marți, 31 iulie 2012


Film plictisitor , nicio treaba , actiunile sunt deplasate , iar in unele momente personajele implicate in "disputa" trec razant una pe langa alta , ca in filme ptr copii , nu obsearva detaliile importante , nu pare film de 2011 deloc

Nota: 5/10


A tough undercover cop inadvertently gets involved in a dangerous heroin ring when a young defector of the drug trade leaves his five year-old sister in his care.  

luni, 30 iulie 2012

Project X

Sincer , din ce-am vazut in filmul asta , am putut sa vad si pe mtv cand era emisiunea aia cu " sweet seventeen " , exceptand partea cu organizarea petrecerii si incendierea in final , in rest mi s-a parut o petrecere absolut normala pentru niste americani ... cand ceva devine viral , e si normal sa devina auzit si apoi cunoscut

Nota: 8/10

Project X

Three seemingly anonymous high school seniors attempt to finally make a name for themselves. Their idea is innocent enough - let's throw a party that no one will forget, and have a camera there, to document history in the making. But nothing could prepare them for this party. Word spreads quickly as dreams are ruined, records are blemished and legends are born. 


Interesant sa vezi un actor care nu-i cu toate tziglele pe casa in American Pie cum bate si are un cu totul alt rol intr-un film full de batai si sa-l vezi asa linistit si timid ... filmul are o eticheta interesanta, prezinta sportul asta asa cum e , nici nu ma mira ca la inceput am vazut ca scrie " based on a true story " .. nu e meci de hockey fara o bataie :)) un storyline lejer , pus bine la punct

Nota: 9/10


Not content with his job as a bouncer at a local Beantown bar and a bit of an embarrassment to his accomplished family, Doug Glatt dreams of the kind of success enjoyed by minor league hockey goon Ross Rhea. When a chance encounter with an on-ice thug leads to a bloody fist fight that Doug easily wins, the coach of the Halifax Highlanders sees potential in this mammoth sized man who is only hampered by his lack of any hockey playing ability and his brother's old figure skates. Standing up to the taunts of the other players, Doug manages to join the team, and with the encouragement of his hockey obsessed best friend quickly becomes a rising star. Soon he'll have the opportunity to face off against Ross "The Boss" Rhea and perhaps finally land a girlfriend. Now - all he needs is to learn how to skate. 

vineri, 27 iulie 2012


Un film cu o poveste trista in care se prezinta viata intr-o scoala fara viitor si care arata ca viata de profesor nu e chiar asa usoara cand o trupa de 30 de oameni isi fac de cap, iar daca incerci sa-i stapanesti ajungi sa faci mai rau , conform scenariului , actorul este unul placut , potrivit pentru acest rol , iar flashbackurile care ii tot apar in minte dau un hint pentru deslusirea actiunii

Nota: 9/10


Detachment is a chronicle of three weeks in the lives of several high school teachers, administrators and students through the eyes of a substitute teacher named Henry Barthes. Henry roams from school to school, imparting modes of knowledge, but never staying long enough to form any semblance of sentient attachment. A perfect profession for one seeking to hide out in the open. One day Henry arrives at his next assignment. Upon his entry into this particular school, a secret world of emotion is awakened within him by three women. A girl named Meredith in his first period. A fellow teacher Ms. Madison, and a street hooker named Erica, whom Henry has personally granted brief shelter from the streets. Each one of these women, like Henry, are in a life and death struggle to find beauty in a seemingly vicious and loveless world.

joi, 26 iulie 2012


N-am idee cum sa incep , ideea de film e buna , chiar daca e inspirat din Buried. Pe final insa se pierde totul ,  pentru ca apar deja prea multe elemente , comparand cu Buried unde totul s-a intamplat intr-un singur loc si detaliile erau de la inceput acolo , aici au fost multe sanse de a scapa, ajutoarele venind pe rand. N-o sa fiu spoiler , dar sincer nu ma asteptam sa cedeze indiferent de ceea ce i se spunea si deja batea la ochi ca totul a fost pus la cale , deci finalul devine foarte slab (ca o paranteza , cred ca familia e mult mai importanta decat un job inalt/moartea) , in comparatie cu Buried unde actiunea are cap , are coada si este suspans pana in ultimul moment si tinand cont ca Buried mi-a placut mai mult si a avut nota 9 , filmul asta va primi

Nota: 8/10

What appears to be a random kidnapping becomes something more sinister when Secret Service Agent Jeremy Reins discovers he's being used as a pawn in a terrorist plot. Watching the clock tick down to an unknown catastrophe, Jeremy is forced by his captors to listen to the outside world on the brink of collapse, knowing that the only way to save the people he loves is to divulge a secret that he has sworn to protect.

