joi, 10 octombrie 2013

Upside Down

Upside Down este povestea a doua suflete pereche nascute in lumi diferite. Filmul este destul de bun si povestea e ok, introul e facut destul de " in graba ", dar compenseaza continuarea. E interesant sa vezi o lume in oglinda, rasturnata, cu oameni mergand pe tavan, sau sa traiesti zilnic cu oameni stiind ca-s deasupra ta si fac cam aceleasi lucruri :)). Actorii au fost buni, au jucat destul de ok. Plotul si efectele speciale sunt destul de super realizate insa final lasa putin de dorit, pe langa faptul ca actiunea se bazeaza mai mult pe relatia celor doi decat pe acea lume rasturnata..

Nota: 8/10

Upside Down

Adam is a seemingly ordinary guy in a very extraordinary universe. He lives humbly trying to make ends meet, but his romantic spirit holds on to the memory of a girl he loved once upon a time from another world, an inverted affluent world with its own gravity, directly above but beyond reach... a girl named Eden. Their childhood flirtation becomes an impossible love. But when he catches a glimpse of grownup Eden on television, nothing will get in the way of getting her back... Not even the law or science!

Now you see me

Filmul are de toate, actiune, umor, drama, un soundtrack perfect, efectele speciale nu lipsesc nici ele. De asemenea e plin de actori cunoscuti care joaca toti laolalta in filmul acesta. Finalul este unul controversat si cred ca s-ar fi putut si mai bine, dar poate e mai bine asa in cazul in care va iesi si partea a doua, asa cum se speculeaza pe internet (in 2014). Filmul are exact efectul unui truc magic, te lasa sa crezi ca stii cum functioneaza, insa cand iti este explicat ramai si tu uimit. Din aceasta cauza vei fi captiv pe tot parcursul filmului. In mintea ma, ma gandesc daca ar functiona asa o emisiune cum au creat ei la noi in tara, dar la ce scandal a iesit dupa ce-a castigat acel mentalist Romanii au Talent, cred ca nu ma mai gandesc :))

Nota: 9/10

Now you see me

Four magicians each answer a mysterious summons to an obscure address with secrets inside. A year later, they are the Four Horseman, big time stage illusionists who climax their sold out Las Vegas show with a bank apparently robbed for real. This puts agents Dylan Rhodes of the FBI and Alma Vargas of Interpol on the case to find out how they did it. However, this mystery proves difficult to solve even with the insights of the professional illusion exposer, Thaddeus Bradley. What follows is a bizarre investigation where nothing is what it seems with illusions, dark secrets and hidden agendas galore as all involved are reminded of a great truth in this puzzle: the closer you look, the less you see.

sâmbătă, 21 septembrie 2013

Broken City

Un film cu tenta politica in care gasesti perfect combinatia dintre mister, crima si santaj. Filmul prezinta un oras care este corupt dintr-un capat in altul. Este un film reusit, cu un scenariu caracterizat de suspans si dinamism, chiar daca subiectul se repeta, insa nu-ti ofera timp in care sa te plictisesti, ceea ce e bine, cursivitate +. Actorii sunt impecabili ca prestatie, lucru normal dupa ce observi numele lor, plus ca se vede ca au avut si alte roluri mai grele de interpretat, lucru ce a facut ca aceste roluri sa le vina ca o manusa.

Nota: 9/10

Broken City

In New York City, detective Billy Taggart goes to court for the murder of the rapist Mikey Tavarez, but the Mayor Nicholas Hostetler and the Chief of Police Carl Fairbanks vanish with an important evidence and Billy is declared non-guilty by the judge but he leaves the police department. Seven years later, Billy is a private detective that lives his girlfriend Natalie Barrow, who is an aspirant actress and the sister of Mikey's victim. His secretary Katy Bradshaw (Alona Tal) is trying to collect part of the debts to save their business. In the week of the elections, Hostetler summons Billy and offers US$ 50,000 to investigate his wife Cathleen Hostetler that he believes is having a love affair. Billy discovers that Cathleen is meeting Paul Andrews, who is the coordinator of the campaign of Jack Valliant, the opponent of Hostetler and favorite in the election. When Paul is found dead on the street, Billy finds that he had been double-crossed by Hostetler and he decides to investigate ...

vineri, 20 septembrie 2013

Beasts Of The Southern Wild

Filmul prezinta o poveste trista insa nu este un SF cum apare el incadrat in majoritatea locurilor unde il vezi. Are un mesaj puternic, acela al conditie umane, transmis cu emotie si cu un scenariu original si cu o punere in scena destul de buna per ansamblu, exceptionala de catre fetita care joaca impecabil pentru varsta ei, pe langa atitudinea adoptata si modul ei de a iesi in evidenta in film. Modul in care ea povesteste inamplarile te plaseaza intr-o viziune interesanta asupra subiectului abordat. Prezinta foarte bine doua calitati necesare omului, curajul si creativitatea. La varsta la care alti copii stau in puf si se joaca printre zeci de jucarii, altii supravietuiesc printre ramasite si din orice lucru realizeaza ceva util... multe s-ar putea scrie intr-un review, dar mai bine descoperi singur vizionand filmul.
Filmul a fost nominalizat la Oscar insa mi se pare ca esti un pic fortata nominalizarea acestuia.

Nota: 9/10

Beasts Of The Southern Wild

Hushpuppy, an intrepid six-year-old girl, lives with her father, Wink, in the Bathtub, a southern Delta community at the edge of the world. Wink's tough love prepares her for the unraveling of the universe; for a time when he's no longer there to protect her. When Wink contracts a mysterious illness, nature flies out of whack, temperatures rise, and the ice caps melt, unleashing an army of prehistoric creatures called aurochs. With the waters rising, the aurochs coming, and Wink's health fading, Hushpuppy goes in search of her lost mother.

joi, 19 septembrie 2013


Un film care iti este demonstrata ipoteza simpla in care nimic nu este deasupra banilor. Povestea nu aduce nimic nou, insa filmul este prezentat si regizat foarte bine, te poti atasa lejer de personajul principal in special chiar daca este de partea raului, inseala si este vinovat. Richard Gere joaca foarte bine rolul sau, un loc in care trebuie sa prezinta o serie de trairi emotionale. Finalul putea fi altfel totusi, nu cred ca sunt singurul care nu este de acord cu ideea gandita de regizor (No spoiler :D). In concluzie scenariul este foarte bun, de asemenea si actingul, mesajul insa e acelasi. O replica trebuie retinuta dupa vizionarea acestui film : 'World events all revolve around five things. M O N E Y'

