Filmul in esenta este o lectie de viata, care confirma faptul ca aparantele sunt inselatoare si ca nu trebuie sa judeci un om dupa primele momente in care-l descoperi. E frumos cum pustiul intelege ideea de 'sfant' in urma temei pe care o primeste la scoala.
Ca actori avem parte de ceva prezente cunoscute, Bill Murray imbatranit, dar in forma, Melissa McCarthy care-si cauta rolul potrivit intr-o comedie spumoasa si Naomi Watts cu un rol interesant :)).
Toate acestea alcatuiesc un film pozitiv si vesel.
Nota: 8/10
St. Vincent
Vincent is an old Vietnam vet whose stubbornly hedonistic ways have left him without money or a future. Things change when his new next-door neighbor's son, Oliver, needs a babysitter and Vince is willing enough for a fee. From that self-serving act, an unexpected friendship forms as Vincent and Oliver find so much of each other's needs through each other. As Vincent mentors Oliver in street survival and other worldly ways, Oliver begins to see more in the old man than just his foibles. When life takes a turn for the worse for Vincent, both them find the best in each other than no one around them suspects.
Posterul fara kiddo' e useless.