Bel Ami

Filmul asta e varianta masculina a filmului The Princess of Montpensier , aici barbatul "face rost" 3 femei si le joaca cum vrea pentru a-si imbunatati situatia financiara, oricum spre final e o invalmaseala necontrolata , se pierde ideea de la care porneste baiatul , cea de avere si cea ca e luat de fraier , el porneste contraatacul insa finalul nu ne lamureste mai deloc , haotic

Nota: 7/10

Bel Ami

Georges Duroy is a penniless soldier returning from war. He travels to Paris in a search for ways to improve his social and financial status. He uses his wit and powers of seduction to charm wealthy women.

miercuri, 25 iulie 2012

Being Flynn

O drama , cu un robert de niro incredibil de batran si cu un rol urat pentru el , destul de greu de intepretat cred , totusi jucat foarte bine , cu dialoguri interesante tata-fiu pe final ... nu sunt prea multe cuvinte pentru film , e trist comparandu-l cu viata reala , dar e ok , e bun fiind si inspirat din fapte reale

Nota: 8/10

Being Flynn

Nick Flynn is a young man who works at various homeless shelters in Boston. Unexpectedly, his long-absent father reaches out to him. Nick's mother has died and he is beginning a new relationship with a girl, Denise. The last person he wants to see is his father. Based on a true story

American Reunion

Mi-a placut cel mai mult din toata seria pentru ca nu e asa PORNO ca celelalte si e mai echilibrat pentru toti , chiar daca finalul era cel asteptat :)) , alt lucru ce mi-a placut e ca s-a pastrat perfect conturul personajelor din prima seria (American Pie) si faptul ca ei nu s-au schimbat parca deloc chiar daca au trecut atatia ani :))

Nota: 9/10

American Reunion

Over a decade has passed and the gang return to East Great Falls, Michigan, for the weekend. They will discover how their lives have developed as they gather for their high school reunion. How has life treated Michelle, Jim, Heather, Oz, Kevin, Vicky, Finch, Stifler, and Stifler's mom? In the summer of 1999, it was four boys on a quest to lose their virginity. 

luni, 23 iulie 2012

21 Jump Street

O comedie destul de ok pentru ultima vreme, am observat ca lumea o lauda insa pe mine nu m-a entuziasmat asa tare , tipica ideea de ' highschool/college ' , iar cei actori mie nu mi-au placut niciodata , in schimb a fost ' chimie ' intre ei :)) cateva faze comice , eticheta americaneasca , si ca fail in final , nicki minaj are finalul ca linie sonora :))

Nota: 8/10

21 Jump Street

In high school, Schmidt (Jonah Hill) was a dork and Jenko (Channing Tatum) was the popular jock. After graduation, both of them joined the police force and ended up as partners riding bicycles in the city park. Since they are young and look like high school students, they are assigned to an undercover unit to infiltrate a drug ring that is supplying high school students synthetic drugs.

Road to Perdition

O poveste trista, un ' rock'n'rola ' mai mafiot :)) Actiunea surprinde un comeback ca in orice astfel de film , dar finalul e previzibil. Un film bun totusi cu multi actori celebri

Nota: 8/10

Road to Perdition

Mike Sullivan works as a hit man for crime boss John Rooney. Sullivan views Rooney as a father figure. However after his son is witness to a killing he has done Mike Sullivan finds him self on the run trying to save the life of his son and at the same time looking for revenge on those who wronged him. Jude Law co stars as a hit man hired to kill Sullivan.
Bonds of loyalty are put to the test when a hitman's son witnesses what his father does for a living.

sâmbătă, 21 iulie 2012

Repo Men

Nu prea'mi plac mie efectele astea si ce-i drept m-a dat peste cap finalul pana sa-mi dau seama care-i miscarea si de unde s-a reluat actiunea ... multe scene destul de dubioase( cea din metrou e una ) , puse parca sa umple actiunea sa fie cat mai multa , dar degeaba , ramane un film slab

Nota: 6/10

Repo Men

In the future humans have extended and improved our lives through highly sophisticated and expensive mechanical organs created by a company called "The Union". The dark side of these medical breakthroughs is that if you don't pay your bill, "The Union" sends its highly skilled repo men to take back its property... with no concern for your comfort or survival. Former soldier Remy is one of the best organ repo men in the business. But when he suffers a cardiac failure on the job, he awakens to find himself fitted with the company's top-of-the-line heart-replacement... as well as a hefty debt. But a side effect of the procedure is that his heart's no longer in the job. When he can't make the payments, The Union sends its toughest enforcer, Remy's former partner Jake, to track him down

