Un film frumos. O poveste foarte interesanta si complexa. Peisajele si jocul actorilor este foarte interesant, iar amatorii de animale e musai sa vizioneze acest film, toata " jungla " e prezenta :)) Efectele sunt destul de slabute, prea fictive, iar la un moment dat e amuzant ca o da din Titanic in Arca lui Noe :)). In rest filmul e fain, relatia om-animal exprimata bine in acest caz. Ceea ce e interesant (exceptand acel moment trist din final - no spoilers), este faptul ca te lasa sa iti alegi finalul, final care este ales in functie de persoana ce urmareste acest film, ce iti place, ce crezi ca este plauzibil sau ceea ce vrei tu sa se intample.
Nota: 9/10
Life of Pi
In Canada, a writer visits the Indian storyteller Pi Patel and asks him to tell his life story. Pi tells the story of his childhood in Pondicherry, India, and the origin of his nickname. One day, his father, a zoo owner, explains that the municipality is no longer supporting the zoo and he has hence decided to move to Canada, where the animals the family owns would also be sold. They board on a Japanese cargo ship with the animals and out of the blue, there is a storm, followed by a shipwrecking. Pi survives in a lifeboat with a zebra, an orangutan, a hyena and a male Bengal tiger nicknamed Richard Parker. They are adrift in the Pacific Ocean, with aggressive hyena and Rickard Parker getting hungry. Pi needs to find a way to survive.