Foarte caterinca filmul si are o nota foarte buna pe IMDB , actiunea e buna , curge bine , nu sunt eu atras de printese si printi si cai si d-astea , insa cele 2 personaje (calul si cameleonul) dau savoarea filmului , cameleonul e genial in prima parte , apoi calul isi intra in valoare :)) , au niste " asa zise replici " foarte comice , pot spune ca m-a plesnit bine rasul de cateva ori , astea sunt lucrurile care dau savoare unei animatii si care pe mine sincer m-au incantat. Are si musical si romance , le are pe toate pentru o animatie de top.
Nota: 9/10
After receiving the healing powers from a magical flower, the baby Princess Rapunzel is kidnapped from the palace in the middle of the night by Mother Gothel. Mother Gothel knows that the flower's magical powers are now growing within the golden hair of Rapunzel, and to stay young, she must lock Rapunzel in her hidden tower. Rapunzel is now a teenager and her hair has grown to a length of 70-feet. The beautiful Rapunzel has been in the tower her entire life, and she is curious of the outside world. One day, the bandit Flynn Ryder scales the tower and is taken captive by Rapunzel. Rapunzel strikes a deal with the charming thief to act as her guide to travel to the place where the floating lights come from that she has seen every year on her birthday. Rapunzel is about to have the most exciting and magnificent journey of her life.
marți, 21 august 2012
duminică, 19 august 2012
Mi-a placut filmul , are actiune si prezinta 2 jafuri , cel de inceput prin care le face actorilor introducerea si cel de final unde sunt cateva momente interesante la care nu m-as fi asteptat , chiar daca el(finalul) devine previzibil la o bucata, majoritatea filmelor filmului care au la baza acest subiect au de obicei un singur jaf... Zoe Saldana are si ea un loc bun acolo si inca 1 data arata foarte bine , iar actorii parca sunt facuti pentru a forma o echipa , sunt simpatici toti au personalitati interesante, preferatul meu fiind cel cu palarie :D. Joaca si Chris Brown in film si cred ca o face destul de bine totusi pentru un om care la baza e cantaret :D
Nota: 9/10
A seasoned team of bank robbers, including Gordon Jennings (Idris Elba), John Rahway (Paul Walker), A.J. (Hayden Christensen), and brothers Jake (Michael Ealy) and Jesse (Chris Brown) Attica successfully complete their latest heist and lead a life of luxury while planning their next job. When Ghost (Tip T.I. Harris), a former member of their team, is released from prison he convinces the group to strike an armored car carrying $20 million. As the "takers" carefully plot their strategy and draw nearer to exacting the grand heist, a reckless police officer (Matt Dillon) inches closer to apprehending the criminals.
Nota: 9/10
A seasoned team of bank robbers, including Gordon Jennings (Idris Elba), John Rahway (Paul Walker), A.J. (Hayden Christensen), and brothers Jake (Michael Ealy) and Jesse (Chris Brown) Attica successfully complete their latest heist and lead a life of luxury while planning their next job. When Ghost (Tip T.I. Harris), a former member of their team, is released from prison he convinces the group to strike an armored car carrying $20 million. As the "takers" carefully plot their strategy and draw nearer to exacting the grand heist, a reckless police officer (Matt Dillon) inches closer to apprehending the criminals.
marți, 14 august 2012
Sucker Punch
O porcarie de SF in opinia mea , e ca si cum m-as uita la mai multe filme adunate in unul singur , dar foarte prost facut, Al cincilea element , parca le vad pe Spice Girls pe scena cand pleaca ele din realitatea lor , sau desenul animat powerpuff girls , o harababura totala
Nota: 5/10
Sucker Punch
A young girl (Baby Doll) is locked away in a mental asylum by her abusive stepfather where she will undergo a lobotomy in five days' time. Faced with unimaginable odds, she retreats to a fantastical world in her imagination where she and four other female inmates at the asylum, plot to escape the facility. The lines between reality and fantasy blur as Baby Doll and her four companions, as well as a mysterious guide, fight to retrieve the five items they need that will allow them to break free from their captors before it's too late...
Nota: 5/10
Sucker Punch
A young girl (Baby Doll) is locked away in a mental asylum by her abusive stepfather where she will undergo a lobotomy in five days' time. Faced with unimaginable odds, she retreats to a fantastical world in her imagination where she and four other female inmates at the asylum, plot to escape the facility. The lines between reality and fantasy blur as Baby Doll and her four companions, as well as a mysterious guide, fight to retrieve the five items they need that will allow them to break free from their captors before it's too late...