Primal Fear

Un mindfuck destul de bun care in final da totul pe fata , am avut aceeasi reactie ca avocatul pentru ca sincer nu ma asteptam , interpretarea foarte faina , cei ce fac facultatea de drept sau vor s-o faca pe partea de avocatura ar fi indicat sa se uite la filmul asta :d ceea ce-mi place din nou la un film vechi e cand vad cat de simpatici erau actorii tineri pe acea vreme si maturi acum , dar si cat de schimbati sunt cei ce acum au o varsta ( Richard Gere ) care a avut destul umor pentru rolul sau :D

Nota: 9/10

Primal Fear

Courtroom thriller about a slick, hotshot lawyer who takes the seemingly unwinnable case of a young altar boy accused of murdering an eminent catholic priest.

vineri, 20 iulie 2012

Pay It Forward

Film cu o idee faina , interesant ar fi cum ar decurge lucrurile in zilele de azi cu o astfel de " Pay It Forward " idee , actiunea e cursiva si merge normal , pe bucati , finalul insa n-am inteles de ce trebuia sa fie asa(scena de final cu lumanarile se superba) , putea avea un happy ending grozav

Nota: 8/10

Pay It Forward

Young Trevor McKinney, troubled by his mother's alcoholism and fears of his abusive but absent father, is caught up by an intriguing assignment from his new social studies teacher, Mr. Simonet. The assignment: think of something to change the world and put it into action. Trevor conjures the notion of paying a favor not back, but forward--repaying good deeds not with payback, but with new good deeds done to three new people. Trevor's efforts to make good on his idea bring a revolution not only in the lives of himself, his mother and his physically and emotionally scarred teacher, but in those of an ever-widening circle of people completely unknown to him.

Si o idee de ce inseamna miscarea de "Pay It Forward"

Monster's Ball

Un film cu 2 actori buni , cu o Halle Berry la inceput de cariera , cu o scena fierbinte de sex (una dintre cele mai faine de pana acum :>) , dar cu 2 momente in care filmul o putea coti altfel , mai ales finalul lasat asa " in pom "

Nota: 8/10

Monster's Ball

Set in the Southern United States, 'Monster's Ball' is a tale of a racist white man, Hank, who falls in love with a black woman named Leticia. Ironically Hank is a prison guard working on Death Row who executed Leticia's husband. Hank and Leticia's interracial affair leads to confusion and new ideas for the two unlikely lovers

marți, 17 iulie 2012

The Ugly Truth

Simpatic film , simpatici actorii , ea frumusica si dezinvolta, el unul dintre actorii mei preferati , rolul in aceste tipuri de filme il prinde grozav , mi se pare ca joaca impreuna chiar foarte bine , din nou un film previzibil, ca majoritatea de acest gen de fapt ... per total un film bun , mi-a placut si actiunea, chiar daca a fost destul de simpla.

Nota: 9/10

The Ugly Truth

In Sacramento, the producer of a morning show Abby Richter is a controller that has a checklist with items about the ideal man for her; however she can not find any man that fulfills her prerequisites. Her show has problems with the low ratings and the TV direction hires the cynical chauvinist Mike Chadway that hosts the popular and gross mannish show "The Ugly Truth" about what men and women really want in a relationship. Abby has frictions with Mike and he proposes to help her to get her attractive neighbor Colin that fulfills her checklist; in return she would support him in the show. Abby dates Colin but when Mike is invited to participate in the Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show in San Francisco, they get closer and fall in love for each other. But out of the blue, Colin arrives in Abby's room and she has to make a decision.

Tind sa cred totusi ca urmatorul poster evidentiaza mult mai bine 'gandirea' unora :))


Alt film cu o actiune ciudata , seaca , moarta pe alocuri... si de asemenea alta nota mare pe imdb (probabil datorita domnisoarelor si actiunii) , goliciunea prinde, ca-n videoclipuri :)) ... slaba povestea

Nota: 6/10


Brandon is a 30-something man living in New York who is unable to manage his sex life. After his wayward younger sister moves into his apartment, Brandon's world spirals out of control. From director Steve McQueen (Hunger), Shame is a compelling and timely examination of the nature of need, how we live our lives and the experiences that shape us. In New York City, Brandon's carefully cultivated private life -- which allows him to indulge his sexual addiction -- is disrupted when his sister Sissy arrives unannounced for an indefinite stay. 

