marți, 6 decembrie 2016


Ce bine imi pare ca elimin din filmele astea SF la care nu cred ca as avea curaj sa ma uit daca nu aveam pornirea din acest moment. Dupa Man of Steel care a fost ok'ish, a urmat Prometheus care e de cacao. Nu pot intui alte parti pozitive pentru acest film in afara de cadrele impresionante pe un ecran mare, acel aparat care iti face orice operatie, dar stai sa vezi ca e doar pentru barbati (nu face cezariana), dar si nava care-i destul de cool overall.
In rest, logica scartaie pe parcursul celor 2 ore, iar unele faze sunt chiar aberante. Chiar daca este alert, filmul nu prea are suspans, iar coloana sonora lipseste cu desavarsire - o fi ceva normal pentru SF-uri.

Nota: 6/10


This film is set in 2093 and takes place in the same universe as the 'Alien' movies. A group of explorers, including some archaeologists, are on an "undisclosed" mission. They arrive at a moon trillions of miles away from Earth. The team spot what they believe to be signs of civilization. They go to investigate and find more than just signs, they find conclusive evidence. But some of them have an ulterior motive for being there, including the Weyland Corporation. They believe that this is where the human race actually came from. Things soon turn from excitement to survival once inside their discovery.

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