luni, 21 decembrie 2015

The Monuments Men

Un film biografic din perioada razboiului cu o distributie de exceptie formata din actori mari precum Bill Murray sau Matt Damon, dar si George Clooney in dublu rol, acela de personaj si scenarist. Cu toate ca imbina arta si razboiul, actiunea este destul de inceata si chiar daca incepe bine si promite calitate se impotmoleste intr-o maniera de documentar plictisitor, poate tocmai din dorinta de a arata mai mult.
Desi este inspirat din realitate, realitatea dura a razboiului nu se observa mai deloc, soldatii dand senzatia ca sunt in vacanta.
Ce mi-a placut cel mai mult: coloana sonora si faptul ca actorii, find mai toti destul de cunoscuti, s-au completat intre ei si au oferit un umor de calitate, chiar daca situatia nu o cere :)). Desigur, putina auto-ironie pe langa toate.

Nota: 8/10

The Monuments Men

Based on the true story of the greatest treasure hunt in history, The Monuments Men is an action drama focusing on an unlikely World War II platoon, tasked by FDR with going into Germany to rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves and returning them to their rightful owners. It would be an impossible mission: with the art trapped behind enemy lines, and with the German army under orders to destroy everything as the Reich fell, how could these guys - seven museum directors, curators, and art historians, all more familiar with Michelangelo than the M-1 - possibly hope to succeed? But as the Monuments Men, as they were called, found themselves in a race against time to avoid the destruction of 1000 years of culture, they would risk their lives to protect and defend mankind's greatest achievements

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