joi, 12 iulie 2012

The Time Traveler's Wife

Un film trist care incepe nu foarte promitator , dar finalul schimba toata treaba ... devine previzibil la o bucata , dar nu poti anticipa exact momentul si persoana ( no more spoilers ) care pune capat povestii, poveste puternica,romantica si chiar simpatica

Nota: 8/10

The Time Traveler's Wife

When Henry DeTamble meets Clare Abshire in a Chicago library they both understand that he is a time traveller, but she she knows much more than this about him as he has not yet been to the times and places where they have met before. He falls in love with her, as she has already with him, but his continuing unavoidable absences time travelling - and then returning with increasing knowledge of their future - makes things ever more difficult for Clare.

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