Acest film m-a surprins intr-un mod placut, avand in vedere ca nu sunt un fan al filmelor cu actiune in secolul 18-19 (majoritatea sunt slabe). Chiar daca e putin sadic, te tine in suspans intr-un mod eficient, iar finalul e bun pentru ca n-are finalul clasic al filmelor de genul, *SPOILER*, personajul este criminalul sau totul se intampla in mintea lui. *ENDOFSPOILER*
Per total filmul este reusit, actorii joaca destul de bine, suspansul este prezent pe tot parcursul actiunii, iar culorile si locul de desfasurare sustin atmosfera in care te introduse filmul.
Nota: 8/10
The Raven
This movie is set in the mid 1800s and involves poet Edgar Allan Poe. A serial killer is on the loose and murdering people using Poe's descriptions from his published stories and poems. Poe teams up with Detective Fields, a Baltimore policeman to try and catch the killer by using his knowledge of the descriptions. Even though the stories are fictional, they start to become reality and the killer is a step ahead of them. Then it takes on a personal note as Poe's lover becomes a target. Will they stop the killer in time?
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