Un film destul de bun, actorii isi intra in rol destul de bine, iar faptul ca Hesher este personajul secundar e cu atat mai frumos, il scoate in evidenta pe cel mic care are un viitor stralucit. (Genul de personaj care-l prinde pe JGL, care se preteaza foarte misto pe roluri dubioase). Regia e excelenta si scenariul e interesant, construit in jurul unei drame mari, dar pe langa asta fiecare personaj traieste drama sa. Din cauza lipsei unei povesti clare, la inceput este putin plictisitor, dar daca treci de acest moment o sa-ti placa filmul.
Dupa vizionare, probabil iti pui o intrebare: cam cat esti de matur? Legat de acest aspect se leaga si actiunea filmului. Un film respectabil despre viata, cu toate necazurile si neimplinirile ei, dar si cu un strop de optimism in final.
Nota: 9/10
T.J., a high school freshman, lost his mother two months before in a car accident: his father pops pills and sits on the couch; his grandmother holds things together, chatting and cooking. T.J. wants the car back from the salvage yard where the owner's son is a bully. By happenstance, Hesher, a foul-mouthed squatter, moves in with T.J's family. T.J. also meets Nicole, a grocery clerk near poverty who helps him once. Hesher involves T.J. in crime, the bully is omnipresent, mom's car is slipping away, dad has checked out, T.J. watches Nicole at work, and his grandma invites him to join her morning walk: the odds are long that T.J. can assemble a family to help him thrive