vineri, 22 aprilie 2016


Un film lung si greoi cu un presedinte care incearca sa indrepte lucrurile la el in tara. O biografie pompoasa despre viata lui Abraham Lincoln cu actiune si personaje interesante. Lincoln a facut in mare parte tot filmul cu al lui calm si paleta de povestioare, chiar daca mai sunt persoane interesante prin el, reusind intr-un final sa sparga plictiseala care se instalase in prima parte a filmului.
Cred totusi ca este un film facut pentru americani, tinand cont ca se axeaza mult pe acel amendament, pentru ca pe langa asta nu te tine in scaun si nici nu-ti arata alte lucruri care sa impresioneze.
Finalul este cam brusc si cel asteptat (pai deh, e biografie).

Nota: 7/10


In 1865, as the American Civil War winds inexorably toward conclusion, U.S. president Abraham Lincoln endeavors to achieve passage of the landmark constitutional amendment which will forever ban slavery from the United States. However, his task is a race against time, for peace may come at any time, and if it comes before the amendment is passed, the returning southern states will stop it before it can become law. Lincoln must, by almost any means possible, obtain enough votes from a recalcitrant Congress before peace arrives and it is too late. Yet the president is torn, as an early peace would save thousands of lives. As the nation confronts its conscience over the freedom of its entire population, Lincoln faces his own crisis of conscience -- end slavery or end the war.

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