miercuri, 26 septembrie 2012

That's What I Am

Filmul nu incepe foarte entuziasmant , tin sa precizez ca a doua jumatate e mult mai buna , dar e ok , e un film  mediocru zic in care fiecare are personalitatea lui si se vede asta. E ok ca inca se fac filme de genul , cu scolile de pe "vremuri" si modul lor de predare sa zic asa. E un film despre educatie,prietenie,dragoste. In film observ ca joaca si Randy Orton , vedeta din wrestling parca , bine ca n-are un rol foarte insemnat. Nu inteleg o chestie in schimb, cum fata e in clasa a 8-a si baiatul in clasa a 7-a , dar totusi au orele in aceeasi clasa :))

Nota: 8/10

That's What I Am

A coming-of-age story set in 1965 that follows 12-year-old Andy Nichol (Chase Ellison), a bright student who, like most kids his age, will do anything to avoid conflict for fear of suffering overwhelming ridicule and punishment from his junior high school peers. Everyone's favorite teacher, Mr. Simon (Ed Harris), pairs Andy with the school's biggest outcast and social pariah, Stanley, aka "Big G" (Alexander Walters), on a critical term project. Sporting thick orange hair, a head too big for his body and ears too big for his head, "Big G" has been the object of ridicule since grade school. Before long, Andy will learn that there was truly a method behind Mr. Simon's madness as to why he teamed these two up. As the story unfolds, Mr. Simon finds himself the target of a malicious rumor after Principal Kelner (Amy Madigan) suspends a school bully for brutally...

Three (Survival Island)

Chit c-am vazut filmul acum ceva vreme , am vrut sa-l mai vad inca o data. Actiunea e slaba si constanta ca evenimente , Kelly Brook chit ca nu e cine stie ce actrita isi joaca bine partea (si cred ca stim toti care parte :)))))))). Finalul probabil e diferit fata de cum ne-am astepta toti , cu happy ending macar pentru doua persoane insa nu e chiar asa. Nu e genul de film pe care sa-l iei neaparat atunci cand cauti un film de genul asta(esuati pe insule) , recomand Cast Away in schimb. Punct interesant: oare cand i se terminau si lui tigarile/trabucurile ?

Nota: 6/10

Three (Survival Island)

Jack & Jennifer take a private cruise with friends, such as Captain Richards and his wife Maggie. Manuel is a staff member who catches Jen's eye. Thanks to chain of events sparked off between a dispute concerning Jack and Manuel, a fire breaks out and the ship blows up and sinks. Jen and Mannuel seem to be the only survivors to wash up on an island...but before long Jack shows lying in a rock pool...and here's where the tale turns nasty

Nu e posterul original , dar cred ca-i bun si asta :))

luni, 24 septembrie 2012

The Grey

E genul de film care se bazeaza pe un singur actor , in cazul de fata Liam Neeson , alt preferat de-al meu insa in cazul de fata filmul a fost cam dezamagitor. Povestea curge normal pana la o bucata cand personajele ajung sa moara din motive mult mai aiurea decat un accident de avion care e foarte previzibil de altfel. Alta chestie , sunt multe secvente care injosesc filmul (nu lasi cel mai ranit om sa mearga ultimul intr-o coloana, nu-l lasi sa doarma singur ingropat in zapada si asa mai departe). Ciudat e majoritatea se cunosteau intre ei ca lucrau in acelasi loc si imparteau aceleasi mese intr-un bar , dar de fapt la sfarsit ajung sa faca cunostiinta sau faptul ca apar secvente din familia lui Neeson , cu toate ca fiecare avea o poveste in spate si o familie.

Nota: 7/10

The Grey

In Alaska, a team of oil workers board a flight home; however, they cross a storm and the airplane crashes. Only seven workers survive in the wilderness and John Ottway, who is a huntsman that kills wolves to protect the workers, assumes leadership of the group. Shortly after they learn that they are surrounded by a pack of wolves and Ottway advises that they should seek protection in the woods. But while they walk through the heavy snow, they are chased and attacked by the carnivorous mammals.

sâmbătă, 22 septembrie 2012

Thick as Thieves

Filmul este chiar ok , nu foarte stralucit , dar e bun. Are parte atat de umorul lui Antonio Banderas , care by the way , nu mi se pare cea mai stralucita alegere pentru rolul avut in film , dar si de seriozitatea si momentele de uimire oferite de Morgan Freeman care cam imbatraneste ... Finalul e unul intortochiat si e bine daca mai intelegi ceva , oricum schimbandu-se cu 180 de grade :D