Nota: 9/10


Robert Miller is a successful financial businessman with a loving wife and a smart daughter ready to take over the family business. Professional secrets involving illegal fraudulent activities start coming out at the same time that Robert's personal secrets take a turn for the worse and threaten to derail everything he has achieved.

miercuri, 18 septembrie 2013

About Cherry

Povestea prezista drama unei tinere care traieste intr-o familie saraca si care este nevoita sa faca rost de bani printr-un mod sau altul. Astfel ii ofera cineva ideea de a poza mai provocator, iar de aici pana la a juca in filme pentru adulti mai este doar un pas, pe care-l realizeaza in momentul in care se muta intr-un oras mai mare. Actiunea nu e foarte antrenanta, are un curs chill, lejer, sunt si destule momente incitante, actrita din rolul principal arata chiar foarte bine :>  insa nu este un film extraordinar, este fad, lipsit de orice traire, chiar plictisitor pe alocuri. Filmul este pentru cei lipsiti de inhibitii, un film despre industria porno.

Nota: 6/10

About Cherry

A drama centered on a troubled young woman who moves to San Francisco, where she gets involved in pornography and aligns herself with a cocaine-addicted lawyer.

marți, 17 septembrie 2013

A Haunted House

O mega PORCARIE, filmul e de fapt o parodie dupa Paranormal Activity, dar pe langa acest film intalnesti o groaza de secvente din alte filme (The Devil Inside). Glumele au tenta sexuala si sunt de autobaza.. la inceput sunt cateva glume facute de Marlon, in rest pleava filmul, dezgustator chiar..

Nota: 4/10

Malcolm and Kisha move into their dream home, but soon learn a demon also resides there. When Kisha becomes possessed, Malcolm - determined to keep his sex life on track - turns to a priest, a psychic, and a team of ghost-busters for help.

O sumedenie de postere pentru acest film oribil cu 7 actori

vineri, 13 septembrie 2013

The Rite

The Rite este un film in care binele si raul nu mai sunt niste notiuni abstracte, ci iau o forma cat se poate de concreta. Probabil multa lume se uita/va uita la acest film pentru prezenta lui Anthony Hopkins care are roluri mari in filmele horror, aici insa se putea lucra mai mult la partea de 'horror' care e cam absenta. In prima ora a filmului te poti duce linistit dupa popcorn si bere pentru ca nu ratezi nimic interesant. Daca vezi acest film dupa ce-ai vizionat The Exorcist probabil ca il vei inchide dupa primele zeci de minute, ideea e ca The Rite este mai mult un thriller psihlogic decat un film horror.. but still. Nota pe care o primeste filmul e ridicata de prezenta lui Hopkins, in rest era mai low.

Nota: 7/10

Michael, the son of a funeral director grows indifferent to his father and joins a Seminary. On his way to the course completion, he is overwhelmed by a strong lack of faith. His religious beliefs are further jolted when he sees a young girl haplessly dying in a road accident for whom he reluctantly performs the ritual to absolve her sins. His mentor still believes in him and urges him to go to Italy to take an exorcism course hoping that he it would strengthen his faith in Christianity. In Italy he attends a session from Father Xavier who soon becomes aware of his skepticism. As a result he sends him to an eminent Jesuit exorcist, Father Lucas, whose ways though questionable are quite effective. He witnesses the exorcism of a sixteen year old girl but still seems unconvinced. Father Lucas explains to him that it takes multiple sessions over a long stretch of time to completely free a victim from the demon. Despite witnessing some supernatural occurrences during the aforesaid exorcism...

Se vede si din poster cam cine-i bossul in film.

Wrongfully Accused

O parodie buna, are multe faze amuzante, dar cam atat, actiunea este prea incalcita. Leslie Nielsen fiind la vremea lui cam cel mai bun actor de comedie, vesnicul in forma actor pentru comediile de situatie. Are ceva specific lui in toate filmele, om de actiune, are in preajma lui tot timpul femei frumoase, care intra in tot felul de probleme fara a intelege gravitatea lor ramanand impasibil, dar gasind totusi rezolvare intotdeauna :)) Cam asta-i desfasurarea filmului in 2 randuri.

Nota: 6/10

Wrongfully Accused

Ryan Harrison, a violin god, superstar and sex symbol does not want to cheat on sexy Lauren Goodhue's husband with her. Shortly after that Mr. Goodhue is found murdered and Ryan suddenly finds himself being the main suspect. After being sentenced to death he manages to flee while being transferred to his execution site. Now, all the world is after him as he stumbles from one unfortunate incident to the next in order to find the real murderer.

                   Probabil o vorba care ramane vesnic in mintea cinefililor: " a true story based on real events from other actual movies " :)) 

miercuri, 11 septembrie 2013

You, Me and Dupree

Acest film se presupune a fi o comedie insa sunt rare momentele in care schitezi un zambet, nu mai zic de momente de ras puternic. Glumele sunt cele obisnuite, repetitive, de parca nu se mai scot glume noi pe taram american. Actorii sunt cunoscuti si joaca acceptabil, Owen Wilson are rolul lui tipic de silly boy insuportabil si cam atat, iar tinerelul Michael Douglas are rol de tata, un rol ce-l prinde bine, dar nu cu aceasta conotatie negativa, de nemultumit.

Nota: 6/10

For newlyweds Carl and Molly Peterson, life can't get any sweeter as they begin anew to settle down into married life. With a nice house and established careers in tow, nothing seems to get in their way. However, Carl is about find out just how much friendship means when Dupree, his best friend has been displaced from his home and fired from his job because of attending their wedding. Taking his friend in, what Carl and Molly are about to experience is that the fine line between a few days and whatever else is after, can be a lot more than they bargained for. Especially when their friend overstays his welcome in far too many ways than he should.

Year One

Genul de "comedie tampita", dar care atunci cand ar fi facuta cum trebuie o gusti din plin si razi cu pofta. Este mai mult o parodie ce face referire la momente din Biblie, dar pe care ei le iau la misto, o satira la adresa umanitatii. Nu e deloc un film pe care sa-l vezi la cinema pentru ca o sa te plictisesti tinand cont ca majoritatea glumelor sunt deja "expirate", iar altele fac referire la corpul uman si nu sunt funny deloc.

