Two for the Money cred ca vrea sa scoata la iveala lumea nevazuta (pe atunci) a pariurilor sportive, dar nu despre pariurile in sine si mizeriile care se fac in spatele usilor inchise, ci despre dependenta pe care o ofera, fie ca esti de partea celor care arunca banii, fie de partea celor care arunca zarurile.
Poate nu este o productie regizorala excelenta, insa merita urmarit pentru actiunea oferita, pentru dramatismul la care iau parte actorii, actori cu nume precum Al Pacino sau Matthew McConaughey care fac doua roluri destul de bune, in special Al Pacino. Matthew a inceput sa aiba roluri bune dupa aceasta perioada in care nu a fost nevoie doar sa-si arate corpul bine lucrat si chipul dragastos.
In schimb nu mi-a placut absolut deloc accentul lui pe care-l foloseste si in ziua de azi in unele filme sau momentele in care actiunea tinde sa fie mai previzibila decat un caine alb care e alb.
Nota: 9/10
Two for the Money
Brandon Lang loves football: an injury keeps him from the pros, but his quarterback's anticipation makes him a brilliant predictor of games' outcomes. Needing money, he leaves Vegas for Manhattan to work for Walter Abrams advising gamblers. Walter has a doting wife, a young daughter, and a thriving business, but he has problems: a bum heart, a belief he's a master manipulator, and addictions barely kept in check. He remakes Brandon, and a father-son relationship grows. Then, things go awry. Walter may be running a con. The odds against Brandon mount.
duminică, 25 septembrie 2016
miercuri, 21 septembrie 2016
Asa cum cred ca am mai spus, nu sunt un fan al animatiilor, dar iata ca am gasit un film de genul care sa-mi placa, si asta s-a intamplat din mai multe motive. In primul rand, cred ca este unul din cele mai bune filme scoase de cei de la Pixar, iar in al doilea rand faptul ca toata povestea are o emotie si o profunzime aparte, o poveste unde nu toate visele se indeplinesc.
Personajele sunt haioase si foarte interesant create, iar glumele sunt foarte ok si la locul lor. Mi-as dori sa mai vad o productie asa buna marca Pixar.
Filmul isi merita nota mare de pe IMDB si din tolba proprie si este unul bun de urmarit cu prietenii sau familia cand nu gasesti o comedie sa razi de toti banii.
Nota: 9/10
Carl Fredricksen as a boy wanted to explore South America and find the forbidden Paradise Falls. About 64 years later he gets to begin his journey along with a Boy Scout named Russel with help from 500 balloons. On their journey they discover many new friends including a talking dog and Carl and Russel figure out that someone evil plans. Carl soon realizes that this evildoer is his childhood idol. Will they be able to defeat him and will they find Paradise Falls?
Personajele sunt haioase si foarte interesant create, iar glumele sunt foarte ok si la locul lor. Mi-as dori sa mai vad o productie asa buna marca Pixar.
Filmul isi merita nota mare de pe IMDB si din tolba proprie si este unul bun de urmarit cu prietenii sau familia cand nu gasesti o comedie sa razi de toti banii.
Nota: 9/10
Carl Fredricksen as a boy wanted to explore South America and find the forbidden Paradise Falls. About 64 years later he gets to begin his journey along with a Boy Scout named Russel with help from 500 balloons. On their journey they discover many new friends including a talking dog and Carl and Russel figure out that someone evil plans. Carl soon realizes that this evildoer is his childhood idol. Will they be able to defeat him and will they find Paradise Falls?
luni, 19 septembrie 2016
Tommy Boy
O comedie din 1995 la care m-as uita cu drag si a doua oara in dauna unei mizerii din 2013-prezent unde toate glumele au tenta sexuala sau au glume oribile.
Chris Farley e toata spuma filmului care pare sa gafaie la fel ca el in actiune, insa are un parcurs amuzant si aventuros, pe langa asta leaga si o prietenie draguta cu "asociatul" sau. Din pacate, Chris a murit la 33 de ani. Chiar parea sa aiba sansa la o cariera buna in filmele de comedie, in roluri precum acesta sau ca in partea de inceput din colegiu sau chiar stand-up pe langa actorie.
Nu va asteptati sa fie totusi cea mai buna comedie, insa este un film amuzant, cu destule faze haioase, fara pretentii, usurel.
