miercuri, 19 septembrie 2012

The Ghost Writer

Filmul in esenta lui este fain , dar parca actiunea se desfasoara prea sec , peisajul ala trist parca dezvolta ideea asta , actorii sunt ok, unii din ei destul de cunoscuti. Filmul are un fir lent care din a doua jumatate se dezvolta incredibil de rapid si de complicat , valtoarea actiunii incurcandu-te in cazul in care nu esti foarte atent la ceea ce se desfasoara, e destul de imbarligata treaba fiind multe persoane implicate. Finalul e unul la care sincer nu ma asteptam si nu referitor la ce gaseste el in 'carte' ci chiar ultima scena , n-am mai vazut rostul pentru care s-a intamplat. Oricum , e un film tipic genului Polanski

Nota: 9/10

The Ghost Writer - traducere foarte tampita pe IMDB

An unremarkable ghost-writer has landed a lucrative contract to redact the memoirs of Adam Lang, the former UK Prime Minister. After dominating British politics for years, Lang has retired with his wife to the USA. He lives on an island, in luxurious, isolated premises complete with a security detail and a secretarial staff. Soon, Adam Lang gets embroiled in a major scandal with international ramifications that reveals how far he was ready to go in order to nurture UK's "special relationship" with the USA. But before this controversy has started, before even he has closed the deal with the publisher, the ghost-writer gets unmistakable signs that the turgid draft he is tasked to put into shape inexplicably constitutes highly sensitive material.

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