sâmbătă, 25 octombrie 2014

Playing for Keeps

Un film dragut, emotionant, de familie cu momente de drama si cateva scene comice. Atmosfera e una placuta, care te destinde, nota de pe IMDB mi se pare cam mica pentru acest film, in care Butler devine o mare vedeta din fotbalul trecut (nu ma asteptam sa-l vad intr-un asemenea rol). Finalul ilustreaza legamantul familial si in multe cazuri decizia pe care multi o au de luat in unele momente, cariera sau familia.

Nota: 9/10

Playing for Keeps

George is a former professional soccer star who's moved to Virginia to be close to his ex-wife and son. He's broke, jobless, without a plan, and a constant source of disappointment to his son. When he takes over as his son's soccer coach, he has a new connection to the lad. He also gets the attention of three of the players' moms as well as the glad hand of a wealthy dad. His ex-wife's getting married, he has a lead on a sportscasting job, and he finds new ways to disappoint his son. Is there any way he can sort things out?

marți, 14 octombrie 2014

Adore / Perfect Mothers

Povestea incepe cu mult timp in urma, cand cele 2 mame erau in acelasi loc si erau bune prietene si dureaza mult in viitor, vreme de 3 generatii. Actiunea ( :))) ) incepe in momentul in care cei doi baieti sunt dornici sa cunoasca cealalta mama, de aici se isca 2 povesti de dragoste cu sentimente sincere din partea celor 4. Idila e clar ca nu poate avea un final fericit mai ales in momentul in care unul din baieti pleaca si isi traieste o noua viata. Tema e una indrazneata si pare ca are o sansa sa se repete si in societatea actuala. Actiunea e lina, dar curge bine, scenele sunt filmate intr-un decor mirific din Australia (pontonul ala in mijlocul apei uhlala), doamnele arata exemplar, citindu-se fericirea pe chipul lor cand isi "traiesc" impreuna dragostea.
P.s. Ce frumos au combinat scenaristii si numele lor, toate 4 formate din 3 litere :)).

Nota: 8/10


Lil (Naomi Watts) and Roz (Robin Wright) are two lifelong friends, having grown up together as neighbors in an idyllic beach town. As adults, their sons have developed a friendship as strong as that which binds their mothers. One summer, all four are confronted by simmering emotions that have been mounting between them, and each find unexpected happiness in relationships that cross the bounds of convention.

Don Jon

Nu ma asteptam sa-mi placa filmul atat de mult, tinand cont ca e printre primele, daca nu chiar primul film al lui Joseph Gordon-Levitt. E bine gandit, bine regizat, bine construita actiunea si buna interpretarea, de acelasi JGL. E vorba de barbatul fatal in prim plan, care insira femei pe lista lui, dar nu e multumit de niciuna si se multumeste cu propria placere. Asta pana cand intalneste "femeia vietii lui", dar nu tine mult pentru ca-i descopera defectele in timp ce intalneste o alta femeie (ca tot ziceam ca insira femei pe lista :))). In final descopera cu adevarat ceea ce ii lipsea si e multumit. Partea amuzanta nu lipseste, tatal lui Jon fiind un haos comic. :))
Ceea ce mi-a placut cel mai mult in acest film este rapiditatea cu care se desfasoara actiunea, in stilul caracteristic, repetitiv. O idee noua aplicata bine.

Nota: 9/10

Don Jon

Jon Martello objectifies everything in his life: his apartment, his car, his family, his church, and, of course, women. His buddies even call him Don Jon because of his ability to pull "10s" every weekend without fail. Yet even the finest flings don't compare to the transcendent bliss he achieves alone in front of the computer watching pornography. Dissatisfied, he embarks on a journey to find a more gratifying sex life, but ends up learning larger lessons of life and love through relationships with two very different women.

Mai interesant posterul asta. 

Safe Haven

Un film dragut de dragoste in combinatie cu drama unei domnisoare simpatice (fara sa stii de antecedentele ei :>). Scenele sunt dragute, filmate in locuri faine, misterul planeaza destul timp in actiune, iar personajele se potrivesc destul de bine, au o chimie acolo :D. Finalul poate fi neasteptat sau nu, insa se termina intr-o nota pozitiva. E genul de film pe care-l poti vedea cu o persoana draga intr-o zi ploioasa, mohorata ca sa-ti revina zambetul.
Film dragut, relaxant !

Nota: 9/10

Safe Haven

A young woman with a mysterious past lands in Southport, North Carolina where her bond with a widower forces her to confront the dark secret that haunts her.


Genul de film care se axeaza pe principalele vicii ale omului, drogurile si bautura, dar si consecintele lor asupra unei persoane care n-ar trebui sa le aiba, un pilot de avion. In primul rand, initial am crezut ca filmul se bazeaza pe fapte reale, Denzel intrand in rol foarte bine, chiar daca nu e unul din cele mai bune personaje, reuseste sa te tina captiv timp de 2 ore.
Mi-a placut mult acest film, mai mult drama decat actiune, deoarece ofera o lectie importanta multora, inclusiv celor ce se suie bauti la volan, dar ei nu sfarsesc prin a fi eroi ci invers. De asemenea finalul iti ofera realitatea din ziua de azi, ca o minciuna nu ajunge tot timpul la capat.

Nota: 10/10


Whip Whitaker is a commuter airline pilot. While on a flight from Orlando to Atlanta something goes wrong and the plane starts to fly erratically. With little choice Whip crashes the plane and saves almost all on board. When he wakes up in the hospital, his friend from the airline union introduces him to a lawyer who tells him there's a chance he could face criminal charges because his blood test reveals that he is intoxicated with alcohol and cocaine. He denies being impaired, so while an investigation is underway, he is told to keep his act together. However, letting go of his addiction is not as easy as it seems...

Piranha 3DD

Avand in vede ca prima parte e o prostie, s-au gandit sa faca si o a doua parte in acelasi stil, o mai mare porcarie :)). Pe acelasi stil, fete despuiate, distractie in toi si apoi apar pestisorii. Ideea e proasta, jocul actorilor e la fel, efectele vizuale slabe si ele ... per total bani irositi degeaba. Aparitia lui David Hasselhoff e degeaba, pus intr-un rol tampit. In concluzie, sper sa nu apara 3DDD :)).

Nota: 4/10

Piranha 3DD

Having awoken from their spring break extravaganza at Lake Victoria, the swarm heads upstream where they look to make a meal out of Big Wet, a local water park where when it comes to fun, nobody does it wetter! Though they came to get wet, get loaded and get some, the staff and patrons get more than they bargained for when they must face the fiercest, most bloodthirsty piranhas yet. Lead by the strong-willed, studious Maddy and her friends, Barry and Kyle, the trio must dive in and take on these man-eating creatures using every ounce of their being but can they be stopped?