Nota: 6/10

Year One

Zed, a prehistoric would-be hunter, eats from a tree of forbidden fruit and is banished from his tribe, accompanied by Oh, a shy gatherer. On their travels, they meet Cain and Abel on a fateful day, stop Abraham from killing Isaac, become slaves, and reach the city of Sodom where their tribe is now enslaved. Zed and Oh are determined to rescue the women they love, Maya and Eema. Standing in their way is Sodom's high priest and the omnipresent Cain. Zed tries to form an alliance with Princess Innana, which may backfire. Can an inept hunter and a smart but slender and diffident gatherer become heroes and make a difference?

Yours, Mine and Ours

Titlul e foarte sugestiv pentru acest film, iti vei da seama foarte repede din ce cauza :D. Povestea e draguta, cu toate ca e plina de clisee si filmul parca are un alt inceput, sare cumva direct in povestea principala. Ideea de familie cu 18 copii cred ca e destul de exagerata si nu prea intalnita in realitate + coincidenta varstei pentru fiecare, oricum, a iesit de-o familie draguta. Rene Russo arata criminal pentru varsta ei, probabil multi trec cu vederea cand vine vorba de jocul actoricesc. O comedie de familie destul de ok pana la urma.

Nota: 8/10

Yours, Mine and Ours

Admiral Frank Beardsley returns to New London to run the Coast Guard Academy, his last stop before a probable promotion to head the Guard. A widower with eight children, he runs a loving but tight ship, with charts and salutes. The kids long for a permanent home. Helen North is a free spirit, a designer whose ten children live in loving chaos, with occasional group hugs. Helen and Frank, high school sweethearts, reconnect at a reunion, and it's love at first re-sighting. They marry on the spot. Then the problems start as two sets of kids, the free spirits and the disciplined preppies, must live together. The warring factions agree to work together to end the marriage.


Zombieland este mai mult o comedie decat orice altceva. Filmul este plin de actiunea, dar nu e unul foarte infricosator tinand cont ca e plin de zombie, nu trebuie sa te astepti la o lume dominata de zombie, un aer plin de panica si frica. Principala lectie a filmului este ca nu trebuie sa iti fie frica in momente de genul si nu trebuie sa fii incredibil de puternic sa poti supravietui intr-o astfel de lume, trebuie doar sa te ghidezi dupa niste lucruri logice si sa fii putin nebun incat sa nu-ti pese de o serie de lucruri si mai ales "sa te bucuri de lucrurile marunte" Where is the *** Twinkies :)))))))) Personajele sunt interesante, fiecare este diferit total fata de celalalt, dar totusi reusesc sa formeze un grup interesant, Woody are un stil unic de a intra in pielea personajului :)))

Nota: 8/10


Searching for family. In the early twenty-first century, zombies have taken over America. A shy and inexperienced college student in Texas has survived by following his 30 rules: such as "look in the back seat," "double-tap," "avoid public restrooms." He decides to travel to Ohio to see if his parents are alive. He gets a ride with a boisterous zombie-hating good-old boy headed for Florida, and soon they confront a young woman whose sister has been bitten by a zombie and wants to be put out of her misery. The sisters were headed to an LA amusement park they've heard is zombie free. Can the kid from Ohio get to his family? And what about rule thirty one?

marți, 10 septembrie 2013

The Others

Ori am vazut eu alt film, ori am alta impresia pentru el. Nu am detectat urma de horror in el sau mister pentru ca mi-am imaginat partial finalul si pana la urma am realizat ca am treaba, mai ales ca filmul trena deja intr-o plictiseala lenta, ar trebui incadrat mai mult pe partea filmelor psihologice. In mare masura cred ca filmul este ridicat de prezenta lui Nicole Kidman si poate a celor 2 copii cu accentul ala dragut :)).

Nota: 7/10

The Others

A woman named Grace retires with her two children to a mansion on Jersey, towards the end of the Second World War, where she's waiting for her husband to come back from battle. The children have a disease which means they cannot be touched by direct sunlight without being hurt in some way. They will live alone there with oppressive, strange and almost religious rules, until she needs to hire a group of servants for them. Their arrival will accidentally begin to break the rules with unexpected consequences.

sâmbătă, 7 septembrie 2013

The Holiday

Filmul are o sensibilitate draguta, este realizat mai mult pentru fete/femei insa se bucura de o distributie care reuneste nume cunoscute, iubite de public (Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jude Law). Filmul nu contine multe clisee si are o serie de momente amuzante, romantice, dar si dramatice ce fac o compozitie placuta la privire. De asemenea multitudinea de replici siropoase, dar si foarte bine gandite aduc un mare plus filmului. Ideea filmului e ca atunci (ca tot vorbeam ca e film pentru doamne si domnisoare) cand treci printr-un moment greu, naspa sa faci o schimbare in viata ta (schimbi freza, cumperi haine), insa regizorul propune o schimbare a intregii vieti, o schimbare de continent, de noroc.

Nota: 8/10

The Holiday

In London, Iris Simpkins writes a wedding column in a newspaper and nurtures an unrequited love for her colleague Jasper Bloom. Near Christmas, she is informed that Jasper is engaged to marry another colleague, and her life turns upside down. In Los Angeles, the movie-trailers maker Amanda Woods has just split with her unfaithful boyfriend Ethan and wants to forget him. Through a house exchange website, Amanda impulsively swaps her mansion for Iris' cottage in Surrey for the holidays. While in Surrey, Amanda meets Iris' brother and book editor Graham and they fall in love with each other. Meanwhile, Iris meets her new next door neighbor the ninety year old screenplay writer Arthur, who helps her retrieve her self-esteem, and the film composer Miles, with whom she falls in love

Top Secret!

O parodie incredibila, m-am distrat copios la unele momente, cel mai tare cred c-a fost ala in care s-a urcat toata lumea in tren si a pornit gara :)))) In aceasta parodie isi face aparitia Val Kilmer :>. In film se regasesc multe nationalitati precum nazistii si momente de tot rasul din cel de-al doilea razboi mondial. Simpatic

Nota: 7/10

Top Secret!

