duminică, 18 decembrie 2016


O drama romantica ce lasa un gust amar dupa vizionare din mai multe cauze. In primul rand povestea este putin anosta, scenariul este cam simplist si lipsit de ... esenta? Poti face rezumatul unui film de doua ore intr-o pagina A4. Din cele 6 nominalizari pe care le-a primit la Oscar as fi de acord cu 3 sau 4 din ele: coloana sonora unde as adauga prezenta decorului si intrarea in atmosfera anilor 50 plus prestatia celor doua doamne din rolurile principale, Cate Blanchett si Mara Rooney.
Finalul este previzibil, la fel ca tot sirul actiunii urmat de film. Cu toate acestea nu vad ce as putea adauga scenariului, insa este dezamagitor sa afli ca s-au chinuit ani de zile sa finalizeze un scenariu pe care l-au filmat intr-un timp relativ scurt.
Anyway, dragut numele filmului avand in vedere perioada Craciunului in care se desfasoara 80% din film.

Nota: 7/10


In an adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's seminal novel The Price of Salt, CAROL follows two women from very different backgrounds who find themselves in an unexpected love affair in 1950s New York. As conventional norms of the time challenge their undeniable attraction, an honest story emerges to reveal the resilience of the heart in the face of change. A young woman in her 20s, Therese Belivet (Rooney Mara), is a clerk working in a Manhattan department store and dreaming of a more fulfilling life when she meets Carol (Cate Blanchett), an alluring woman trapped in a loveless, convenient marriage. As an immediate connection sparks between them, the innocence of their first encounter dims and their connection deepens. While Carol breaks free from the confines of marriage, her husband (Kyle Chandler) begins to question her competence as a mother as her involvement with Therese and close relationship with her best friend Abby (Sarah Paulson) come to light.

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