duminică, 28 decembrie 2014

The Orphanage

Filmul se presupune a fi horror, insa e plin de psihologie si mister + cateva parti horror. Actrita principala (se tine bine doamna :))) duce cam toata actiunea filmului si in afara de prestatia ei nu prea e ceva de notat in rest. Initial, porneste bine, insa pe parcurs actiunea filmului se taraganeaza inutil, devenind plictisitor pana la final, care te scoate asa putin din inertia in care te pregateai sa intri. Tinand cont ca e un film strain, iar ideea e relativ noua, e un film acceptabil, bun. Daca astepti sa vezi sange sau sa te sperii la fiecare faza, ar trebui sa-ti alegi alt film.

Nota: 7/10

The Orphanage

Laura, a former orphan, raises her adopted son Simón together with her husband Carlos in an old house and former orphanage where she was raised. While at the orphanage Simón tells Laura that he has five invisible friends which she believes are a product of his active imagination. Laura decides to reopen the orphanage to cater for disabled children and throws a party. During the party Simón tries to persuade Laura to go and take a look at his friends cabin but she's too busy. Later on she sees a mysterious masked boy and realizes that Simón has also disappeared. Laura feels the presence of other people in the house and months later Laura invites a team of parapsychologists to try to unravel the mystery.

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