marți, 6 ianuarie 2015

The Cabin in the Woods

Ok, filmul incepe in stilul seriei Vacancy si se continua cu un altfel de Cube :)). Filmul e un fel de satira a genului horror si pare sa-i iasa. Combina horrorul cu drama/thrillerul si comedia, are atat faze comice, dar si cateva infricosatoare, cat sa te sperie nitel. E ok cumva faptul ca nu ramane la ideea aia basic a filmelor de genul, adolescenti in padure, mor pe capete, cineva ramane viu la final, bla bla.
E un film bun, chiar daca actorii nu prea sunt cunoscuti, dar mai importanta e actiunea si satira ce se vrea evidentiata in locul jocului actoricesc. Merge de vazut mai degraba in locul unui horror prost. Pe scurt, filmul e un fel de shaorma cu de toate, menita sa te sature, dar si sa te surprinda.

Nota: 8/10

The Cabin in the Woods

Five teenagers head off for a weekend at a secluded cabin in the woods. They arrive to find they are quite isolated with no means of communicating with the outside world. When the cellar door flings itself open, they of course go down to investigate. They find an odd assortment of relics and curios but when one of the women, Dana, reads from a book she awakens a family of deadly zombie killers. There's far more going on however than meets the eye as the five campers are all under observation.

Bun poster :D 

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