Street Kings
alt film de umplutura cu multi actori cunoscuti , cu Hugh Laurie care are si el un rol episodic pe-acolo.. filmul e mediocru , o invalmaseala greoaie si te plimba de colo colo cu ideea ... cu politisti maxim de corupti cu averea'n perete, ca la noi ! :))
Nota: 7/10
Street Kings
Tom Ludlow is a veteran LAPD cop who finds life difficult to navigate after the death of his wife. When evidence implicates him in the execution of a fellow officer, he is forced to go up against the cop culture he's been a part of his entire career, ultimately leading him to question the loyalties of everyone around him.
Nota: 7/10
Street Kings
Tom Ludlow is a veteran LAPD cop who finds life difficult to navigate after the death of his wife. When evidence implicates him in the execution of a fellow officer, he is forced to go up against the cop culture he's been a part of his entire career, ultimately leading him to question the loyalties of everyone around him.
duminică, 12 august 2012
Something Borrowed
Un film de umplutura ce-i drept , putea sa se termine cu mult inainte , a fost mult tras de el , ba se plangea unul , ba era hotarat celalalt si tot asa , Ethan mi-a placut cel mai mult cum a jucat , a avut si umor si de toate. Cel mai mult mi-a placut melodia de final, un final care e previzibil si el de pe la inceputul filmului.
Nota: 7/10
Something Borrowed
Rachel is a lawyer. When she was in law school she fell for another student, Dex, who comes from an affluent family, but she was too shy to say anything. When Dex meets her best friend Darcy, who sometimes treats her like dirt, Darcy makes a move on Dex and gets him. Eventually, they get engaged and Darcy asks Rachel to be her Maid of Honor. However, Rachel still has feelings for Dex and still can't say anything. Darcy throws her a birthday party and Dex is there. When she and Dex are alone she blurts out that she had a thing for him in college which surprised him, and after drinking a little they spend the night together. They try to forget the whole thing and agree that it means nothing. Ethan, Rachel's close friend, tells her that she'll spend her entire life regretting that if she does nothing.
Nota: 7/10
Something Borrowed
Rachel is a lawyer. When she was in law school she fell for another student, Dex, who comes from an affluent family, but she was too shy to say anything. When Dex meets her best friend Darcy, who sometimes treats her like dirt, Darcy makes a move on Dex and gets him. Eventually, they get engaged and Darcy asks Rachel to be her Maid of Honor. However, Rachel still has feelings for Dex and still can't say anything. Darcy throws her a birthday party and Dex is there. When she and Dex are alone she blurts out that she had a thing for him in college which surprised him, and after drinking a little they spend the night together. They try to forget the whole thing and agree that it means nothing. Ethan, Rachel's close friend, tells her that she'll spend her entire life regretting that if she does nothing.
Mi-a placut teribil filmul asta , cred ca cel mai important lucru care-a dus la treaba asta a fost prestatia lui Eric Cantona , el pornind de fapt ca fotbalist , ajungand sa fie si actor si sincer s-a descurcat teribil de bine in filmul asta, am mai vazut "Looking for Eric" , dar nu se compara. Apoi , ideea in sine , geniala , pornind de la schimbul de locuinte pana la modalitatile prin care s-a facut schimbul si a inceput povestea in sine ... sunt curios daca s-ar putea realiza treburile alea si in ziua de azi. Un lucru pe care nu-l stiu , dar o sa ma documentez , pachetele trimise prin UPS , sunt trimise prin masina/vapor sau aeroport , pentru ca intr-un pachet era un cap ( :)) ), iar la controlul din aeroport acesta ar fi fost depistat :d
Nota: 10/10
A Montreal magazine illustrator heads to Paris for the summer, and her idiot grin as she perambulates round the city is enough to tell you it's all going to go horribly wrong. And so it proves. On her first morning in an apartment taken through a house-swap site, she's overrun by police, who find a headless corpse, her photo in a passport in the actual owner's name and her fingerprints all over the murder weapon. If one were to be charitable, what ensues is Hitchcockian; if not, one might call it laughably preposterous. Equally, Eric Cantona, as the detective who slowly comes to believe her, offers either a refreshingly ego-free performance, or finds it hard to break out of a monotone. Actually, the rest of the movie is so florid, it needs Cantona's stillness, whether or not it's deliberate. The schlock factor increases with every passing frame, but at least it's never boring, though whether it needs quite so many shots of Vanasse's unclad breasts is doubtful.