Nota: 8/10

Thick as Thieves

In New York, the experienced art thief, Keith Ripley, invites the bold thief from Miami, Gabriel Martin, to team up with him. He plans the heist of two valuable mysterious antique Faberge eggs, located in a safe, of the well protected Russian jewelry Romanov. Each egg is worth twenty million dollars on the black market, and Ripley needs his cut to free himself from his debt to a powerful mobster, known as Nicky. The reluctant Gabriel agrees to participate, after having a one night stand with Ripley's goddaughter Alexandra Karolin. Meanwhile, the persistent Lieutenant Weber, who has unsuccessfully tried to put Ripley in jail for twenty years, figures out how to anticipate the movements of the criminal in order to catch him.

vineri, 21 septembrie 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Foarte frumos filmul chit ca are aproape 3 ore. Este vorba despre un "asa-zis" detectiv care e bagat in atatea belele si are o singura sansa (se pare) de a scapa, si de care profita maxim. El trebuie sa descopere disparitia unei persoane ce face parte dintr-o familie numeroasa si destul de dezbinata si intortocheata. Usor , usor descopera unele detalii , dar este ajutat si din jur , principalul venind de la persoana "diferita" din film , o tipa foarte dezinhibata pe toate domeniile. Finalul e frumos si ai impresia ca nu vei mai vedea jumatate de ora din film cand crezi ca s-a terminat. Schimbarea domnisoarei din final e surprinzatoare , dar arata foarte bine.

Nota: 10/10

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

This English-language adaptation of the Swedish novel by Stieg Larsson follows a disgraced journalist, Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), as he investigates the disappearance of a wealthy patriarch's niece from 40 years ago. He is aided by the pierced, tattooed, punk computer hacker named Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara). As they work together in the investigation, Blomkvist and Salander uncover immense corruption beyond anything they have ever imagined.

The Illusionist

Frumos film , ce'i drept parca am revazut sezonul 2 din Romanii au Talent , dupa ce s-a afisat castigatorul toata lumea a inceput sa critice un talent , o munca depusa de un om , iluzionismul presupune atat talent cat si munca si s-a vazut si in film ca totusi este o tehnica de a se realiza acest lucru. Ma asteptam la mai multe 'trickuri' sa fiu sincer , dar au fost interesante si cele care-au fost aratate, povestea de dragoste e si ea acolo ,  lungita pe final ce'i drept , un final surprinzator si frumos

Nota: 9/10

The Illusionist

In late nineteenth century Vienna, renowned illusionist Eisenheim is reunited with the Duchess von Teschen when she is volunteered from the audience to participate in an illusion during one of his performances. Despite having not seen each other in fifteen years when they were teenagers, they almost immediately recognize each other as Eduard Abramovich and Sophie von Teschen, they who had a doomed romance at that time due to their class differences. The Duchess is soon to be wed to the Crown Prince Leopold in what would be for him a marriage solely in pursuit of power: overthrowing his father, the Emperor Leopold, as well as overtaking the Hungarian side of the empire. The Crown Prince is known to use violence against women if it suits his needs or purposes. As such, the Duchess, who realizes that she still loves Eisenheim and he her, can never leave the Crown Prince without it jeopardizing her life...

joi, 20 septembrie 2012

The Ides of March

Filmul cu un nume ciudat e unul destul de interesant. Tine de politica , dar desfasurarea actiunii se face in spatele a tot ce inseamna un mandat de presedintie , o intreaga tevatura ce sta in spatele unui presedinte. Filmul prezinta toate probleme de fundal , tot ceea ce tine de masluirea unor voturi , de legaturile si 'pilele' care se pun intre oamenii importanti dintr-o tara , dar si problemele in care intra eventualul candidat cand calca stramb. Alt bonus al filmului , numarul mare de actori cunoscuti , unul dintre ei Ryan Gosling jucand un rol destul de interesant pentru profilul lui , dar pe care'l interpreteaza bine , dar si surpriza Marisa Tomei care arata extraordinar de bine in postura ei de ziarista (aspect , dar si rol)

Nota: 9/10

The Ides of March

Stephen Meyers is an idealist who's brilliant at communications, is second in command of Governor Mike Morris's presidential campaign, and is a true believer. In the middle of the Ohio primary, the campaign manager of Morris's opponent asks Meyers to meet; he offers him a job. At the same time, Morris's negotiations for the endorsement of the man in third place, a North Carolina Senator, hit a snag. A young campaign intern, Molly Stearns, gets Stephen's romantic attention. Republicans have a trick up their sleeve; Stephen may be too trusting, and Molly has a secret. What's most important, career, victory, or virtue?

