luni, 24 septembrie 2012

The Grey

E genul de film care se bazeaza pe un singur actor , in cazul de fata Liam Neeson , alt preferat de-al meu insa in cazul de fata filmul a fost cam dezamagitor. Povestea curge normal pana la o bucata cand personajele ajung sa moara din motive mult mai aiurea decat un accident de avion care e foarte previzibil de altfel. Alta chestie , sunt multe secvente care injosesc filmul (nu lasi cel mai ranit om sa mearga ultimul intr-o coloana, nu-l lasi sa doarma singur ingropat in zapada si asa mai departe). Ciudat e majoritatea se cunosteau intre ei ca lucrau in acelasi loc si imparteau aceleasi mese intr-un bar , dar de fapt la sfarsit ajung sa faca cunostiinta sau faptul ca apar secvente din familia lui Neeson , cu toate ca fiecare avea o poveste in spate si o familie.

Nota: 7/10

The Grey

In Alaska, a team of oil workers board a flight home; however, they cross a storm and the airplane crashes. Only seven workers survive in the wilderness and John Ottway, who is a huntsman that kills wolves to protect the workers, assumes leadership of the group. Shortly after they learn that they are surrounded by a pack of wolves and Ottway advises that they should seek protection in the woods. But while they walk through the heavy snow, they are chased and attacked by the carnivorous mammals.

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