joi, 20 octombrie 2016

We Are Marshall

Sunt o multime de filme de acest gen, sport, si in special axate pe fotbalul american. Doar ca acesta este putin mai bun ca restul, dramatismul este accentuat pe tot parcursul filmului, actorii transmit niste sentimente puternice si au si o prestatie reusita.
Filmul are la baza o poveste reala, reconstructia unei echipe de fotbal a unei universitati dupa un moment tragic pentru toata lumea, pentru conducerea scolii, pentru familie si oras: prabusirea avionului in care se afla echipa si moartea acestora.
E de apreciat motivatia lor (unora) de a porni totul de la zero si chiar cu succes, ajungand pana la urma sa castige multe meciuri si trofee de-a lungul timpului, insa filmul nu vrea sa respecte intru totul viata reala, ajungand sa castige deja primul meci doar dupa a doua tentativa si la putin timp dupa evenimentul nefericit. Eu unul, as fi ales o alta interpretare.

Nota: 9/10

We are Marshall

In November, 1970, virtually the entire football team and coaches of Marshall University (Huntington, W.V.) die in a plane crash. That spring, led by Nate Ruffin, a player who was ill and missed the fatal flight, students rally to convince the board of governors to play the 1971 season. The college president, Don Dedman, must find a coach, who then must find players. They petition the NCAA to allow freshmen to play, and coach Jack Lengyel motivates and leads young players at the same time that he reexamines the Lombardi creed that winning is the only thing. The father and the fiancée of a player who died find strength to move on. Can Marshall win even one game in 1971?

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