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

O porcarie de film. Nu inteleg nota asa mare de pe IMDB, probabil sunt multe fete indragostite de actor. Actorul ala in primul rand mi se pare prost de tot, actiunea nu are nicio logica , ma plimba dintr-o parte in alta cu ideeile din capul lui, legatura dintre personaje e tampita, replicile asemenea , iar lucrul care ma enerveaza cel mai mult in filmul asta e momentul ala cand apar onomatopeele (parca asa se numeau) alea gen cand suna la usa si apare " diiing dooong "

Nota: 4/10

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Scott Pilgrim plays in a band which aspires to success. He dates Knives Chau, a high-school girl five years younger, and he hasn't recovered from being dumped by his former girlfriend, now a success with her own band. When Scott falls for Ramona Flowers, he has trouble breaking up with Knives and tries to romance Ramona. As if juggling two women wasn't enough, Ramona comes with baggage: seven ex-lovers, with each of whom Scott must do battle to the death in order to win Ramona.

luni, 16 iulie 2012


O poveste frumoasa de dragoste , mai intai la distanta , totusi prea multe coincidente si 'intalniri' intre cei doi , finalul cred ca oricine il poate prevesti :)). Povestea e putin exagerata pentru ca nimeni n-a 'socializat' asa bine de la o prima intalnire chiar daca dezinvoltura tipului ajuta:D. imi place faptul ca apar unii actori asa razlet , actori cunoscuti , cu roluri scurte , de moment ( vanzatorul ).

Nota: 9/10


A couple reunite years after the night they first met, fell in love, and separated, convinced that one day they'd end up together.


Un film bunicel , tinand cont ca e inspirat din fapte reale + efecte de 3D , imagini frumoase pe final

Nota 8/10


The 3-D action-thriller Sanctum follows a team of underwater cave divers on a treacherous expedition to the largest, most beautiful and least accessible cave system on Earth. When a tropical storm forces them deep into the caverns, they must fight raging water, deadly terrain and creeping panic as they search for an unknown escape route to the sea. Master diver Frank McGuire has explored the South Pacific's Esa-ala Caves for months. But when his exit is cut off in a flash flood, Frank's team-including 17-year-old son Josh and financier Carl Hurley are forced to radically alter plans. With dwindling supplies, the crew must navigate an underwater labyrinth to make it out. Soon, they are confronted with the unavoidable question: Can they survive, or will they be trapped forever?

sâmbătă, 14 iulie 2012

The Tunnel

Un film documentar , pentru mine destul de scary pentru ca nu ma incanta secventele intunecate , per total a fost ok , insa n-am inteles absolut unele momente cand se putea actiona mult mai usor si mai ales finalul care mi s-a parut penibil ( scena din statia de metrou ) + iesirea asa usoara din subteran

Nota: 7/10

The Tunnel

An investigation into a government cover-up leads to a network of abandoned train tunnels deep beneath the heart of Sydney. As a journalist and her crew hunt for the story it quickly becomes clear the story is hunting them

vineri, 13 iulie 2012

The Tournament

Un film cu 'eliminari' , o varianta de ruleta ruseasca cu un deznodamant ce apare si el de pe la inceputul filmului, iar pentru cei ce au dubii , finalul nu te mai lasa sa gandesti si da totul pe fata , nu-mi plac deloc efectele de shotgun care 'distrug' tot corpul

Nota: 8/10

The Tournament

Every seven years in an unsuspecting town, The Tournament takes place. A battle royale between 30 of the world's deadliest assassins. The last man standing receiving the $10,000,000 cash prize and the title of Worlds No 1, which itself carries the legendary million dollar a bullet price tag.

joi, 12 iulie 2012

The Time Traveler's Wife

Un film trist care incepe nu foarte promitator , dar finalul schimba toata treaba ... devine previzibil la o bucata , dar nu poti anticipa exact momentul si persoana ( no more spoilers ) care pune capat povestii, poveste puternica,romantica si chiar simpatica

Nota: 8/10

The Time Traveler's Wife

When Henry DeTamble meets Clare Abshire in a Chicago library they both understand that he is a time traveller, but she she knows much more than this about him as he has not yet been to the times and places where they have met before. He falls in love with her, as she has already with him, but his continuing unavoidable absences time travelling - and then returning with increasing knowledge of their future - makes things ever more difficult for Clare.