Plotul acesta e cam cel mai potrivit pentru tot filmul , restul aveau doar inceput , oricum nu pare promitator din rezumat , trailerul nu stiu cum e , dar filmul e chiar interesant
Nota: 10/10
A Montreal magazine illustrator heads to Paris for the summer, and her idiot grin as she perambulates round the city is enough to tell you it's all going to go horribly wrong. And so it proves. On her first morning in an apartment taken through a house-swap site, she's overrun by police, who find a headless corpse, her photo in a passport in the actual owner's name and her fingerprints all over the murder weapon. If one were to be charitable, what ensues is Hitchcockian; if not, one might call it laughably preposterous. Equally, Eric Cantona, as the detective who slowly comes to believe her, offers either a refreshingly ego-free performance, or finds it hard to break out of a monotone. Actually, the rest of the movie is so florid, it needs Cantona's stillness, whether or not it's deliberate. The schlock factor increases with every passing frame, but at least it's never boring, though whether it needs quite so many shots of Vanasse's unclad breasts is doubtful.
Plotul acesta e cam cel mai potrivit pentru tot filmul , restul aveau doar inceput , oricum nu pare promitator din rezumat , trailerul nu stiu cum e , dar filmul e chiar interesant
vineri, 10 august 2012
o poveste sumbra cu un copil care vrea sa faca el totul parca, se baga in tot felul de treburi in care n-ar trebui , are si el 2 principii dupa care se ghideaza si atat ... finalul e unul de asteptat.
Nota: 6/10
Precocious Oliver struggles with being popular in school but when a dark-haired beauty takes interest in him, he's determined to become the best boyfriend in the world. Meanwhile, his parents' already rocky relationship is threatened when his mother's ex-boyfriend moves in next door. Oliver makes some unorthodox plans to ensure that his parents stay together and that Jordana still likes him.
Nota: 6/10
Precocious Oliver struggles with being popular in school but when a dark-haired beauty takes interest in him, he's determined to become the best boyfriend in the world. Meanwhile, his parents' already rocky relationship is threatened when his mother's ex-boyfriend moves in next door. Oliver makes some unorthodox plans to ensure that his parents stay together and that Jordana still likes him.
Sleeping Beauty
Numele de ' Frumoasa Adormita ' te duce cu gandul la povestea pe care o stie toata lumea , dar am dat cu seama ca este un pornosag asemanator filmului in care a jucat Tom Cruise , Eyes Wide Shut , o varianta mai moderna , dar de asemenea mai prost realizat , filmul din 1999 fiind mult mai bun :) ... N-am inteles 2 lucruri in filmul asta , de ce a scapat in masina acele chestii rosii din mana (fructe) cred ca erau, si acel hint cand vomita (semn al gravidelor) pentru ca ea la interviul ala spunea ca se protejeaza :)
Nota: 5/10
Sleeping Beauty
Lucy is a university student who is working a number of jobs. She volunteers at a research lab, works at a coffee shop, and as a photocopy clerk in an office. She responds to an advertisement and embarks on an erotic freelance job in which she is required to sleep in bed alongside paying customers.
Nota: 5/10
Sleeping Beauty
Lucy is a university student who is working a number of jobs. She volunteers at a research lab, works at a coffee shop, and as a photocopy clerk in an office. She responds to an advertisement and embarks on an erotic freelance job in which she is required to sleep in bed alongside paying customers.
joi, 9 august 2012
Un film scarbos cu 3 lucruri aiurea : 1. bucuria de dupa raid de parca ei ar fi avut planul ala + paznicul ala e destul de annoying si bossy 2. de ce n-au stat de la inceput in casa vazand ca acolo nu se intampla mai nimic(avand si acele jaluzele beton, nice invention btw) , 3. daca asa ar fi sfarsitul lumii nu m-as obosi sa ma salvez :)). Finalul e mai scarbos ca tot filmul la un loc si nu inteleg de ce nu s-a pus accent absolut deloc pe copiii din pantecele mamelor pentru ca in final cam acolo se ajunge. Observ ca in storyline se precizeaza " his pregnant girlfriend " , dar in film acest lucru apare in 3 momente doar.
Nota: 6/10
Jarrod and his pregnant girlfriend Elaine travel to Los Angeles to meet his old friend and successful entrepreneur Terry, and his wife Candice. Terry gives a party in his apartment for Jarrod and offers a job position to him in LA. Terry's assistant and lover Denise (Crystal Reed) and his friend Ray (Neil Hopkins) sleep on the couch in the living room, but in the dawn of the next morning, the group is awakened by mysterious beams of blue light. Ray stares at the light and is taken by the mysterious force. The group of friends try to escape from the alien invaders.