Din nou sunt de parere ca celalalt poster arata mult mai bine 

The Girl Next Door

Filmul debuteaza slab insa pe parcurs se imbunatateste , actiunea e ok ,e constanta si ideeile sunt interesante ptr un film care se incadreaza in varsta 14-16 ani :)). Acelasi tipar pentru americani , liceu , colegiu , geeks si smecheri , fete si petreceri. Per total e interesant , dar pana la o varsta, povestea de dragoste fiind si ea puerila , dar destul de frumoasa , dar de asemenea , dupa primele secvente ale filmului :))

Nota: 8/10

The Girl Next Door

18-year-old Matthew Kidman is a straight 'A' over-achiever who feels that he has never really lived life to the full. That is, until he meets 'the girl next door'. Danielle moves in next door, and Matthew thinks he's found the girl of his dreams. All is going well, until Matthew's sex-mad friend Eli reveals that Danielle is actually a ex-porn star. Matthew doesn't know how to take the news or how to treat Danielle, and things go from bad to worse when Danielle's former producer Kelly appears to take her back.

Mai este un poster , care cred ca se potriveste mai bine , o sa fiti de aceeasi parere :)) 

miercuri, 19 septembrie 2012

The Ghost Writer

Filmul in esenta lui este fain , dar parca actiunea se desfasoara prea sec , peisajul ala trist parca dezvolta ideea asta , actorii sunt ok, unii din ei destul de cunoscuti. Filmul are un fir lent care din a doua jumatate se dezvolta incredibil de rapid si de complicat , valtoarea actiunii incurcandu-te in cazul in care nu esti foarte atent la ceea ce se desfasoara, e destul de imbarligata treaba fiind multe persoane implicate. Finalul e unul la care sincer nu ma asteptam si nu referitor la ce gaseste el in 'carte' ci chiar ultima scena , n-am mai vazut rostul pentru care s-a intamplat. Oricum , e un film tipic genului Polanski

Nota: 9/10

The Ghost Writer - traducere foarte tampita pe IMDB

An unremarkable ghost-writer has landed a lucrative contract to redact the memoirs of Adam Lang, the former UK Prime Minister. After dominating British politics for years, Lang has retired with his wife to the USA. He lives on an island, in luxurious, isolated premises complete with a security detail and a secretarial staff. Soon, Adam Lang gets embroiled in a major scandal with international ramifications that reveals how far he was ready to go in order to nurture UK's "special relationship" with the USA. But before this controversy has started, before even he has closed the deal with the publisher, the ghost-writer gets unmistakable signs that the turgid draft he is tasked to put into shape inexplicably constitutes highly sensitive material.

duminică, 16 septembrie 2012

The Fighter

Bun si filmul asta , daca ar fi sa-l compar cu Warrior , e putin mai inferior , insa ideea se mentine pe acelasi fir , un om cu povestea sa , aici urmas al fratelui care vrea sa aiba si el o cariera in sport si incearca din toate puterile , fiind inspirat dupa un caz real ii sporeste ratingul :D L-am cotat mai putin bun decat Warrior pentru ca aici se mentine prea mult frecusul familiei , ba ala , ba celalalt , ba fratele si tot asa (vedeti voi in film).

Nota: 9/10

The Fighter

The Fighter is a drama about boxer "Irish" Micky Ward's unlikely road to the world light welterweight title. His Rocky-like rise was shepherded by half-brother Dicky, a boxer-turned-trainer on the verge of being KO'd by drugs and crime.

sâmbătă, 15 septembrie 2012


Filmul asta e o poveste de viata , una emotionanta. Ce mi-a placut cel mai mult e cum se dezvolta povestea , nu e genul de film doar cu bataie , pornesti o bataie , castigi 2-3 participi si castigi. Totul are la baza un storyline bine pus la punct , actorii foarte buni , chit ca mie nu mi-a placut Nick Nolte mai deloc niciodata. Ma asteptam la un final ca asta , dar deznodamantul luptei avea mai multe idei in capul meu , deci il face placut la urmarit :D.