This time Zucker and Abrams are spoofing, most notably, Elvis films and WWII spy movies. Val Kilmer stars as Nick Rivers, a handsome American 50s-style rock and roll singer. While performing in East Germany, he falls in love with a beautiful heroine and becomes involved with the French Resistance

miercuri, 4 septembrie 2013

The Departed

Un film foarte bun cu multi actori foarte cunoscuti care joaca toti foarte bine, dar nu ies in evidenta prin prestatia lor. Filmul trateaza un subiect des intalnit in cinematografia americana si nu numai, si anume lupta politiei cu mafia. De asemenea filmul te tine in suspans de la inceput pana la sfarsit datorita acestui joc (informator/sub acoperire)/ Wahlberg parca este facut pentru filme in care el joaca rolul unui detectiv sau politist, pe cand Alec Baldwin pastreaza din umorul sau caracteristic. Cred ca e primul film in care observ o alta mafie decat cea siciliana, cea irlandeza.. accentul lor e funny :)).

Nota: 10/10

The Departed

In South Boston, the state police force is waging war on Irish-American organized crime. Young undercover cop Billy Costigan is assigned to infiltrate the mob syndicate run by gangland chief Frank Costello. While Billy quickly gains Costello's confidence, Colin Sullivan, a hardened young criminal who has infiltrated the state police as an informer for the syndicate, is rising to a position of power in the Special Investigation Unit. Each man becomes deeply consumed by his double life, gathering information about the plans and counter-plans of the operations he has penetrated. But when it becomes clear to both the mob and the police that there's a mole in their midst, Billy and Colin are suddenly in danger of being caught and exposed to the enemy-and each must race to uncover the identity of the other man in time to save himself. But is either willing to turn on the friends and comrades they've made during their long stints undercover?

miercuri, 28 august 2013

The Rundown

Film clasic in categoria lui, un tip mare cu muschi care face legea peste tot oriunde merge, personajul secundar are replici destul de funny uneori, iar personajul feminin arata bine! Oricum, e mult prea mult sf in filmele de genul, toate intamplarile sunt trase de par de parca ar putea exista + ca o buna parte este facut pe calculator si vizualul slab o arata :( Christopher Walken cu un rol interesant, ca de fiecare data :))

Nota: 7/10

The Rundown

The Rock as a bounty hunter who attempts to square a debt by heading to the Amazon jungle to capture someone. The bounty hunter discovers that his quarry isn't the bad guy he'd been warned about, and the two team up in pursuit of riches stored in a mine in the Amazon.

marți, 27 august 2013

The Lucky One

Filmul este ecranizat dupa cartea scrisa de Nicholas Sparks, si probabil ca orice film nu cuprinde totalitatea intamplarilor redactate in carte. Zac Efron joaca destul de ok rolul, insa da impresia ca personajul lui ar trebui sa fie interpretat de cineva mai in varsta. Un lucru ce mi se pare mie interesant e aparitia acelor caini care nu prea isi au locul in actiunea filmului si nu prea intra in atentia ochiului spectator :))) dar sunt o prezenta placuta. Povestea in schimb este una draguta, un film bun de vizionat intr-un timp ploios ca cel de acum.

Nota: 9/10

The Lucky One

Logan is a marine serving in Iraq. While there, he finds a photo of a girl with "keep safe" written on the back. He is admiring it when his unit is attacked. He survives and credits the photo for saving him. He tries to find the owner but can't, assuming he was killed. When he goes back to the States, he finds it difficult to adjust and is still haunted by what happened. Analyzing the photo, he finds in the background a landmark that tells him she is in Louisiana. He then goes there and finds her. He learns her name is Beth. He tries to tell her what happened but can't get the words out. She assumes he's there to apply for the job they advertised looking for someone to help at her family's business, a dog kennel. He says yes but at first she gets an uneasy feeling from him but her grandmother decides to give him a chance. It isn't long that he makes a connection with her son. He then discovers that it was her brother who had the picture only he doesn't remember him.

luni, 26 august 2013

The Joneses

Filmul prezinta o tactica buna de marketing, ideea e ca nu am idee cat de bine ar functiona in viata reala, inceputul e ok,  dar apoi se exagereaza cu "luxul" astfel incat pierde din credibilitate. Regula e simpla, se bazeaza pe ideea de  "ce ai tu tre' sa am si eu" :D. Interesant este cum personajele isi intra destul de fain in rol, de aici si cel mai forte punct ce iese in evidenta, rolul lui Duchovny, care interpreteaza un personaj dificil, dar joaca intr-un mare fel, facandu-i viata usoara.. De asemenea el este si personajul cheie ce duce filmul de la umor la drama si ofera deznodamantul. Alt lucru ce trebuie mentionat este prezenta feminina interpretata de Demi Moore care nu-si arata varsta jucand si aratand impecabil

Nota: 9/10

The Joneses

"The Joneses", a social commentary on our consumerist society. Perfect couple Steve and Kate Jones, and their gorgeous teen-aged children Jenn and Mick, are the envy of their posh, suburban neighborhood filled with McMansions and all the trappings of the upper middle class. Kate is the ultimate trend setter - beautiful, sexy, dressed head-to-toe in designer labels. Steve is the admired successful businessman who has it all: a gorgeous wife, big house and an endless supply of high-tech toys. Jenn and Mick rule their new school as they embody all that is hip and trendy - cool clothes, fast cars and the latest gadgets. But as the neighbors try to keep up with the Joneses, none are prepared for the truth about this all- too perfect family.

luni, 5 august 2013

The Devil Inside

Filmul in opinia mea este un esec total... ideea de documentar ofera spectatorilor acel mod de filmare enervant, care face actiunea foarte greu de urmarit si la un moment dat e obositor. Calitatea filmarilor este slaba, de asemenea + absenta aproape totala a coloanei sonore, niciun film fara coloana sonora folks! Alt punct slab, foarte slab, mega slab ... povestea cica se desfasoara in Roma, dar filmarile sunt facute in Bucuresti, orice care-a vizitat Bucurestiul o singura data isi da seama cand actiunea trece prin Centrul Vechi sau prin fata Ateneului. Chiar si accentul actorilor denota faptul ca actiunea cuprinde actori romani. Foarte slab facut acest film.

Nota: 5/10

The Devil Inside

An American girl, Isabella, sets out to make a documentary to understand what happened to her mother who murdered three clergy people. She was not convicted due to insanity and was sent to a mental hospital in Italy. Isabella meets with some priests in Italy who explain that her mother's condition may not be medical, but could be an extra-human possession.