Nota: 6/10
Jarrod and his pregnant girlfriend Elaine travel to Los Angeles to meet his old friend and successful entrepreneur Terry, and his wife Candice. Terry gives a party in his apartment for Jarrod and offers a job position to him in LA. Terry's assistant and lover Denise (Crystal Reed) and his friend Ray (Neil Hopkins) sleep on the couch in the living room, but in the dawn of the next morning, the group is awakened by mysterious beams of blue light. Ray stares at the light and is taken by the mysterious force. The group of friends try to escape from the alien invaders.
Shoot 'Em Up
Actiunea se desfasoara destul de rapid ceea ce e un plus pentru un film de genul , mai ales ca efectele sunt slabe si actorul principal (care mie imi place sincer) omoara tot ce prinde si zboara numai sange pe oriunde ar merge , ma mir ca totusi a reusit sa fie impuscat 1 data , ca i s-au rupt degetele toate si el inca trage cu arme si morcovi (mi-a placut introducerea acestei legume in film :))) , il face mai ceva ca pe chuck norris.
P.s. Bellucci is hot !
Nota: 7/10
Shoot ' Em Up
Late at night, in an unnamed U.S. city, a solitary man sits at a bus stop. A pregnant woman runs by, pursued by a man with a gun. With reluctance, the man at the bus stop rescues her and assists with the baby's delivery, while additional pursuers fire at them, including the gang's particularly nasty leader, an intuitive man named Hertz. Our hero, known only as Smith, determines to save the child and find out why Hertz wants the baby dead. At a local bordello, he tries to employ a lactating hooker to watch the child, but things quickly escalate, and this makeshift family is soon on the run. Heavy metal music calms the baby. Why? A laboratory, gun factory, and presidential campaign all figure in Smith's quest for the child's safe deliverance.
P.s. Bellucci is hot !
Nota: 7/10
Shoot ' Em Up
Late at night, in an unnamed U.S. city, a solitary man sits at a bus stop. A pregnant woman runs by, pursued by a man with a gun. With reluctance, the man at the bus stop rescues her and assists with the baby's delivery, while additional pursuers fire at them, including the gang's particularly nasty leader, an intuitive man named Hertz. Our hero, known only as Smith, determines to save the child and find out why Hertz wants the baby dead. At a local bordello, he tries to employ a lactating hooker to watch the child, but things quickly escalate, and this makeshift family is soon on the run. Heavy metal music calms the baby. Why? A laboratory, gun factory, and presidential campaign all figure in Smith's quest for the child's safe deliverance.
miercuri, 8 august 2012
See no evil , hear no evil
Foarte caterinca filmul :)) glumele sunt bune si personajele parca facute pentru asemenea rol , se completeaza grozav si se inteleg de minute , chit ca fiecare are cate un deficit :)) avem si o aparitie feminina destul de impunatoare , chiar si personajul orb apreciaza asta " damn she smells good " :)))
Nota: 8/10
See no evil , hear no evil
A man is murdered. Two men witness it. A blind man who hears the killer, and a deaf man who sees her. The police don't think they're credible witnesses, but the killers don't want to take any chances. The two men must now work together to save themselves and bring the killers to justice.
Nota: 8/10
See no evil , hear no evil
A man is murdered. Two men witness it. A blind man who hears the killer, and a deaf man who sees her. The police don't think they're credible witnesses, but the killers don't want to take any chances. The two men must now work together to save themselves and bring the killers to justice.
She's the Man
Filmul asta cred ca l'am vazut pe la tv , oricum am aceeasi parere despre el , girly movie , cu un bajet cu muschi numit channing tatum , pe care eu nu-l sufar :)) , o poveste incredibil de predictible , cu un final pe care toata lumea il asteapta , la americani observ ca in orice film e legat de adolescenti si putin din viata lor de studenti/elevi , apare un sport , ceea ce pe de o parte ar fi fain daca ar fi si povestea ok
Nota: 6/10
She's the Man
Here's the thing! Viola's soccer team at Cornwall gets cut. She wants to join the boys team, but they do not allow girls. So she thinks "If you can't join them, beat them". So she does! She disguises herself as her twin brother Sebastian, and goes out for the rival school, Illyria, boys' soccer team and makes it. Unfortunately, she didn't plan falling in love with her roommate Duke. But Duke has his eyes on Olivia. What makes matters worse is that Olivia starts to fall for Sebastian because he/she has a sensitive side. If things couldn't get more problematic, the real Sebastian (who was in London working on his music) comes home early. He arrives on campus and has no clue that he was replaced by his twin sister.
