vineri, 25 iulie 2014


Exact genul de film care peste tot are note mici si e comentat negativ, insa mie imi place :)). Subiectul si distributia sunt generoase, actorii joaca in media aia normala. Nu e genul de film la care sa zici WOW dupa ce il vezi, dar nici nu poti sa spui ca e de gunoi, poate doar finalul care e previzibil de pe la jumatate, insa tot te lasa sa descoperi modul in care o face. Doua lucruri mi-au placut in special, faptul ca actorii aia cunoscuti peste tot gen Ford primesc roluri secundare si nu mai beneficiaza de toata atentia, iar cel de-al doilea coloana sonora, Zedd iar isi face loc cu piesele sale, dupa acest film si-a facut simtita prezenta si in Divergent, insa momentele in care ii intra piesele pe imagine dau bine.

Nota: 9/10


The high stakes thriller Paranoia takes us deep behind the scenes of global success to a deadly world of greed and deception. The two most powerful tech billionaires in the world (Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman) are bitter rivals with a complicated past who will stop at nothing to destroy each other. A young superstar (Liam Hemsworth), seduced by unlimited wealth and power falls between them, and becomes trapped in the middle of the twists and turns of their life-and-death game of corporate espionage. By the time he realizes his life is in danger, he is in far too deep and knows far too much for them to let him walk away.

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