duminică, 12 august 2012


Mi-a placut teribil filmul asta , cred ca cel mai important lucru care-a dus la treaba asta a fost prestatia lui Eric Cantona , el pornind de fapt ca fotbalist , ajungand sa fie si actor si sincer s-a descurcat teribil de bine in filmul asta, am mai vazut "Looking for Eric" , dar nu se compara. Apoi , ideea in sine , geniala , pornind de la schimbul de locuinte pana la modalitatile prin care s-a facut schimbul si a inceput povestea in sine ... sunt curios daca s-ar putea realiza treburile alea si in ziua de azi. Un lucru pe care nu-l stiu , dar o sa ma documentez , pachetele trimise prin UPS , sunt trimise prin masina/vapor sau aeroport , pentru ca intr-un pachet era un cap ( :)) ), iar la controlul din aeroport acesta ar fi fost depistat :d

Nota: 10/10


A Montreal magazine illustrator heads to Paris for the summer, and her idiot grin as she perambulates round the city is enough to tell you it's all going to go horribly wrong. And so it proves. On her first morning in an apartment taken through a house-swap site, she's overrun by police, who find a headless corpse, her photo in a passport in the actual owner's name and her fingerprints all over the murder weapon. If one were to be charitable, what ensues is Hitchcockian; if not, one might call it laughably preposterous. Equally, Eric Cantona, as the detective who slowly comes to believe her, offers either a refreshingly ego-free performance, or finds it hard to break out of a monotone. Actually, the rest of the movie is so florid, it needs Cantona's stillness, whether or not it's deliberate. The schlock factor increases with every passing frame, but at least it's never boring, though whether it needs quite so many shots of Vanasse's unclad breasts is doubtful.

Plotul acesta e cam cel mai potrivit pentru tot filmul , restul aveau doar inceput , oricum nu pare promitator din rezumat , trailerul nu stiu cum e , dar filmul e chiar interesant

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