luni, 14 aprilie 2014

Come out and play

Cea mai pierdere de timp... sarac in personaje, putinele personaje joaca prost si nu atrag atentia cu nimic, decor saracacios, regia si interpretarea stupide. Subiectul destul de tampit, copii care omoara adulti, de parca oricati ar fi s-ar putea opune unor oameni mai destepti si mai impunatori fizic ca ei ... in antiteza cu finalul chiar unde personajul principal scapa de un numar mare de copii foarte usor. Finalul, o tampenie, barbatul e ucis de un politist de la paza de coasta, care si el e omorat de-un copil cu propria arma, apoi ei pun stapanire pe barca si pleaca .... penibilitate de film.
Poate ca ideea filmului era interzicerea avortului (femeia fiind gravida), deoarece in film apare jena de a omori un copil ...

Nota: 4/10

Beth (Vinessa Shaw) and Francis (Ebon Moss-Bachrach), a young married couple, are on holiday together when they venture to a beautiful, but highly remote, island. Beth is pregnant and the two are hoping to enjoy their last vacation before their baby is born. When they arrive, they notice that while there are plenty of children present, the adults all seem to be missing. Initially attributing this to the after effects of a recent festival, they quickly realize something far more sinister is afoot. The two will face terror and unsettling difficult decisions in their quest to make it off the island alive.

"Not every child is born good" - BULLSHIT! 

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