21 & Over

Ideea e aceeasi, scriptul e luat dupa cel de la marea mahmureala(Hangover) insa e destul de bine realizat :)) filmul iti insenineaza ziua (sau noaptea, depinde cand il vezi), razi la destule faze... merge ! :))

Nota: 7/10

21 & Over

When Straight-A college student Jeff Chang's two best friends take him out for his 21st birthday on the night before an important medical school interview, what was supposed to be a quick beer becomes a night of humiliation, over indulgence and utter debauchery.

duminică, 4 august 2013

96 Minutes

Povestea ne conduce catre un moment socant in care vietile a patru tineri se intersecteaza pentru a fi schimbate iremediabil. Problema e ca filmul e destul de slab, actorii joaca prosteste, chiar unii din ei sunt enervanti.

Nota: 6/10

96 Minutes

Inspired by true events, 96 minutes is the story of four young lives slammed together in one shocking moment. The events of the night in inner city Atlanta, Georgia, unfold in real time as we inter-cut between a carjacking and the beginning of that day, following four separate kids - who they are, where they come from, and the seemingly innocuous decisions that lead them towards a life changing conclusion. With no adults to guide them, they're left on their own to try to survive not only this night, but the complex reality of the world they live in.

sâmbătă, 3 august 2013

The Switch

Jason Bateman ar trebui sa fie principalul motiv pentru care vizionezi filmul asta, joaca incredibil rolurile si are un umor pe care'l degaja foarte usor... de asemenea si Jeff Goldblum are un rol ales perfect pentru el, natural si ironic.. joaca foarte bine... la capitolul asta 2-0 pentru barbati :)) l-as putea adauga si pe cel mic si facem doi barbati si jumatate :)))) mai multe in film !

Nota: 9/10

The Switch

Kassie (Jennifer Aniston) and Wally (Jason Bateman) are best friends. Being unlucky in love, Kassie has decided to have a child using artificial insemination. Wally doesn't like this idea, but he isn't capable of admitting to himself, let alone to Kassie, that he's in love with her. At Kassie's artificial insemination party, Wally gets very drunk and spies the sperm donor's sample in the bathroom. Wally was way too drunk to know what he did that night, and Kassie has moved away because she doesn't feel that New York City is a place to raise a child. Now 7 years later, Kassie has moved back with her son Sebastian. While she is looking to get Roland (the sperm donor) more involved in their lives, Wally can't help but notice the many striking similarities that he and Sebastian share.

vineri, 2 august 2013

The Other Guys

Detectivii newyorkezi Gamble şi Hoitz (Will Ferrell şi Mark Wahlberg) sunt condamnaţi la... o viaţă de birou. Se urăsc unul pe celălalt şi detestă monotonia slubjelor lor nesemnificative, mai ales că sunt forţaţi să trăiască în umbra a doi dintre cei mai mari şi mai tari poliţişti din oraş (Samuel L. Jackson şi Dwayne Johnson). Dar atunci când aceşti tipi duri refuză un caz, Gamble şi Hoitz văd în el o oportunitate. Acum, că au dat peste una dintre cele mai mari crime din ultima vreme, vor fi aceşti agenţi de rezervă în stare să rezolve cazul, fără să se omoare unul pe altul şi fără să distrugă întreg oraşul?
Simpatic filmul, dar plin de momente de retardati :))

Nota: 8/10

The Other Guys

Terry Hoitz's past mistakes in the line of duty and Allen Gamble's reluctance to take risks have landed them the roles of the "Other Guys", disgraced New York City police detectives relegated to filling out paperwork for cocky hero cops Danson and Highsmith. The mismatched duo must look past their differences when they take on a high-profile investigation of shady capitalist David Ershon and attempt to fill the shoes of the notoriously reckless officers they idolize.

Tower Heist

Ben Stiller şi Eddie Murphy sunt protagoniştii acestei comedii despre nişte simpli angajaţi la un complex luxos de apartamente care pun la cale un plan pentru a se răzbuna pe un escroc miliardar de pe Wall Street care le-a furat fondul de pensii.  De mai mult de 10 ani, Josh Kovacs (Stiller) e managerul unuia din cele mai luxoase complexuri de locuinţe din New York City. Maniac al supravegherii angajaţilor, şi nu numai, nu-i scapă nimic din ce se petrece acolo. În cel mai opulent apartament de la ultimul etaj al clădirii stă Arthur Shaw (Alan Alda), un mogul al finanţelor, acum arestat la domiciliu după ce a fost prins că a furat două miliarde din banii investitorilor.  Cei mai loviţi de escrocheria lui sunt, evident, angajaţii complexului, care au lăsat pe mâna lui administrarea fondului lor de pensii. În doar câteva zile Arthur e posibil să dispară şi să scape cu mâinile curate din ceea ce el consideră a fi “crima perfectă”. Aşa că e grabă mare pentru angajaţi să-şi pună în aplicare marele lor plan: vor să fure ceea ce ei sunt convinşi că se ascunde în apartamentului lui Arthur, şi anume... banii lor. Nefiind hoţi de profesie, au nevoie de unul care se pricepe, totuşi. Dar singurul pe care îl găsesc e doar un pungaş de doi bani - Slide (Murphy). Deşi amatori într-ale jafului, angajaţii sunt, însă, foarte buni la ceva: cunosc ca pe propriul buzunar clădirea.
Criminala vocea lui Casey Affleck !

Nota: 9/10

Tower Heist

Josh Kovacs is the manager of a residential apartment in New York. He is close to all the tenants, especially Arthur Shaw, a financier. One day Shaw is arrested by the FBI for fraud. Josh thinks it's a misunderstanding that can be resolved. But later he learns that the employees' pension fund which he asked Shaw to handle is gone. When one of the employees tries to kill himself, Josh's views of Shaw change. He goes to see him and loses his temper. He loses his job. The FBI agent in charge of Shaw tells him that Shaw might walk and recovering the pension fund is unlikely. She tells him that it's been rumored that Shaw has $20 million lying around if he needs it in a hurry. Josh thinks he knows where it is. So with two other employees who also lost their jobs and an evicted tenant, they set out to get into Shaw's penthouse to get the money. But they realize they need the assistance of someone who knows how to steal. So Josh asks a guy he knows is a thief named Slide to help them.

