duminică, 6 decembrie 2015

Secret in Their Eyes

Un film proaspat aparut pe ecranele cinematografelor, care promite multe mai ales prin prisma distributiei (Kate Winslet, Julia Roberts). Din cate am citit pe net, filmul e o copie hollywoodiana a filmului El secreto de sus ojos, un film argentinian din 2009 cu ceva premii obtinute.
Plotul e interesant, te prinde cat de cat, chiar daca actiunea nu e foarte alerta, insa daca te ia cu chefless e posibil sa pierzi notiunea filmului, ba esti in prezent, ba acum 13 ani, tinand cont ca au folosit tehnica flashback pentru momentele astea, actorii sunt neschimbati (Bumpy primeste o carja :))))). Pe langa multitudinea cliseelor si a faptului ca iti da impresia unui final previzibil, actorii isi fac treaba destul de bine (Julia Roberts ori a imbatranit teribil, ori e 'stearsa' pentru rolul din film).
Finalul e unul surprinzator, ceea ce e bine, daca te-ai putea focusa 100% pe parcursul filmului poate iti dai seama de final :)))).

Nota: 8/10

Secret in Their Eyes

2002: Ray Kasten (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Jess Cooper (Julia Roberts) are two investigations in a private police unit led by the DA. When they receive an anonymous tip about a girl raped and killed, they rush to the scene. Ray realizes it is Jess' daughter and the team falls apart due to the grief. In 2015, Ray comes back to LA, and says that after 13 years, he has found a lead and convinces the DA to reopen the case. They find clues and leads unknown to them, and secrets from the past come to light as they start discovering the real, chilling truth. Meanwhile, Jess, unsatisfied with the law, decides to take matters into her own hands and track down the killer, no matter what lengths she has to go to.

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