Alta recomandare facuta de o persoana draga mie, un film interesant care iti ofera o perspectiva ampla si diferita a problemei rasismului. Un film care trebuie cu siguranta vizionat datorita acestei povesti dramatice, poveste ce se intampla de-a lungul a multor generatii de presedinti, traita prin sufletul unui majordom de culoare, un om care a trecut prin toate greutatile ce i s-au ivit in viata si a reusit sa se descurce admirabil pana la finalul ei. Totusi, consider ca si unul din cei doi fii ai lui a avut un rol important in schimbarea miscarilor din tara, fiind o fire rebela, insa tot meritul ii revine lui Cecil. Tinand cont ca povestea are ca baza un caz real, este un alt motiv pentru care acest film trebuie vizionat. Cum spunea un prieten, ca tot se potriveste in cazul de fata: " Obama a fost singurul negru care a intrat in Casa Alba fara mop "
Nota: 10/10
The Butler
Cecil Gaines was a sharecropper's son who grew up in the 1920s as a domestic servant for the white family who casually destroyed his. Eventually striking out on his own, Cecil becomes a hotel valet of such efficiency and discreteness in the 1950s that he becomes a butler in the White House itself. There, Cecil would serve numerous US Presidents over the decades as a passive witness of history with the American Civil Rights Movement gaining momentum even as his family has troubles of its own. As his wife, Gloria, struggles with her addictions and his defiant eldest son, Louis, strives for a just world, Cecil must decide whether he should take action in his own way.
Mi-am permis sa aleg alt cover pentru prezentarea filmului, mi se pare mai elocvent acest poster.
vineri, 10 ianuarie 2014
marți, 7 ianuarie 2014
Last Vegas
Am vazut acest film cu unele din cele mai dragi si importante persoane din viata mea si ma bucur de acest lucru (Cinema Florin Piersic @ Cluj), o comedie savuroasa cu 4 actori deosebiti, pe care sincer nu i-as fi vazut jucand impreuna intr-un film de genul asta, un fel de Marea Mahmureala cu Robert de Niro, Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman si Kevin Kline, dar mult mai reusit. Cei 4 fac o echipa perfecta si comedia este una reusita... E genul de film pe care trebuie sa-l vezi neaparat la cinema impreuna cu o gasca mare de prieteni, o sala de cinema care sigur va fi plina la refuz si se va amuza copios la orice minut din film. M-as intoarce in sala de cinema alaturi de gasca mea de prieteni in orice moment pentru a revedea acest film.
Nota: 10/10
Last Vegas
Billy (Michael Douglas), Paddy (Robert De Niro), Archie (Morgan Freeman) and Sam (Kevin Kline) have been best friends since childhood. So when Billy, the group's sworn bachelor, finally proposes to his thirty-something (of course) girlfriend, the four head to Las Vegas with a plan to stop acting their age and relive their glory days. However, upon arriving, the four quickly realize that the decades have transformed Sin City and tested their friendship in ways they never imagined. The Rat Pack may have once played the Sands and Cirque du Soleil may now rule the Strip, but it's these four who are taking over Vegas.
Nota: 10/10
Last Vegas
Billy (Michael Douglas), Paddy (Robert De Niro), Archie (Morgan Freeman) and Sam (Kevin Kline) have been best friends since childhood. So when Billy, the group's sworn bachelor, finally proposes to his thirty-something (of course) girlfriend, the four head to Las Vegas with a plan to stop acting their age and relive their glory days. However, upon arriving, the four quickly realize that the decades have transformed Sin City and tested their friendship in ways they never imagined. The Rat Pack may have once played the Sands and Cirque du Soleil may now rule the Strip, but it's these four who are taking over Vegas.
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