sâmbătă, 26 iulie 2014

That Awkward Moment

Un film presarat cu toate ideile preconcepute care au animat adolescenta fiecaruia. Plin de voie buna, cu "glume ca intre baieti" care vor doar sa mai copilareasca o vreme pana sa inceapa "adevarata viata". Distributia nu e excelenta, dar pare potrivita, momentele emotionante sunt mai numeroase decat cele amuzante (eu am numarat 2 faze la care am ras puternic, in rest cate-un zambet schitat in coltul gurii). E amuzant cum incearca ei sa combine in bar si le si iese sau momentele in care se mint teribil si totusi se prind de glume :)))). E film lejer, de vazut cand nu e altceva mai bun de facut. Stii ca filmul si-a ales bine coloana sonora in momentul in care auzi o melodie si iti capteaza atentia mai mult decat actiunea, asa s-a intamplat si cu piesa asta.

Nota: 8/10

That Awkward Moment

Jason has just been dumped, but he didn't even realize they were going out. Meanwhile, Mikey's wife has just asked him for a divorce, and perpetually single Daniel is still single. The three best friends are determined to stay single together and just have fun. But then Jason meets Ellie who just might be perfect for him, Daniel starts to realize that his gal pal Chelsea might be perfect for him, and Mikey has always thought that his wife was perfect for him. The boys are going to have to juggle their single life with their romantic entanglements and it's going to get awkward.

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