joi, 9 iunie 2016


Chiar daca este un film complicat prin prisma situatiei, acesta lasa o impresie placuta. Te tine lipit in fotoliu prin povestea in sine, una inspirata din fapte reale, iar pleiada de actori renumiti si savurosi duce la o stare buna din partea filmului.
Ben Affleck face o treaba dubla excelenta (regizor si actor principal) si il propulseaza in categoria regizorilor buni, iar Alan Arkin este savuros ca in toate filmele in care a jucat si face o echipa grozava cu John Goodman. Sa te increzi intr-un strain si sa crezi in metoda lui de a te scoate nevatamat, e o nebunie pura. 
Actiunea este prezenta mai mult in partea a 2-a, cand duce si catre un final fortat totusi, si chiar daca este un film american si are ideea de a pune statul american intr-o lumina buna si stii in ce parte duce deznodamantul, per total este un film bun, demn de Oscar.
P.S. De ce se numeste filmul Argo? N-ai idee si te gandesti ca suna bine fraza asta cand ti se adreseaza aceasta intrebare "Ar-Go Fuck Yourself!" :))))))) genial.

Nota: 10/10


In 1979, the American embassy in Iran was invaded by Iranian revolutionaries and several Americans were taken hostage. However, six managed to escape to the official residence of the Canadian Ambassador and the CIA was ordered to get them out of the country. With few options, exfiltration expert Tony Mendez devised a daring plan: create a phony Canadian film project looking to shoot in Iran and smuggle the Americans out as its production crew. With the help of some trusted Hollywood contacts, Mendez created the ruse and proceeded to Iran as its associate producer. However, time was running out with the Iranian security forces closing in on the truth while both his charges and the White House had grave doubts about the operation themselves.

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