The Ledge

Filmul spune povestea unui barbat, care ameninta ca se va arunca de pe o cladire inalta, in timp ce un politist incearca sa tina situatia sub control.. filmul este destul de ok gandit cap-coada sau de fapt coada-cap, finalul deloc previzibil si cu un destin tragic

Nota: 10/10

The Ledge

A thriller in which a battle of philosophies between a fundamentalist Christian and an atheist escalates into a lethal battle of wills. Ultimately, as a test of faith, or lack of it, the believer forces the non-believer onto the ledge of a tall building. He then has one hour to make a choice between his own life and someone else's. Without faith in an afterlife, will he be capable of such a sacrifice?

miercuri, 31 iulie 2013

The Killer Inside Me

Deşi pare calm, răbdător şi chiar plicticos, Lou Ford ascunde un secret întunecat şi sumbru, care îşi are rădăcinile în copilarie şi care îl transformă din când în când dintr-un om al legii într-un criminal sociopat şi maniac. În adolescenţă, Lou a abuzat sexual o fată şi a fost pe punctul de a fi trimis la închisoare pentru această infracţiune, însă fratele său adoptat pe nume Mike a luat vina asupra lui şi l-a salvat de ruşine. În prezent, Lou Ford are o relaţie amoroasă stabilă cu profesoara Amy Stanton, ceea ce nu îl împiedică să se implice într-o aventură de tip sado-masochist cu prostituata Joyce Lakeland. Atunci când bestia din el începe să ucidă oameni fără discriminare, este responsabilitatea unui procuror local să-l demaşte pe Lou Ford ca fiind un criminal psihopat.
Finalul mi s-a parut foarte interesant si bine gandit de scenaristi.

Nota: 8/10

The Killer Inside Me

Sadism and masochism beneath a veneer of revenge. Lou Ford is a mild-mannered sheriff's deputy in a Texas oil town in the mid 1950's. His boss sends him to roust a prostitute living in a rural house. She slaps him; he hits her, then, after daily sex for the next few weeks, he decides it's love. She's devoted to him and becomes his pawn in a revenge plot she thinks is to shakedown the son of Chester Conway, the town's wealthy king of construction. Lou has a different plan, and bodies pile up as murder leads to murder. The district attorney suspects Lou, and Conway may have an inkling, but Lou stays cool. Is love, or at least peace, in the cards?

sâmbătă, 2 martie 2013

The Soloist

Un film cu 2 actori faini, dar cu o nota cam mica, mult prea mica pe IMDB ... Filmul surprinde viata unui scriitor de articole in ziar, care la randul lui scrie o poveste interesanta despre un om bolnav, dar foarte talentat. Filmul este foarte touching prin prisma povestii, poate parea previzibil de la inceput insa mie mi-a dat povestea peste cap :))

Nota: 9/10

The Soloist

In 2005, the only thing hurting Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez more than his face from a recent bike accident was his pressing need for story ideas. That is when he discovers Nathaniel Ayers, a mentally ill, homeless street musician who possesses extraordinary talent, even through his half-broken instruments. Inspired by his story, Lopez writes an acclaimed series of articles about Ayers and attempts to do more to help both him and the rest of the underclass of LA have a better life. However, Lopez's good intentions run headlong in the hard realities of the strength of Ayers' personal demons and the larger social injustices facing the homeless. Regardless, Lopez and Ayers must find a way to conquer their deepest anxieties and frustrations to hope for a brighter future for both of them.

luni, 25 februarie 2013

24 - Redemption

24 de fapt este un serial superb de actiune in care Kiefer Sutherland joaca impecabil. Filmul intervine intre sezoanele 6 si 7 si se spune ca e destul de important in tranzitia dintre cele 2 sezoane. Nu dureaza mult, surprinzator gandindu-te ca serialul are 24 de episoade a cate 45 de minute fiecare, bineinteles, actiunea fiind una mult mai complexa, ideea insa fiind atinsa foarte bine pentru zona in care s-a implicat, Africa si copiii exploatati dupa bunul plac...

Nota: 9/10

24 - Redemption

Set 18 months where Season 6 of '24' left off, former government agent Jack Bauer is in a self-imposed exile in the fictitious African country of Sangala where he hopes to escape from a U.S. investigation of him for his past methods, and to run from his past. Bauer works at a mission school for orphaned children run by his friend Carl Benton. The country is at the mercy of a rogue warlord general named Juma who is plotting a coup to overthrow the government and his right-hand man Colonel Dubaku, is abducting orphan boys and forcibly recruiting them into Juma's army. Bauer and Benton must work together to save the dozen or so boys and try to get them out of the country before Juma takes over. Meanwhile in Washington D.C., it is Inauguration Day where the outgoing President Noah Daniels is handing over the presidency to the first female president Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones). Hearing about the coup, Daniels wants to evacuate the country before it falls to the rogue general, while Taylor thinks otherwise. Elsewhere, Taylor's son Roger and his fiancée Samantha get wind of information from a friend about suspicious money transactions where he works at a local brokerage firm. But neither he or Roger are aware that a corrupt corporate mogul, Jonas Hodges, is plotting with General Juma to overthrow the government for monetary purposes and will do anything to keep his nefarious plans under wraps

Silver Linings Playbook

Un film de Oscar (ca tot sunt premiile in seara asta) care-ti ofera mai multe perspective din care poti privi filmul, implicit actiunea, Uitandu-ma cu alta persoana, (Hello Bogdana) am impartit pareri diferite, eu aveam impresia ca ei sunt personajele despre care chiar vorbesc, ea crezand ca ei impreuna se vindeca de nebunia lor, deznodamantul il puteti vedea la final, ideea e ca devine previzibil de la jumatate incolo. Ideea e draguta pentru ca imbina chiar ok dramatismul si nebunia lor cu momente comice la care nu te astepti.. (la final pe ring) :)))). Inclusiv titlul filmului este destul de interesant si urmeaza a fi descoperit pe parcurs, distributia la fel, una foarte buna.

