sâmbătă, 25 octombrie 2014

Playing for Keeps

Un film dragut, emotionant, de familie cu momente de drama si cateva scene comice. Atmosfera e una placuta, care te destinde, nota de pe IMDB mi se pare cam mica pentru acest film, in care Butler devine o mare vedeta din fotbalul trecut (nu ma asteptam sa-l vad intr-un asemenea rol). Finalul ilustreaza legamantul familial si in multe cazuri decizia pe care multi o au de luat in unele momente, cariera sau familia.

Nota: 9/10

Playing for Keeps

George is a former professional soccer star who's moved to Virginia to be close to his ex-wife and son. He's broke, jobless, without a plan, and a constant source of disappointment to his son. When he takes over as his son's soccer coach, he has a new connection to the lad. He also gets the attention of three of the players' moms as well as the glad hand of a wealthy dad. His ex-wife's getting married, he has a lead on a sportscasting job, and he finds new ways to disappoint his son. Is there any way he can sort things out?

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