Nota: 6/10
She's the Man
Here's the thing! Viola's soccer team at Cornwall gets cut. She wants to join the boys team, but they do not allow girls. So she thinks "If you can't join them, beat them". So she does! She disguises herself as her twin brother Sebastian, and goes out for the rival school, Illyria, boys' soccer team and makes it. Unfortunately, she didn't plan falling in love with her roommate Duke. But Duke has his eyes on Olivia. What makes matters worse is that Olivia starts to fall for Sebastian because he/she has a sensitive side. If things couldn't get more problematic, the real Sebastian (who was in London working on his music) comes home early. He arrives on campus and has no clue that he was replaced by his twin sister.
Shaun of the Dead
Nu`mi explic nota imensa de pe imdb , ori au votat doar englezii , ori ceva e dubios :D. Un film silly cu o imitatie de zombie , dar tot n-am aflat cum au aparut ei , totusi au umorul lor binecunoscut , dar filmul e fara logica , totul e facut la intamplare parca , ce'i drept e funny in anumite locuri , dar cam atat ...
Nota: 6/10
Shaun of the Dead
Shaun doesn't have a very good day, so he decides to turn his life around by getting his ex to take him back, but he times it for right in the middle of what may be a zombie apocalypse... But for him, it's an opportunity to show everyone he knows how useful he is by saving them all. All he has to do is survive... And get his ex back.
Nota: 6/10
Shaun of the Dead
Shaun doesn't have a very good day, so he decides to turn his life around by getting his ex to take him back, but he times it for right in the middle of what may be a zombie apocalypse... But for him, it's an opportunity to show everyone he knows how useful he is by saving them all. All he has to do is survive... And get his ex back.
marți, 7 august 2012
Shark Night 3D
Porcarie de film :)) tipic facut pentru americani , un party la o casa de vacanta , mor toti pe rand , raman 2 pe final , unul e erou , slaba si actiunea si ideea
Nota: 5/10
When 7 college friends pack their swim suits for a weekend of fun-in-the-sun activities at their friend Sara's lake house, they think it will be the perfect vacation. But the tables immediately turn when the lead football star, Malik, gets his arm ripped off during a water skiing accident. While the friends are to believe his wound was a freak accident, they soon come to discover that there was a primal attack involving a shark. Now while they think that one shark is no problem, they soon come to the realization that 15 species of sharks are lurking in the water, and with no form of boat or transportation, and no signals for phone's, the group of seven now face a fate they would never imagine. Being fed to these sharks by crooks for real life footage on an Internet website.
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
Frumos film , are si o poveste de dragoste in el , si dramatism , si umorul britanic foarte evidentiat in film :)))) genial rolul actritei din Guvern. Alt lucru care ti-l spune filmul e ca atunci cand ai bani poti realiza orice( cam greu sa duci niste pesti si apoi sa le oferi mediul lor propice), dar si daca ai dusmani , ei iti pot ruina orice. Chiar daca numele nu iti emana un film serios sau ok , dupa ce-l vizionezi iti schimbi parerea :D
Nota: 9/10
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
A visionary sheik believes his passion for the peaceful pastime of salmon fishing can enrich the lives of his people, and he dreams of bringing the sport to the not so fish-friendly desert. Willing to spare no expense, he instructs his representative to turn the dream into reality, an extraordinary feat that will require the involvement of Britain's leading fisheries expert who happens to think the project both absurd and unachievable. That is, until the Prime Minister's overzealous press secretary latches on to it as a 'good will' story. Now, this unlikely team will put it all on the line and embark on an upstream journey of faith and fish to prove the impossible, possible.
Nota: 9/10
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
A visionary sheik believes his passion for the peaceful pastime of salmon fishing can enrich the lives of his people, and he dreams of bringing the sport to the not so fish-friendly desert. Willing to spare no expense, he instructs his representative to turn the dream into reality, an extraordinary feat that will require the involvement of Britain's leading fisheries expert who happens to think the project both absurd and unachievable. That is, until the Prime Minister's overzealous press secretary latches on to it as a 'good will' story. Now, this unlikely team will put it all on the line and embark on an upstream journey of faith and fish to prove the impossible, possible.
luni, 6 august 2012
Safe House
Exact genul de film la care ma asteptam, cu doi oameni de actiune , unul in final " erou " , nici nu imi inchipuiam alta imagine pentru Denzel decat cu un pistol in mana si alergand de/dupa altii ... apar si cateva momente pierdute la montaj parca prin film , destul de aiurea sincer , cei doi trimisi in capitala , stiau perfect strazile la o zi dupa ce-au ajuns , ei fiind trimisi din USA , oricum , e o actiune destul de buna si un Denzel care inca poate :D ceea ce e bine !