The Spiderwick Chronicles

Un basm destul de bine incadrat intr'un film , probabil multi ar retine mai mult dintr-o poveste de genul decat 3 imparati si 3 fete :)) (atentie BAC!) ... actorul principal , mare erou la o varsta frageda si curios pentru varsta lui, destul de ok per total

Nota: 8/10

The Spiderwick Chronicles

Upon moving into the run-down Spiderwick Estate with their mother, twin brothers Jared and Simon Grace, along with their sister Mallory, find themselves pulled into an alternate world full of faeries and other creatures.

miercuri, 11 iulie 2012

The Replacements

Totdeauna mi-au placut filmele in genul , povesti triste puse intr-un sport , in rugby s-a potritiv cel mai bine pentru americani , se pare ca in acest sport le vin cele mai multe idei (Invictus/Moneyball). Filmul este pe aceeasi unda, un erou, o iubire, o victorie la final + umorul si actorii diferiti, dar si majoretele alea !  :))

Nota: 8/10

The Replacements

A comedy based on the 1987 professional football players' strike. Gene Hackman plays the coach of the team, Jack Warden is the owner, Brett Cullen is the All-Pro quarterback that goes on strike and Keanu Reeves is the "scab" who replaces the star QB.

marți, 10 iulie 2012

The Princess of Montpensier

Filmele de genul nu sunt pe gustul meu pentru ca nu inteleg cum infiripa ei o poveste de 3 ore in care ' printul ' nu pierde nicio lupta , dar totdeauna are probleme cu ' printesa ' lui , poveste reala = 0 in acest caz, alt lucru remarcabil , printesei ii place in minim 3 ... ceea ce-mi place mie in schimb e tinuta fetelor :)) cat mai stramta sa fie !

Nota: 6/10

Bertrand Tavernier is in top form with this gripping, superbly mounted drama set against the savage Catholic/Protestant wars that ripped France apart in the 16th century. Based on a novella by the celebrated Madame de Lafayette, the action centers on the love of Marie de Mezières for her dashing cousin Henri de Guise, thwarted when her father's political ambitions force her into marriage with the well-connected Philippe de Montpensier, who she has never met. When Philippe is called away to fight, she is left in the care of Count Chabannes, an aging nobleman with a disdain for warfare, and soon becomes exposed to the sexual and political intrigues of court

luni, 9 iulie 2012

The Lovely Bones

Un film dubios rau pentru mine :)) o paralela ingrozitor de plictiseala intre planul fictiv si cel real, prea statica si monotona actiunea si cu elemente absurde ca'n orice alt film , popcorn intr-o lume fictiva :))

Nota: 6/10

The Lovely Bones

Centers on a young girl who has been murdered and watches over her family - and her killer - from heaven. She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal.

The Ruins

Un film simplu ca actiune, sincer mi-a luat putin sa-mi dau seama 'cauza' principala , iar finalul incepe sa fie previzibil de pe la jumatate, s-a vrut a fi un horror mai usor , dar n-a prea iesit

Nota: 6/10

The Ruins

A group of friends whose leisurely Mexican holiday takes a turn for the worse when they, along with a fellow tourist embark on a remote archaeological dig in the jungle, where something evil lives among the ruins.

luni, 2 iulie 2012

The Nanny Diaries

Un film despre 'viata' bonelor, o fata cu studii care are nevoie de o " pauza " si decide sa devina bona si care in final reuseste ceva destul de dragut. Copilul ales e exact genul de copil razgaiat si plin de arfe , dar care este induplecat pana la urma de domnisoara Scarlett :D

Nota: 7/10

The Nanny Diaries

After graduating from Montclair State, New Jersey Girl Annie can't make up her mind about what to do with her life. After saving a little boy from being run over in the park, she is quickly employed as a nanny for a rich Upper East Side couple. Mr X is occupied with his business, Mrs X loves shopping, and neither really likes to spend time with their little boy Grayer. Annie quickly learns that she has more than her hands full taking care of him. Her busy schedule doesn't give her much spare time. Mrs X fired her last nanny because she was dating and that gives Annie problems when Harvard Hottie who lives in the same building asks her out on a date.

The Penthouse

Un film tipic american , din nou :)) , cu o singura replica ce m-a facut sa rad , cu un inceput prea din scurt si fara nicio noima. Finalul previzibil din primele 20 de minute

Nota: 6/10

The Penthouse

Three lifelong friends inhabiting a penthouse apartment find themselves at odds when one of them attempts to move in with his girlfriend and another's little sister makes a surprise visit.