sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2015


Ok, sa zicem din start faptul ca filmul are un singur actor si se desfasoara intr-o masina. Tom Hardy e singurul care 'se vede' in film, si cred ca el face parte si din punctul forte al filmului, se transpune in pielea personajului destul de bine. Protagonistul reuseste sa in acelasi timp sa isi rezolve problemele, unele destul de grave, iar concomitent, isi expune si trairile fata de privitor.
Ideea regizorului este inedita, iar in ultima vreme apar tot mai multe filme de genul acesta, cu actiunea care se focuseaza in jurul unui singur actor, vezi Buried. Chiar daca nu este actiune in sensul propriu al cuvantului, reuseste sa fie o lucrare captivanta.
Un film bun care ofera o lectie de viata si faptul ca viata oricui se poate schimba intr-o clipa (bine, cateva luni :)))).

Nota: 8/10


Leaving the construction site on the eve of a major project, construction manager Ivan Locke receives news that sends him driving the two hours from Birmingham to London, but even further from the life he once knew. Making the decision that he has to make, he then calls his wife, his sons, his co-workers and boss telling them the secret that he is bearing and trying to keep his job and family intact. But even more importantly, he will have to face himself and the choices he has made.

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