Nota: 8/10
Safe House
Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) is a CIA rookie who is manning a safe house in Cape Town, South Africa, when Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) the CIA's most wanted rogue agent is captured and taken to the safe house. During Frost's interrogation, the safe house is overtaken by mercenaries who want Frost. Weston and Frost escape and must stay out of the gunmen's sight until they can get to another safe house.
Nota: 8/10
Safe House
Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) is a CIA rookie who is manning a safe house in Cape Town, South Africa, when Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) the CIA's most wanted rogue agent is captured and taken to the safe house. During Frost's interrogation, the safe house is overtaken by mercenaries who want Frost. Weston and Frost escape and must stay out of the gunmen's sight until they can get to another safe house.
Running Scared
Cel mai mult mi-a placut la filmul asta viteza actiunii , totul pare pe fuga , dar e foarte bine organizat , nu ma asteptam la un asemenea final si ce'i drept n-am inteles diversiunea aia din final , un film destul de bun la capitolul actiune , efectele alea de la shotgun ma lasa rece, actrita e un + :D :))
Nota: 8/10
Running Scared
After a drug-op gone bad, Joey Gazelle is put in charge of disposing the gun that shot a dirty cop. But things goes wrong for Joey after the neighbor kid stole the gun and used it to shoot his abusive father. Now Joey has to find the kid and the gun before the police and the mob find them first.
Nota: 8/10
Running Scared
After a drug-op gone bad, Joey Gazelle is put in charge of disposing the gun that shot a dirty cop. But things goes wrong for Joey after the neighbor kid stole the gun and used it to shoot his abusive father. Now Joey has to find the kid and the gun before the police and the mob find them first.
Runaway Bride
Alt film previzibil , iti dai seama din final din momentul in care Richard Gere ( care incepe sa-mi placa din ce in ce mai tare in filmele in care'l vad , si ce-i drept au inceput sa se inmulteasca, alt rol care'i scoate in evidenta calitatile) ajunge in orasul tipei. Tinand cont de poveste ma asteptam sa fie si ceva mai funny :)) precum partea de nunta cu acel copil taraindu'se dupa rochie :D , film mediocru pana la urma, nota e fortata :)
Nota: 7/10
Runaway Bride
Ike Graham has his own by-lined column in USA Today, which he usually uses as a forum to rail against the opposite sex. For his latest column which he writes at the last minute as usual, he, based on some information from a stranger in a bar about a woman he knows of back home, includes the story of still single Hale, Maryland residing Maggie Carpenter, who is known as the "Runaway Bride" since she has been engaged multiple times, but always leaves her betrothed standing at the altar. Because an incensed Maggie complains to the newspaper for factual inaccuracies in her story, Ike is fired, but he realizes that the story still has some life in it and thus decides to go to Hale to do further investigation. He finds that Maggie is again engaged, now for the fourth time, this time to high school football coach and adventurist Bob Kelly, who is confident enough in himself to know he will be different than the previous three grooms..
Nota: 7/10
Runaway Bride
Ike Graham has his own by-lined column in USA Today, which he usually uses as a forum to rail against the opposite sex. For his latest column which he writes at the last minute as usual, he, based on some information from a stranger in a bar about a woman he knows of back home, includes the story of still single Hale, Maryland residing Maggie Carpenter, who is known as the "Runaway Bride" since she has been engaged multiple times, but always leaves her betrothed standing at the altar. Because an incensed Maggie complains to the newspaper for factual inaccuracies in her story, Ike is fired, but he realizes that the story still has some life in it and thus decides to go to Hale to do further investigation. He finds that Maggie is again engaged, now for the fourth time, this time to high school football coach and adventurist Bob Kelly, who is confident enough in himself to know he will be different than the previous three grooms..
duminică, 5 august 2012
Good Deeds
Filmul e ok , dar parca e a nu stiu cata oara cand vad acelasi film , cu un caz dramatic care iese bine in final , ca de altfel acest final foaaaaarte previzibil , cel mai mult mi-a placut actorul , are o figura buna in filmele de genul si a jucat foarte bine dupa mine :D
Nota: 6/10
Good Deeds
Businessman Wesley Deeds is jolted out of his scripted life when he meets Lindsey, a single mother who works on the cleaning crew in his office building.
Nota: 6/10
Good Deeds
Businessman Wesley Deeds is jolted out of his scripted life when he meets Lindsey, a single mother who works on the cleaning crew in his office building.
