luni, 2 iunie 2014

Only God Forgives

Film morbid, intunecat.... cromatica specifica filmelor pline de crime and stuff. E genul de film care imparte spectatorii in 2 tabere: cei care nu agreaza filmul si cei care il adora, eu ma incadrez in prima parte. Scenele de violenta sunt prea expuse, iar scenariul este destul de slab... actiunile se petrec greu, iar scenele tin la nesfarsit, o fuga lenta de la o crima la alta. Acum partea interesanta a filmului, Ryan Gosling, e film pentru el sau nu? In opinia mea, NU!. A avut un rol prea static, pe post de 'mutulica', se putea obtine mult mai mult de la acel personaj daca era interpretat de altcineva... nu e Ryan facut pentru filmele astea

Nota: 5/10

Only God Forgives

Bangkok. Ten years ago Julian killed a man and went on the run. Now he manages a Thai boxing club as a front for a drugs operation. Respected in the criminal underworld, deep inside, he feels empty. When Julian's brother murders an underage prostitute, the police call on retired cop Chang - the Angel of Vengeance. Chang allows the father to kill his daughter's murderer, then 'restores order' by chopping off the man's right hand. Julian's mother Crystal - the head of a powerful criminal organization - arrives in Bangkok to collect her son's body. She dispatches Julian to find his killers and 'raise hell'.

Posterul original. Pe langa acesta circula multe altele, tot cu Gosling in centrul atentiei (desigur), insa nu reflecta nimic din intamplarile acestui film.

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