Sincer, mi s-a parut o tampenie de film, m-am uitat maxim 30 de minute si ma tot gandeam c-am gresit filmul, citisem ca o sa-l urmaresc pe Bruce Willis. Filmul practic parca e impartit in 2, actiunea fara si actiunea cu el, ideea mi s-a parut lame si nu mi-a inspirat nimic, fapt pentru care nici n-am mai continuat vizionarea acestuia, o repetitie continua a aceleasi actiuni: omor un om trimis in viitor, ii iau argintul si cand completez cercul primesc un beneficiu, then here we go again ... slab
Nota: 5/10
In the year 2044, a man working for a group of killers called "Loopers" (they work for the mob and kill people who are sent blindfolded back in time from the year 2074 by their bosses) recognizes a victim as himself. He hesitates resulting in the escape of his older self.
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