Se pare ca orice film face Jason Statham, acesta e sortit succesului. Actor principal din nou, interesant sa-l vad cu pleata totusi :))))). In mare parte filmul mi-a placut, doar ca merge pe aceeasi idee consacrata de mult, din nimic, devii personajul care capteaza atentia, fie ca e vina ta, fie ca nu, iar in final tu esti invingator, iar ceilalti in salvari si masini de politie. Actiunea e destul de cursiva si te tine cat de cat acolo... De apreciat legatura fainuta tata-fiica, fiica ce joaca destul de interesant ce-i drept :)) Acuma nu stiu daca a fost de vina plictiseala teribila din tren sau filmul are totusi nitel potential, chiar daca e film regizat de Stallone care n-a avut o cariera ravasitoare in filme de genul.
Nota: 9/10
Phil Broker is a former DEA agent who has gone through a crisis after his action against a biker gang went horribly wrong and it cost the life of his boss' son. He is recently widowed and is left with a 9-years-old daughter,Maddy. He decides to quit the turbulent and demanding life of thrill for Maddy's sake and retires to a small town. His daughter fights off a boy who was bullying her at school and this sets in motion a round of events that end in his direct confrontation with the local Meth drug lord. His past history with the biker gang also enters the arena, making matters more complex. But he has a mission in his mind to protect his daughter and he is ready to pay any cost that it demands.
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