Nota: 10/10


Two brothers face the fight of a lifetime - and the wreckage of their broken family - within the brutal, high-stakes world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighting in Lionsgate's action/drama, WARRIOR. An ex-Marine haunted by a tragic past, Tommy Riordan returns to his hometown of Pittsburgh and enlists his father, a recovered alcoholic and his former coach, to train him for an MMA tournament awarding the biggest purse in the history of the sport. As Tommy blazes a violent path towards the title prize, his brother, Brendan, a former MMA fighter unable to make ends meet as a public school teacher, returns to the amateur ring to provide for his family. Even though years have passed, recriminations and past betrayals keep Brendan bitterly estranged from both Tommy and his father. But when Brendan's unlikely rise as an underdog sets him on a collision course with Tommy, the two brothers must finally confront the forces that tore them apart...

joi, 13 septembrie 2012

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Genul de film care pe mine ma impresioneaza , genul de film care ar trebui sa faca reclama unei tari , in cazul respectiv India , o tara plina de mister , plina de locuri frumoase(orice tara are asa ceva) , plina de povesti. E genul de film ce se aseamana cu Cairo Time , unde vin un grup de batrani , fiecare cu povestea lui si ajung sa lege prietenii frumoase si care schimba anumiti factori ai povestirii. Sonny , actorul indian e pur si simplu genial :)))) are o energie debordanta si se potriveste de minune rapiditatea lui cu umorul englezesc al turistilor.  Pustietatea locului creat de el va ajunge in final sa fie o oaza de fericire ptr cei ce vor trece pragul locului :D. Alt lucru pe care l-am admirat in film a fost faptul ca n-au exagerat cu muzica lor "populara" ci au folosit un soundtrack potrivit. Bill Nighy joaca si el in film , el fiind unul din actorii mei preferati, scena din final de pe scuter facand toti banii :))

Nota: 10/10

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

British retirees travel to India to take up residence in what they believe is a newly restored hotel. Less luxurious than its advertisements, the Marigold Hotel nevertheless slowly begins to charm in unexpected ways.

The Fall

Interesant filmul , interesanta metoda de a'l povesti ... actiunea imaginata de cei doi amplifica frumusetea filmului , ceea ce e interesant este faptul ca Alexandria , acea fata mica este romanca. Am citit cate ceva despre dansa si e destul de impresionanta povestea ei de cand era mica , dar si cum a ajuns in film si zic ca joaca destul de bine pentru varsta ei si ptr un copil roman care vorbeste engleza la o varsta frageda. Personajele sunt simpatice si asimilate cu persoane din cadrul spitalului , este o corelare draguta intre poveste si real

Nota: 9/10

The Fall

In a hospital on the outskirts of 1920s Los Angeles, an injured stuntman begins to tell a fellow patient, a little girl with a broken arm, a fantastic story of five mythical heroes. Thanks to his fractured state of mind and her vivid imagination, the line between fiction and reality blurs as the tale advances.

miercuri, 12 septembrie 2012

The Adjustment Bureau

Fain filmul si faina ideea , actorii sunt placuti , cel mai mult mi-a placut negrul , Harry :D. Filmul are si actiune , si drama , putin romantism ... e bun. De asemenea frumos si cum isi da el seama ca destinul ti'l controlezi in anumite masuri singur. Partea care strica putin din energia filmului e urmatoarea: faptul ca actorul principal , Matt Damon(David) reuseste si el lucrurile pe care cei cu palarii le fac , ceea ce nu este explicat pe parcurs , dar si zambetul domnisoarei in final(demential accentul) cand isi da seama care'i treaba cu acel 'plan' ... dar de unde si de unde cand ea e luata ca din oala?!. In rest e bine gandit , aceste 2 chestii scapand poate

Nota: 9/10

The Adjustment Bureau

Do we control our destiny, or do unseen forces manipulate us? A man glimpses the future Fate has planned for him and realizes he wants something else. To get it, he must pursue across, under and through the streets of modern-day New York the only woman he's ever loved. On the brink of winning a seat in the U.S. Senate, ambitious politician David Norris (Damon) meets beautiful contemporary ballet dancer Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt) - a woman like none he's ever known. But just as he realizes he's falling for her, mysterious men conspire to keep the two apart. David learns he is up against the agents of Fate itself - the men of The Adjustment Bureau - who will do everything in their considerable power to prevent David and Elise from being together. In the face of overwhelming odds, he must either let her go and accept a predetermined path...or risk everything to defy Fate and be with her.

