miercuri, 13 aprilie 2016


Primul gand dupa ce a inceput filmul a fost ca ma uit la Into The Wild varianta feminina, insa pe parcurs iti dai seama ca nu prea le poti compara.
Un roadmovie care ajuta actrita principala sa treaca peste momentele "wild" din viata ei, si se pare ca a avut ceva. Reese nu e wow in film, insa e mult mai bine ca in "Blonda de la drept".
Exceptand faptul ca se promoveaza traseul turistic, nu iese cu nimic in evidenta, finalul asta meh si chiar putin previzibil.

Nota: 7/10


With the dissolution of her marriage and the death of her mother, Cheryl Strayed has lost all hope. After years of reckless, destructive behavior, she makes a rash decision. With absolutely no experience, driven only by sheer determination, Cheryl hikes more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail, alone. Wild powerfully captures the terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging ahead against all odds on a journey that maddens, strengthen, and ultimately heals her.

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