Nota: 7/10
Tommy Boy
Tommy Callahan Jr. is a slow-witted, clumsy guy who recently graduated college after attending for seven years. His father, Big Tom Callahan, owns an auto parts factory in Ohio. When Tommy arrives back home, he finds he has a position at the factory waiting for him. His dad also introduces Tommy to the new brake pad division of the factory and to Tommy's soon-to-be stepmother, Beverly, and her son Paul. But when Big Tom dies, the factory threatens to go under unless the new brake pads are to be sold. Therefore, Tommy must go on the road to sell them, along with the assistance of Richard, Big Tom's right-hand man. Will Tommy save the company, or will the factory, and the town, go under?
Chris Farley e toata spuma filmului care pare sa gafaie la fel ca el in actiune, insa are un parcurs amuzant si aventuros, pe langa asta leaga si o prietenie draguta cu "asociatul" sau. Din pacate, Chris a murit la 33 de ani. Chiar parea sa aiba sansa la o cariera buna in filmele de comedie, in roluri precum acesta sau ca in partea de inceput din colegiu sau chiar stand-up pe langa actorie.
Nu va asteptati sa fie totusi cea mai buna comedie, insa este un film amuzant, cu destule faze haioase, fara pretentii, usurel.
Nota: 7/10
Tommy Boy
Tommy Callahan Jr. is a slow-witted, clumsy guy who recently graduated college after attending for seven years. His father, Big Tom Callahan, owns an auto parts factory in Ohio. When Tommy arrives back home, he finds he has a position at the factory waiting for him. His dad also introduces Tommy to the new brake pad division of the factory and to Tommy's soon-to-be stepmother, Beverly, and her son Paul. But when Big Tom dies, the factory threatens to go under unless the new brake pads are to be sold. Therefore, Tommy must go on the road to sell them, along with the assistance of Richard, Big Tom's right-hand man. Will Tommy save the company, or will the factory, and the town, go under?
duminică, 18 septembrie 2016
Pare putin iesit din tipare filmul acesta, insa e misto ca prezinta una din cele mai lungi trasee pe calea ferata, o excursie care poata fi incercata si in zilele de astazi.
Ideea este originala, iar actiunea te tine in tensiune pe tot parcursul lui, exceptand unele momente in care totul e cam obvious si iti dai seama ce va urma in urmatoarele clipe, insa per total e un thriller bun.
Woody Harrelson este unul din actorii principali, cu un rol destul de amuzant si de bufon, insa Emily Mortimer este cea care ridica stacheta in film. De asemenea, o replica merita memorata dupa vizionare: "Cu minciuna poti continua sa mergi, dar nu te poti intoarce niciodata", o replica venita perfect in contextul unei calatorii cu trenul, insa vei observa ca trenul o va lua si inapoi, exact cand se intoarce totul de partea lor, cu o usoara referinta si pentru final, un final la care nu m-am gandit.
Nota: 8/10
Americans abroad. Roy and Jessie finished a volunteer stint in China. He loves trains, so they go home via the Trans-Siberia Express. There are strains in the relationship, including her past. They meet Carlos, a Spaniard, traveling with Abby, a young American. Carlos keeps close to Jessie, and when Roy is left behind and waits a day for the next train so he can catch up, Jessie and Carlos take a trip into the dead of winter to photograph a ruined church. Carlos may be running drugs, so, later, when Roy catches up and introduces Jessie to his new pal, an English speaking Russian narcotics detective, he's the last person Jessie wants to see. Will the Siberian desolation be their undoing?
Ideea este originala, iar actiunea te tine in tensiune pe tot parcursul lui, exceptand unele momente in care totul e cam obvious si iti dai seama ce va urma in urmatoarele clipe, insa per total e un thriller bun.
Woody Harrelson este unul din actorii principali, cu un rol destul de amuzant si de bufon, insa Emily Mortimer este cea care ridica stacheta in film. De asemenea, o replica merita memorata dupa vizionare: "Cu minciuna poti continua sa mergi, dar nu te poti intoarce niciodata", o replica venita perfect in contextul unei calatorii cu trenul, insa vei observa ca trenul o va lua si inapoi, exact cand se intoarce totul de partea lor, cu o usoara referinta si pentru final, un final la care nu m-am gandit.
Nota: 8/10
Americans abroad. Roy and Jessie finished a volunteer stint in China. He loves trains, so they go home via the Trans-Siberia Express. There are strains in the relationship, including her past. They meet Carlos, a Spaniard, traveling with Abby, a young American. Carlos keeps close to Jessie, and when Roy is left behind and waits a day for the next train so he can catch up, Jessie and Carlos take a trip into the dead of winter to photograph a ruined church. Carlos may be running drugs, so, later, when Roy catches up and introduces Jessie to his new pal, an English speaking Russian narcotics detective, he's the last person Jessie wants to see. Will the Siberian desolation be their undoing?
