Un film complex, despre razboi, cu multa actiune de la fata locului in care este evidentiat unul din cei mai buni tragatori ai Americii. Filmul este interesant pentru ca dezvaluie fata necunoscuta a lunetistilor, pusi in fata unei decizii: familia sau tara. Drama pe care o traiesc militarii si familiile lor reflecta foarte bine viata razboiului.
Actiunea e prezenta, fiindca te astepti ca in orice moment sa explodeze ceva, iar atunci cand se pregateste de momentul tragerii iti vine si tie sa-ti tii respiratia in acelasi mod.
Cred totusi ca filmul e facut special pentru americani cu o mare tenta propagandistica. Cand a intrat in armata a vazut la televizor atentatele de pe 9/11, iar luptele la care a participat au avut loc in Iraq. Asta e sigur un motiv pentru care filmul a prins bine de tot in America.
Finalul e neasteptat, nu banuiesti nicio clipa ca se va termina asa, iar faptul ca e inspirat din fapte reale e cu atat mai tragic cand il vezi ...
Nota: 10/10
American Sniper
Chris Kyle was nothing more than a Texan man who dreamed of becoming a cowboy, but in his thirties he found out that maybe his life needed something different, something where he could express his real talent, something that could help America in its fight against terrorism. So he joined the SEALs in order to become a sniper. After marrying, Kyle and the other members of the team are called for their first tour of Iraq. Kyle's struggle isn't with his missions, but about his relationship with the reality of the war and, once returned at home, how he manages to handle it with his urban life, his wife and kids.
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