                        Mi se pare mie sau cei doi din poster nu prea seamana cu actorii principali ? :))

marți, 11 septembrie 2012

Taxi Driver

O poveste faina cu un Robert de Niro leit ca acum , in anul 2012 , acelasi stil de a juca, acelasi " sictir " apare ... e un actor genial , merita toate filmele in care a jucat , povestea e mai buna in prima parte , in a doua jumatate el isi schimba cumva gandirea si ia niste decizii surprinzatoare... finalul de asemenea e unul destul de interesant :D Freza de punker face toti banii! :))

Nota: 9/10

Taxi Driver

Travis Bickle is an ex-Marine and Vietnam War veteran living in New York City. As he suffers from insomnia, he spends his time working as a taxi driver at night, watching porn movies at seedy cinemas during the day, or thinking about how the world, New York in particular, has deteriorated into a cesspool. He's a loner who has strong opinions about what is right and wrong with mankind. For him, the one bright spot in New York humanity is Betsy, a worker on the presidential nomination campaign of Senator Charles Palantine. He becomes obsessed with her. After an incident with her, he believes he has to do whatever he needs to to make the world a better place in his opinion. One of his priorities is to be the savior for Iris, a twelve-year-old runaway and prostitute who he believes wants out of the profession and under the thumb of her pimp and lover Matthew.

luni, 10 septembrie 2012

The Hit List

Un film cu un buget foarte redus dupa cum arata , multe greseli la filmari , din neatentie sau din lipsa de venituri , probabil i-au dat toti banii actorului principal :)) ... Ideea e interesanta, e ok si pusa in aplicare cat de cat , dar din cauza a multor clisee filmul lasa de dorit... actiunea incepe sa fie previzibila , finalul la fel... modul de a filma filmul e iarasi slab ..

Nota: 7/10

The Hit List

In Spokane, an elite government killer goes rogue on the day that engineer Allen Campbell loses a promotion and finds his best man with his wife. Allen goes drinking that night and chats up a stranger who turns out to be Jonas, the hit man. Jonas asks Allen to give him a list of five people he'd like to see dead, so a drunk Allen lists his boss, the guy who got the promotion, a nasty bookie, the best man, and his wife. By the next morning, the boss is dead, and Allen realizes Jonas is for real. Can he stop Jonas?

miercuri, 5 septembrie 2012

Take Shelter

Un film care in privinta mea are un buget foarte low si e facut doar ca sa fie trecut la cv'ul regizorului , povestea e adevarat , trista si poate ca asta a influentat mult ideea spectatorului dupa vizionarea filmului , dar pe mine nu m-a impresionat , finalul e acelasi cu cel pe care mi l-am imaginat eu , vine intr-adevar acea "ploaie" si totul revine la normal. Intrebarea pe care mi-am pus-o e urmatoarea: daca fetita nu avea problema de vorbire , mai avea acelasi impact? Pentru cel ce vizioneaza , impactul e mai mare cand un copil are probleme , fata de un adult , mai ales cand ambii sunt in film

Nota: 7/10

Take Shelter

Curtis, a father and husband, is starting to experience bad dreams and hallucinations. Assuming mental illness, he seeks medical help and counseling. However, fearing the worst, he starts building an elaborate and expensive storm shelter in their backyard. This storm shelter threatens to tear apart his family, threatens his sanity and his standing in the community, but he builds it to save his family's life.

                              Posterul cu norii pare mai reprezentativ pentru film decat acesta cu pasari.

luni, 3 septembrie 2012

Taking Lives

Un film fain , dar care trebuie urmarit cu multa atentie de la inceput incat sa-i prinzi ideea , finalul nu se poate spune ca e previzibil , dar poti banui care-i miscarea in continuare... Anjelina are un rol fain, pe langa faptul ca arata foarte bine apare si intr-o scena de sex , de altfel si singura din tot filmul care e buna de tot, pasionala si toate alea!

 Nota: 9/10

Taking Lives

An FBI profiler is called in by French Canadian police to catch a serial killer who takes on the identity of each new victim.