joi, 20 septembrie 2012

The Girl Next Door

Filmul debuteaza slab insa pe parcurs se imbunatateste , actiunea e ok ,e constanta si ideeile sunt interesante ptr un film care se incadreaza in varsta 14-16 ani :)). Acelasi tipar pentru americani , liceu , colegiu , geeks si smecheri , fete si petreceri. Per total e interesant , dar pana la o varsta, povestea de dragoste fiind si ea puerila , dar destul de frumoasa , dar de asemenea , dupa primele secvente ale filmului :))

Nota: 8/10

The Girl Next Door

18-year-old Matthew Kidman is a straight 'A' over-achiever who feels that he has never really lived life to the full. That is, until he meets 'the girl next door'. Danielle moves in next door, and Matthew thinks he's found the girl of his dreams. All is going well, until Matthew's sex-mad friend Eli reveals that Danielle is actually a ex-porn star. Matthew doesn't know how to take the news or how to treat Danielle, and things go from bad to worse when Danielle's former producer Kelly appears to take her back.

Mai este un poster , care cred ca se potriveste mai bine , o sa fiti de aceeasi parere :)) 

4 comentarii:

  1. tu ca un movieholic adevarat abia acum ai vazut filmu asta?

    1. pai , eu filmele le iau in ordine alfabetica dintr-un folder :)) deci asta e un motiv pentru care ajung asa tarziu la ele.
      Si totusi , mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata nu ? :D

  2. sigur sigur :D
    spor in continuare!