Friends With Kids
Fainut filmul , de caterinca , ideea e geniala si daca ar functiona ar fi grozava :)) dar pana la urma , in final , toti ar ajunge unde-au ajuns si cei doi actori care de altfel au jucat foarte fain ... simpatici copiii astia cand sunt mici :))
Nota: 9/10
Friends with Kids
Julie and Jason have been best friends for years with no romantic interest in each other. He sleeps with someone new every few days, and she's looking for Mr. Right. Now in their thirties, they notice that their friends seem to lose all their good qualities when they have children - child rearing and the spark of Eros don't seem to co-exist. So, they decide to have a child together, share in child rearing, but pursue their own romantic lives. Things go well until he meets Mary Jane and she meets Kurt. Both seem like perfect mates. What could go wrong?
Nota: 9/10
Friends with Kids
Julie and Jason have been best friends for years with no romantic interest in each other. He sleeps with someone new every few days, and she's looking for Mr. Right. Now in their thirties, they notice that their friends seem to lose all their good qualities when they have children - child rearing and the spark of Eros don't seem to co-exist. So, they decide to have a child together, share in child rearing, but pursue their own romantic lives. Things go well until he meets Mary Jane and she meets Kurt. Both seem like perfect mates. What could go wrong?
sâmbătă, 4 august 2012
Documentar exceptional , mi-a adus aminte fiecare cursa importanta prezentata in el , stiind cand o vazusem live pe eurosport in urma cu cativa ani cand ei difuzau MotoGP si ma uitam weekend de weekend .. partea trista in acest documentar este cumva aparitia lui Simoncelli care din pacate a decedat in acelasi an cu aparitia filmului , 2011 intr-un accident in Sepang ... Mi-a pus un semn de intrebare faptul ca au fost prezentati mai pe larg Rossi si Lorenzo (cei drept cam ei au dominat) amandoi fiind la Yamaha(chiar daca pe Rossi l-au luat cu Honda la inceput) , o fi fost sponsorizat documentarul de cei de la Yamaha ?
Nota: 9/10
Shot around the world in 2010 and 2011 and narrated by Ewan McGregor, 'Fastest' captures the intense and thrilling reality of the MotoGP World Championship, documenting a pivotal moment in the sport. With Valentino Rossi chasing his tenth World Championship title the Italian ran into one of the toughest challenges of his career: a crop of exceptionally fast young competitors, a horrific leg break at his home race, and an amazing comeback little over 40 days later. Confronting such a monumental task and with rival Jorge Lorenzo taking the 2010 title, Rossi faced up to one of the most testing year's in his illustrious career and along with his fellow competitors was left asking: Who is the fastest rider now?
Nota: 9/10
Shot around the world in 2010 and 2011 and narrated by Ewan McGregor, 'Fastest' captures the intense and thrilling reality of the MotoGP World Championship, documenting a pivotal moment in the sport. With Valentino Rossi chasing his tenth World Championship title the Italian ran into one of the toughest challenges of his career: a crop of exceptionally fast young competitors, a horrific leg break at his home race, and an amazing comeback little over 40 days later. Confronting such a monumental task and with rival Jorge Lorenzo taking the 2010 title, Rossi faced up to one of the most testing year's in his illustrious career and along with his fellow competitors was left asking: Who is the fastest rider now?
vineri, 3 august 2012
Sincer ma asteptam la alt film , dar a dat-o intr-un SF de prost gust , prima jumatate e chiar excelenta , inceputul nu te pune deloc pe ganduri referitor la film( initial am crezut ca e alt film sec in care se filmeaza cu o singura camera) , mi-a placut prima parte , sincer ... dar finalul lasa de dorit , se putea face un film chiar frumos pe mai departe
Nota: 8/10
Andrew is a troubled but creative teen with a keen visual eye and a high-quality HD camera. He is introverted and socially awkward. Along with his friends, Matt and Steve, they make a discovery that leads them all to acquire powerful telekinetic abilities. They're now capable of, well, almost anything. But things take a dark turn.
Nota: 8/10
Andrew is a troubled but creative teen with a keen visual eye and a high-quality HD camera. He is introverted and socially awkward. Along with his friends, Matt and Steve, they make a discovery that leads them all to acquire powerful telekinetic abilities. They're now capable of, well, almost anything. But things take a dark turn.
Big Miracle
O poveste inspirata din viata reala , un film emotionant si foarte trist , in care afli ca multa lume se poate mobiliza pentru un caz de o asemenea anvergura .. insa 2 lucruri nu mi-au placut , actrita (cea de la greenpeace , Barrymore) , nu mi-a placut niciodata , dar si un lucru care se intampla si in zilele de azi , faptul ca oamenii politici cauta sa-si faca un nume prin orice modalitate , daca ai vazut rusii ajutand americanii pentru 2 balene , e nasoala treaba :))
Nota: 8/10
Big Miracle
An animal-loving volunteer and a small-town news reporter are joined by a native Alaskan boy to rally an entire community - and eventually rival world superpowers - to save a family of majestic gray whales trapped by rapidly forming ice in the Arctic Circle.