Nota: 9/10

Silver Linings Playbook

Against medical advice and without the knowledge of her husband Pat Solatano Sr., caring Dolores Solatano discharges her adult son, Pat Solatano Jr., from a Maryland mental health institution after his minimum eight month court ordered stint. The condition of the release includes Pat Jr. moving back in with his parents in their Philadelphia home. Although Pat Jr.'s institutionalization was due to him beating up the lover of his wife Nikki, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Nikki has since left him and has received a restraining order against him. Although he is on medication (which he doesn't take because of the way it makes him feel) and has mandatory therapy sessions, Pat Jr. feels like he can manage on the outside solely by healthy living and looking for the "silver linings" in his life. His goals are to get his old job back as a substitute teacher, but more importantly reunite with Nikki. He finds there are certain instances where he doesn't cope well, however no less so than some others who have never been institutionalized, such as his Philadelphia Eagles obsessed OCD father who has resorted to being a bookie to earn a living, his best friend Ronnie who quietly seethes over the control wielded by his wife Veronica, and Veronica's widowed sister, Tiffany Maxwell, a recovering sex addict. In their fragile mental states, Pat Jr. and Tiffany embark on a love/hate friendship based primarily on what help the other can provide in achieving their individual goals. But they may reevaluate their goals as their relationship progresses.

sâmbătă, 23 februarie 2013

The Kids Are All Right

Interesant storyline, 2 lesbiene, 2 copii(baiat,fata), un donator de sperma si o urmare cel putin interesanta :))) Film facut dintr-o singura faza, daca nu se intalneau copiii cu tatal lor biologic, nu era nicio urmare, de aici a pornit toata actiunea filmului, una destul de intensa zic :)))) Lucrul pe care l-am apreciat cel mai mult in film este accentul destul de puternic care se pune pe vin ! :)) mult vin ptr 90 de minute :))

Nota: 7/10

The Kids Are All Right

Nic and Jules are in a long term, committed, loving but by no means perfect relationship. Nic, a physician, needs to wield what she believes is control, whereas Jules, under that control, is less self-assured. During their relationship, Jules has floundered in her "nine to five" life, sometimes trying to start a business - always unsuccessfully - or being the stay at home mom. She is currently trying to start a landscape design business. They have two teen-aged children, Joni and Laser, Nic who is Joni's biological mother, and Jules who is Laser's biological mother. Although not exact replicas, each offspring does more closely resemble his/her biological mother in temperament. Joni and Laser are also half-siblings, having the same unknown sperm donor father. Shortly after Joni's eighteenth birthday and shortly before she plans to leave the house and head off to college, Laser, only fifteen and underage to do so, pleads with her to try and contact their sperm donor father. Somewhat reluctantly, she does. He is late thirty-something Paul, a co-op farmer and restaurateur. Despite his seemingly successful businesses, Paul has always shirked responsibility, most specifically in his personal life. After Joni and Laser meet with Paul, Nic and Jules learn what their children have done, and although they don't want Paul infiltrating their lives, they want to meet him especially as Joni and Laser seem to want to maintain some sort of relationship with him. As Paul's relationship with the entire family grows, which also includes him hiring Jules to design and construct his back yard, they have an effect on what he wants in life, and he in turn affects the family dynamic as well as each person's relationships outside of the family.

vineri, 22 februarie 2013

The Tall Man

N-am vazut-o de multa vreme pe Jessica Biel intr-un film si chiar ma gandeam cu cine seamana profesoara mea de marketing :)) iata ca am descoperit... filmul are un storyline trist, dar parca potrivit cu zona in care este filmat filmul... un satuc la fel de trist. Initial nu mi-am dat seama cine-i acel "personaj principal" de rapeste copii, dar apoi filmul ti-l ofera pe tava, e un film destul de ok...bunicel, ideea fiind deja foarte bine cunoscuta publicului larg, kidnapping ;d

Nota: 8/10

The Tall Man

This film is about a legend that has been started by the town folk of Cold Rock. Since the children in the town have been going missing, people have said it's an entity known as 'The Tall Man' who has been taking them. Julia Denning ('Jessica Biel' ) is the local nurse whose husband died years earlier. She is soon personally involved as her child is taken. She tries to track down where the child is taken, but finds that there's more to what's happening than she knew. The towns-folk start to turn on her and the truth comes out. But there's still more to the story--who is 'The Tall Man'? And what is the truth behind the disappearances?

marți, 19 februarie 2013

The Watch

2 actori buni de comedie(stiller si vaughn) alaturi de al 3-lea considerat la fel (nu-l sufar pe jonah hill) intr-o comedie mai mult parodie destul de interesanta, cu unele faze tampitele, dar chiar funny :))))) ideea parca a mai fost folosita, constituirea unei echipe pentru aflarea si apoi indepartarea unui pericol (extraterestru acum :))). Distributia a contat mult pentru imaginea productiei.

Nota: 7/10

The Watch

In Glenview, Ohio, Evan is the manager of the Costco department store and married to Abby. When the Costco night watchman, Antonio Guzman, is mysteriously murdered, Evan organizes The Neighborhood Watch, a watch team with his suburban neighbors Bob, Franklin and Jamarcus to protect the neighborhood and find the killer of Antonio. Soon they discover that the murderer is an alien that is preparing to invade Earth, and they become the last hope of mankind on Earth


Sincer, mi s-a parut o tampenie de film, m-am uitat maxim 30 de minute si ma tot gandeam c-am gresit filmul, citisem ca o sa-l urmaresc pe Bruce Willis. Filmul practic parca e impartit in 2, actiunea fara si actiunea cu el, ideea mi s-a parut lame si nu mi-a inspirat nimic, fapt pentru care nici n-am mai continuat vizionarea acestuia, o repetitie continua a aceleasi actiuni: omor un om trimis in viitor, ii iau argintul si cand completez cercul primesc un beneficiu, then here we go again ... slab

Nota: 5/10


In the year 2044, a man working for a group of killers called "Loopers" (they work for the mob and kill people who are sent blindfolded back in time from the year 2074 by their bosses) recognizes a victim as himself. He hesitates resulting in the escape of his older self.

miercuri, 9 ianuarie 2013

The Experiment

Filmul are o distributie destul de buna, Adrien Brody jucand genial + ca are un corp nebunie :)) asta mi se pare un corp bun pentru un barbat, nu umflat de muschi si cacao d-aia. Rolul pe care Forest il are cred ca putea fi dat mai bine altcuiva... Ideea e ok, doar ca pare ca se scurteaza foarte rapid actiunea pe la o bucata si este foarte previzibil finalul. Daca tot a fost inscenata treaba si partea cu "violenta" nu functiona, puteau sa-i lase mai multe in bataia aia lor generala acolo ca pana la urma tot prieteni au plecat ...

