Filmul e unul destul de vechi si astfel surprinde 2 actori in floarea varstei , Di Caprio care sincer imi pare mult mai tanar fata de titanic , chit ca-i o diferenta de 2 ani , dar si Mark Wahlberg care arata foarte bine, zic. Are un corp lucrat frumos si o atitudine de rau iesita din comun. In schimb , parerea mea e ca titlul nu prea defineste filmul, intradevar este o poveste care implica baschetul, dar destul de diferita de restul filmului. Se putea continua zic cu povestea echipei in care cei 3 jucau sau cu succesul celui care n-a cazut in patima dependentei de droguri , ca despre asta e mai mult filmul. Finalul este iarasi prea brusc si din scurt parca, cand intra la inchisoare si urmarea o vedeti voi. Filmul e bazat pe fapte reale, sincer ? nu ma mira !
Nota: 7/10
The Basketball Diaries
Jim Carroll is a high school basketball player. His life centers around the basketball, and his dream is being a basketball star. Once in a while he gets stoned with his friends, and step by step, he falls into the dark world of crime and drugs. Once his mother expelled him out of the house, he goes into the streets of New York, and together with his friends they take drugs for which they steal, rob and even kill. As the time pass, Jim's situation becomes worse. It looks like he will never get out from the his drug addiction.
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