Nota: 8/10
Big Miracle
An animal-loving volunteer and a small-town news reporter are joined by a native Alaskan boy to rally an entire community - and eventually rival world superpowers - to save a family of majestic gray whales trapped by rapidly forming ice in the Arctic Circle.
joi, 2 august 2012
A Thousand Words
Superb film , mi s-a parut ca Eddie Murphy e in varful carieriei sale la cum a jucat si la cum arata si totusi are o varsta ... i se potriveste grozav rolul , si la caterinca , si serios si ce-i drept e cam greu sa-l faci pe eddie murphy sa taca :)))) mi-a placut mult de tot filmul , pentru bunadispozitie :D
Nota: 10/10
A Thousand Words
Jack McCall, played by Eddie Murphy, finds an unusual tree in his yard after an encounter with a spiritual guru. After discovering that with each word he speaks, a leaf drops off of the tree, Jack refuses to speak at all, as doing so will keep the tree, and him, alive. However, his work, marriage, and friendships are all affected by his choice. Can Jack figure out an alternative method of survival? Or will he simply have to live the rest of his life to the fullest?
Nota: 10/10
A Thousand Words
Jack McCall, played by Eddie Murphy, finds an unusual tree in his yard after an encounter with a spiritual guru. After discovering that with each word he speaks, a leaf drops off of the tree, Jack refuses to speak at all, as doing so will keep the tree, and him, alive. However, his work, marriage, and friendships are all affected by his choice. Can Jack figure out an alternative method of survival? Or will he simply have to live the rest of his life to the fullest?
4:44 Last Day on Earth
porcarie de film, cand am aflat de film scria ceva de genul " un mod al finalului de lume " , dar in filmul asta am vazut 2 actori slabi care nici macar nu au vreo treaba unul cu celalalt care "cica" isi petrec ultimele clipe impreuna , impreuna insemnand ca ea picteaza ( mare talent ) si el sta pe skype si se plimba pe la prieteni ... singurul moment impreuna e cand mediteaza si atunci fiecare e intr-o lume a lui , de asemenea fara rost , sau cand fac sex ... slab film
Nota: 4/10
4:44 Last Day on Earth
A look at how a painter and a successful actor spend their last day together before the world comes to an end.
Nota: 4/10
4:44 Last Day on Earth
A look at how a painter and a successful actor spend their last day together before the world comes to an end.
miercuri, 1 august 2012
Room in Rome
Interesant film ( :)) ) , 2 fete care se intalnesc si se mint una pe alta , se indragostesc una de alta ( iar mint ) ... e genul de film porno-tragic-comic-cult , gasesc ele cate-o poveste la fiecare tablou (intamplator aflat in camera) , n-au nicio logica nici macar cand se minte , nota e mare ptr actingul lor ! :))
Nota: 7/10
Room in Rome
A hotel room in the center of Rome serves as the setting for two young and recently acquainted women to have a physical adventure that touches their very souls.
Nota: 7/10
Room in Rome
A hotel room in the center of Rome serves as the setting for two young and recently acquainted women to have a physical adventure that touches their very souls.
p.s. pe imdb e alt cover pentru film
Interesanta actiunea si sincer pe mine m-a tinut captiv pentru ca intotdeauna mi-au placut urmaririle stradale si aici au fost ceva , distributia a fost iarasi grozava , actorii completandu-se foarte bine , umorul de asemenea , spre sec , dar acolo, punctul minus ar fi faptul ca apar multe greseli la editare ( dar deh , a fost facut in '98 )
Nota: 8/10
Ronin is the Japanese word used for Samurai without a master. In this case, the Ronin are outcast specialists of every kind, whose services are available to everyone - for money. Dierdre (undoubtedly from Ireland) hires several Ronin to form a team in order to retrieve an important suitcase from a man who is about to sell it to the Russians. After the mission has been completed successfully, the suitcase immediately gets switched by a member of the team who seems to work into his own pocket. The complex net of everyone tricking everyone begins to surface slowly, and deadly...
Nota: 8/10
Ronin is the Japanese word used for Samurai without a master. In this case, the Ronin are outcast specialists of every kind, whose services are available to everyone - for money. Dierdre (undoubtedly from Ireland) hires several Ronin to form a team in order to retrieve an important suitcase from a man who is about to sell it to the Russians. After the mission has been completed successfully, the suitcase immediately gets switched by a member of the team who seems to work into his own pocket. The complex net of everyone tricking everyone begins to surface slowly, and deadly...
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