Woody Harrelson
miercuri, 14 septembrie 2016
The Martian
Faptul ca nu m-am atins de telecomanda/mouse/telefon deloc in cele doua ore si ceva de film cred ca spune multe despre el. Captivant prin idee si prin faptul ca asa ceva ar fi posibil (mai ales plantatul cartofilor :))), prin jocul actoricesc al pleiadei de actori de film, prin amploarea actiunii.
Ma oftic putin ca l-am vazut abia acum si nu l-am prins cand a rulat in cinema, chiar si in varianta 3D, deoarece sunt comparabile cele doua modalitati de vizionare, cinema vs. canapea/pat. La cinema esti cuprins de marimea spatiului de desfasurare si te transpui altfel cu personajul.
Filmul este foarte bine filmat si imaginat, iar scenele de pe planeta cealalta sunt destul de realiste. Matt Damon isi face rolul destul de bine, inserand acele replici funny fara de care ai lua-o pe drumul gresit mai ales atunci cand ramai singur pe lume. Dar si Jeff Daniels sau Kristen Wiig joaca bine.
Filmul este cel pe care-l astepta toata lumea, dar sa fim seriosi, strica toata armonia de pe parcurs daca ar fi avut alt deznodamant.
Chiar daca este comparat la fiecare pas cu Interstellar , The Martian este un must watch.
Nota: 10/10
The Martian
During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. Millions of miles away, NASA and a team of international scientists work tirelessly to bring "the Martian" home, while his crewmates concurrently plot a daring, if not impossible, rescue mission. As these stories of incredible bravery unfold, the world comes together to root for Watney's safe return.
Ma oftic putin ca l-am vazut abia acum si nu l-am prins cand a rulat in cinema, chiar si in varianta 3D, deoarece sunt comparabile cele doua modalitati de vizionare, cinema vs. canapea/pat. La cinema esti cuprins de marimea spatiului de desfasurare si te transpui altfel cu personajul.
Filmul este foarte bine filmat si imaginat, iar scenele de pe planeta cealalta sunt destul de realiste. Matt Damon isi face rolul destul de bine, inserand acele replici funny fara de care ai lua-o pe drumul gresit mai ales atunci cand ramai singur pe lume. Dar si Jeff Daniels sau Kristen Wiig joaca bine.
Filmul este cel pe care-l astepta toata lumea, dar sa fim seriosi, strica toata armonia de pe parcurs daca ar fi avut alt deznodamant.
Chiar daca este comparat la fiecare pas cu Interstellar , The Martian este un must watch.
Nota: 10/10
The Martian
During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. Millions of miles away, NASA and a team of international scientists work tirelessly to bring "the Martian" home, while his crewmates concurrently plot a daring, if not impossible, rescue mission. As these stories of incredible bravery unfold, the world comes together to root for Watney's safe return.
luni, 12 septembrie 2016
The Raven
Acest film m-a surprins intr-un mod placut, avand in vedere ca nu sunt un fan al filmelor cu actiune in secolul 18-19 (majoritatea sunt slabe). Chiar daca e putin sadic, te tine in suspans intr-un mod eficient, iar finalul e bun pentru ca n-are finalul clasic al filmelor de genul, *SPOILER*, personajul este criminalul sau totul se intampla in mintea lui. *ENDOFSPOILER*
Per total filmul este reusit, actorii joaca destul de bine, suspansul este prezent pe tot parcursul actiunii, iar culorile si locul de desfasurare sustin atmosfera in care te introduse filmul.
Nota: 8/10
The Raven
This movie is set in the mid 1800s and involves poet Edgar Allan Poe. A serial killer is on the loose and murdering people using Poe's descriptions from his published stories and poems. Poe teams up with Detective Fields, a Baltimore policeman to try and catch the killer by using his knowledge of the descriptions. Even though the stories are fictional, they start to become reality and the killer is a step ahead of them. Then it takes on a personal note as Poe's lover becomes a target. Will they stop the killer in time?
Per total filmul este reusit, actorii joaca destul de bine, suspansul este prezent pe tot parcursul actiunii, iar culorile si locul de desfasurare sustin atmosfera in care te introduse filmul.
Nota: 8/10
The Raven
This movie is set in the mid 1800s and involves poet Edgar Allan Poe. A serial killer is on the loose and murdering people using Poe's descriptions from his published stories and poems. Poe teams up with Detective Fields, a Baltimore policeman to try and catch the killer by using his knowledge of the descriptions. Even though the stories are fictional, they start to become reality and the killer is a step ahead of them. Then it takes on a personal note as Poe's lover becomes a target. Will they stop the killer in time?
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