effects of a recent festival, they quickly realize something far more sinister is afoot. The two will face terror and unsettling difficult decisions in their quest to make it off the island alive.
"Not every child is born good" - BULLSHIT!
duminică, 13 aprilie 2014
The Internship
Filmul este amuzant cat ii permite, Vince Vaughn e printre preferatii mei la comedie, stilul lui de a vorbi mult si uneori fara rost il face un personaj simpatic :)) cu atat mai mult ca acum a fost si scenarist. Filmul e o publicitate continua pentru compania Google, in mare iti prezinta modul de lucru in cadrul companiei si multitudinea de elemente pe care majoritatea o stim (barul unde orice servesti e gratis, bicicletele colorate in culorile Google, birourile pline de culori). In conceptia mea, ideea filmului doreste sa evidentieze ca in orice companie, toti 'tocilarii' si workaholicii nu pot face fata fara "ceilalti": degeaba esti un geniu sclipitor daca o idee incredibila iti vine la o bere cu un prieten idiot. Filmul iti aduce zambetul pe buze la multe scene, dar pune in evidenta si rolul muncii in echipa fara de care nu rezisti intr-o companie, increderea in sine si curajul de a lupta pentru visul tau.
Puntea din actiunea filmului e in momentul in care Billy cauta de munca si tastand aiurea pe Google realizeaza faptul ca ar putea lucra acolo, ideea e slaba, puteau gasi ceva mult mai original pentru a realiza trecerea asta. Imediat dupa e si partea cu interviul, la fel de idiotic realizat ...
Nota: 8/10
The Internship
Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) are salesmen whose careers have been torpedoed by the digital world. Trying to prove they are not obsolete, they defy the odds by talking their way into a coveted internship at Google, along with a battalion of brilliant college students. But, gaining entrance to this utopia is only half the battle. Now they must compete with a group of the nation's most elite, tech-savvy geniuses to prove that necessity really is the mother of re-invention.
Puntea din actiunea filmului e in momentul in care Billy cauta de munca si tastand aiurea pe Google realizeaza faptul ca ar putea lucra acolo, ideea e slaba, puteau gasi ceva mult mai original pentru a realiza trecerea asta. Imediat dupa e si partea cu interviul, la fel de idiotic realizat ...
Nota: 8/10
The Internship
Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) are salesmen whose careers have been torpedoed by the digital world. Trying to prove they are not obsolete, they defy the odds by talking their way into a coveted internship at Google, along with a battalion of brilliant college students. But, gaining entrance to this utopia is only half the battle. Now they must compete with a group of the nation's most elite, tech-savvy geniuses to prove that necessity really is the mother of re-invention.
Filmul per total e ca o joaca de copii. Ca o tabara plina de aventuri, inceputul se aseamana foarte mult cu Harry Potter (Alegerea taberelor, statul la masa in cadrul factiunii). Divergent este prea mediatizat pentru ce arata, este foarte lung (140 de minute) in care totul este foarte previzibil, orice persoane desluseste usor urmatoarea miscare, in plus, nu pierzi nimic daca ajungi in ultimele 30 de minute din film, toata actiunea se petrece acolo (in afara de evolutia personajului principal pe parcurs, dar era previzibila si asta) cu o viteza prea mare, ca si cum ar realiza ca filmul e prea lung, hai sa-l finalizam rapid... Cel mai mult in acest film mi-a placut coloana sonora, fiind un ascultator de EDM am fost bucuros sa recunosc vocea perfecta pentru acest gen de muzica (Ellie Goulding) sau piese de la Zedd si M83. Scenariul si efectele vizuale au fost destul de ok tinand cont de faptul ca eu unul nu ma dau in vant dupa SF.uri. Am inteles ca trebuie sa vad si Hunger Games pentru ca se asemenea, vad apoi care-i mai bun :))
Nota: 8/10
Set in a futuristic dystopia where society is divided into five factions that each represent a different virtue, teenagers have to decide if they want to stay in their faction or switch to another - for the rest of their lives. Tris Prior makes a choice that surprises everyone. Then Tris and her fellow faction-members have to live through a highly competitive initiation process to live out the choice they have made. They must undergo extreme physical and intense psychological tests, that transform them all. But Tris has a secret that she is Divergent, which means she doesn't fit into any one group. If anyone knew, it would mean a certain death. As she discovers a growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, this secret might help her save the people she loves... or it might destroy her.
Nota: 8/10
Set in a futuristic dystopia where society is divided into five factions that each represent a different virtue, teenagers have to decide if they want to stay in their faction or switch to another - for the rest of their lives. Tris Prior makes a choice that surprises everyone. Then Tris and her fellow faction-members have to live through a highly competitive initiation process to live out the choice they have made. They must undergo extreme physical and intense psychological tests, that transform them all. But Tris has a secret that she is Divergent, which means she doesn't fit into any one group. If anyone knew, it would mean a certain death. As she discovers a growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, this secret might help her save the people she loves... or it might destroy her.
Si gluma aparuta inevitabil pe internet
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Filmul este genul de comedie pe care multi nu o gusta (cand am iesit din sala un grup se dadea de toti peretii ca regreta filmul ales), cu umor de calitate care vine atunci cand e momentul, o veselie care o da usor in senil :)). Merge pe genul Feel-Good movie cu structura poveste in poveste, cu efecte foarte bune si muzica bine aleasa, actorii joaca destul de bine rolurile, actori foarte cunoscuti, dar cu roluri marunte si foarte amuzante (exemplu Bill Murray) cat sa-i puna in valoare. Decorurile de asemenea foarte ingrijite si bine alese, ies puternic in evidenta.
Actiunea se deruleaza foarte rapid, dar nu te lasa in urma daca pierzi un moment.
Nota: 10/10
Hotel Grand Budapest
GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL recounts the adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend. The story involves the theft and recovery of a priceless Renaissance painting and the battle for an enormous family fortune -- all against the back-drop of a suddenly and dramatically changing Continent.
Actiunea se deruleaza foarte rapid, dar nu te lasa in urma daca pierzi un moment.
Nota: 10/10
Hotel Grand Budapest
GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL recounts the adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend. The story involves the theft and recovery of a priceless Renaissance painting and the battle for an enormous family fortune -- all against the back-drop of a suddenly and dramatically changing Continent.
Roz, asa, simpatic :))
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