Nota: 8/10

The Experiment

26 men are chosen to participate in the roles of guards and prisoners in a psychological study that ultimately spirals out of control.
Pana si un PLOT de 2 randuri iti spune cam cum se deruleaza filmul, cam lame treaba asta

luni, 7 ianuarie 2013


Mi-a aparut printre programele TV pe TVR1 si am stat sa ma uit nitel la el si m-a tinut captiv. Povestea e interesanta si actorul e placut, e greu de patruns sub piele pana cand apare fiica lui in program si se moleseste instant. El e un actor de succes cu tot ce-si doreste (femeile clar intra :)) ), dar click'ul acela il schimba si-l face sa gandeasca altfel. Mi-a placut destul de mult :D

Nota: 9/10


Hollywood actor Johnny Marco, nested in his luxury hotel of choice, is a stimulated man. Drinking, parties and women keep a creeping boredom under wraps in between jobs. He is the occasional father of a bright girl, Cleo, who may be spoiled but doesn't act it. When Cleo's mother drops her off and leaves town, Johnny brings her along for the ride, but can he fit an 11-year-old girl into his privileged lifestyle?

Mi se pare superb posterul. Imaginea aceasta a tinut ceva momente in film

duminică, 6 ianuarie 2013

The Entitled

Filmul isi contureaza ideea destul de bine de la inceput insa pe parcursul lui este mediocru, o da dintr-o drama intr-un semi horror (cu fuga aia prin padure cu lanternele dupa). Tot filmul dupa a mea parere este facut de final la care sincer nu ma asteptam (asta astept de la fiecare film) tinand cont ca se vedea ca tipul era  "scolit" si stia ce face, micile detalii din parcurs rezolvand tot misterul in final.

Nota: 8/10

The Entitled

Paul Dynan's life is turned upside down when he decides to kidnap three young socialites and hold them ransom to save his family. Things spiral out of control when his psychotic partners get trigger happy and his victims come with their own surprises. When blood is shed and his perfect plan goes horribly wrong, Dynan must fight to stay one step ahead of his own twisted game.

sâmbătă, 5 ianuarie 2013

The Darkest Hours

Sec, sec. Nu stiu daca as putea adauga alte cuvinte. Actiunea nu porneste chiar din neant ca se observa fulgere din timpul zborului, dar restul actiunii e prea rece ... "venirea" acelor monstruleti s-a facut destul de repede, la fel de repede si dizolvarea orasului, iar fuga lor para una haotica fara sens, ei ramanand un grup mic si singur intr-un oras parca prea brusc... e slabut filmul, chiar si finalul putea aduce ceva nou, dar a dezamagit + foarte multe clisee.

Nota: 5/10

The Darkest Hour

The American software designers Sean and Ben travel to Moscow to sell their software to investors. However, their Swedish partner Skyler pulls a fast one on Sean and Ben, and they are out of the business. They go to a nightclub, where they meet American Natalie and Australian Anne and they flirt with the girls and see Skyler in the club. Out of the blue, the population is surprised by lights, which they mistake for natural phenomena. But soon, they learn that the lights are aliens invading Earth and using power supply to annihilate mankind. Sean, Ben, Natalie, Anne and Skyler hide in the kitchen and when they leave the place, they seek out survivors on the street. Are they the last people on Earth?

Nu inteleg acel " Survive the Holidays ", filmul este lansat pe 25, dar nu vad corelarea dintre.

The Damned United

Genul de film despre fotbal care mie sincer imi place, inspirat dupa oamenii care merita si care-au spus o poveste frumoasa dintr-un imens numit fotbal. Fara filme gen 'green street hooligans' si asa mai departe. Sincer, nu stiam de Brian Clough sau de performantele acestuia cu Derby County si Notthingam Forest in special (de traiam in era aia macar:)). Aici se vede cat se dedica un om pentru fotbal si momentul cand se arata adevarata lui valoare. Actiunea se petrece repejor totusi si sare prea rapid de la un moment la altul, daca ratezi unele momente e pacat. N-as vedea un Becali in anii '70 :))

Nota: 8/10

The Damned United

Taking over England's top football club Leeds United, previously successful manager Brian Clough's abrasive approach and his clear dislike of the players' dirty style of play make it certain there is going to be friction. Glimpses of his earlier career help explain both his hostility to previous manager Don Revie and how much he is missing right-hand man Peter Taylor who has loyally stayed with Brighton & Hove Albion.

The Condemned

N-am inteles 2 lucruri la filmul asta :)) De ce trebuie sa folosesti o femeie intr-o astfel de lupta cand e clar inferioara , si al doilea , daca tot au fost puse in actiune , de ce au disparut asa repede? :))))) In rest se merge pe ideea tipica de survivor dintr-o lupta care se duce intr-o jungla. 10 oameni scosi din inchisoare de catre un necunoscut (cam usor si lucrul asta ca dehh, e film) si aruncati intr-o lupta in care ultimul scapa de sentinta la moarte si este lasat liber in lume. Finalul este acelasi la orice film, castigatorul isi ia teapa si nu se alege cu nimic. Aici castigatorul a parut sa fie altul, in actiune se precizau momentele in care unul din ei este ajutat , insa momentul initial n-a fost capturat. Si un ultim lucru, sunt atatia destepti ce lucreaza in IT pentru firme si organizatii, FBI mai mult se uita la streamingul live decat sa se foloseasca de unul pentru a opri macelul

Nota: 7/10

The Condemned

Jack Conrad is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt Central American prison. He is "purchased" by a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.

The Beach

Filmul cred ca trebuia sa-l vizionez in alta stare :))) oricum el incepe ok, dar actiunea pare putin grabita chit ca lungimea filmului se apropie de 2 ore. Di Caprio e mare actor si are talent pentru orice fel de rol pe care-l primeste. De asemenea cred ca este un fel cu mai multe tipuri de final , fiecare imaginandu-si cate unul in momentul cand actiunea originala o ia pe alta cale fata de cea imaginata de cel ce vizioneaza. Lumea " de dincolo " era destul de interesanta si ma mira faptul ca era destul de putina lume. Per total e ok, se putea si mai mult. Starea luata pe insula ma asteptam sa apara mai greu, dar cum paseai in acel loc deja erai in lumea lor, prea rapid.

Nota: 7/10

The Beach

Garland's novel centers on a young nicotine-addicted traveler named Richard, an avid pop-culture buff with a particular love for video games and Vietnam War movies. While at a hotel in Bangkok, he finds a map left by his strange, whacked-out neighbor, who just committed suicide. The map supposedly leads to a legendary island paradise where some other wayward souls have settled