joi, 10 octombrie 2013

Upside Down

Upside Down este povestea a doua suflete pereche nascute in lumi diferite. Filmul este destul de bun si povestea e ok, introul e facut destul de " in graba ", dar compenseaza continuarea. E interesant sa vezi o lume in oglinda, rasturnata, cu oameni mergand pe tavan, sau sa traiesti zilnic cu oameni stiind ca-s deasupra ta si fac cam aceleasi lucruri :)). Actorii au fost buni, au jucat destul de ok. Plotul si efectele speciale sunt destul de super realizate insa final lasa putin de dorit, pe langa faptul ca actiunea se bazeaza mai mult pe relatia celor doi decat pe acea lume rasturnata..

Nota: 8/10

Upside Down

Adam is a seemingly ordinary guy in a very extraordinary universe. He lives humbly trying to make ends meet, but his romantic spirit holds on to the memory of a girl he loved once upon a time from another world, an inverted affluent world with its own gravity, directly above but beyond reach... a girl named Eden. Their childhood flirtation becomes an impossible love. But when he catches a glimpse of grownup Eden on television, nothing will get in the way of getting her back... Not even the law or science!

Now you see me

Filmul are de toate, actiune, umor, drama, un soundtrack perfect, efectele speciale nu lipsesc nici ele. De asemenea e plin de actori cunoscuti care joaca toti laolalta in filmul acesta. Finalul este unul controversat si cred ca s-ar fi putut si mai bine, dar poate e mai bine asa in cazul in care va iesi si partea a doua, asa cum se speculeaza pe internet (in 2014). Filmul are exact efectul unui truc magic, te lasa sa crezi ca stii cum functioneaza, insa cand iti este explicat ramai si tu uimit. Din aceasta cauza vei fi captiv pe tot parcursul filmului. In mintea ma, ma gandesc daca ar functiona asa o emisiune cum au creat ei la noi in tara, dar la ce scandal a iesit dupa ce-a castigat acel mentalist Romanii au Talent, cred ca nu ma mai gandesc :))

Nota: 9/10

Now you see me

Four magicians each answer a mysterious summons to an obscure address with secrets inside. A year later, they are the Four Horseman, big time stage illusionists who climax their sold out Las Vegas show with a bank apparently robbed for real. This puts agents Dylan Rhodes of the FBI and Alma Vargas of Interpol on the case to find out how they did it. However, this mystery proves difficult to solve even with the insights of the professional illusion exposer, Thaddeus Bradley. What follows is a bizarre investigation where nothing is what it seems with illusions, dark secrets and hidden agendas galore as all involved are reminded of a great truth in this puzzle: the closer you look, the less you see.