miercuri, 28 august 2013

The Rundown

Film clasic in categoria lui, un tip mare cu muschi care face legea peste tot oriunde merge, personajul secundar are replici destul de funny uneori, iar personajul feminin arata bine! Oricum, e mult prea mult sf in filmele de genul, toate intamplarile sunt trase de par de parca ar putea exista + ca o buna parte este facut pe calculator si vizualul slab o arata :( Christopher Walken cu un rol interesant, ca de fiecare data :))

Nota: 7/10

The Rundown

The Rock as a bounty hunter who attempts to square a debt by heading to the Amazon jungle to capture someone. The bounty hunter discovers that his quarry isn't the bad guy he'd been warned about, and the two team up in pursuit of riches stored in a mine in the Amazon.

marți, 27 august 2013

The Lucky One

Filmul este ecranizat dupa cartea scrisa de Nicholas Sparks, si probabil ca orice film nu cuprinde totalitatea intamplarilor redactate in carte. Zac Efron joaca destul de ok rolul, insa da impresia ca personajul lui ar trebui sa fie interpretat de cineva mai in varsta. Un lucru ce mi se pare mie interesant e aparitia acelor caini care nu prea isi au locul in actiunea filmului si nu prea intra in atentia ochiului spectator :))) dar sunt o prezenta placuta. Povestea in schimb este una draguta, un film bun de vizionat intr-un timp ploios ca cel de acum.

Nota: 9/10

The Lucky One

Logan is a marine serving in Iraq. While there, he finds a photo of a girl with "keep safe" written on the back. He is admiring it when his unit is attacked. He survives and credits the photo for saving him. He tries to find the owner but can't, assuming he was killed. When he goes back to the States, he finds it difficult to adjust and is still haunted by what happened. Analyzing the photo, he finds in the background a landmark that tells him she is in Louisiana. He then goes there and finds her. He learns her name is Beth. He tries to tell her what happened but can't get the words out. She assumes he's there to apply for the job they advertised looking for someone to help at her family's business, a dog kennel. He says yes but at first she gets an uneasy feeling from him but her grandmother decides to give him a chance. It isn't long that he makes a connection with her son. He then discovers that it was her brother who had the picture only he doesn't remember him.

luni, 26 august 2013

The Joneses

Filmul prezinta o tactica buna de marketing, ideea e ca nu am idee cat de bine ar functiona in viata reala, inceputul e ok,  dar apoi se exagereaza cu "luxul" astfel incat pierde din credibilitate. Regula e simpla, se bazeaza pe ideea de  "ce ai tu tre' sa am si eu" :D. Interesant este cum personajele isi intra destul de fain in rol, de aici si cel mai forte punct ce iese in evidenta, rolul lui Duchovny, care interpreteaza un personaj dificil, dar joaca intr-un mare fel, facandu-i viata usoara.. De asemenea el este si personajul cheie ce duce filmul de la umor la drama si ofera deznodamantul. Alt lucru ce trebuie mentionat este prezenta feminina interpretata de Demi Moore care nu-si arata varsta jucand si aratand impecabil

Nota: 9/10

The Joneses

"The Joneses", a social commentary on our consumerist society. Perfect couple Steve and Kate Jones, and their gorgeous teen-aged children Jenn and Mick, are the envy of their posh, suburban neighborhood filled with McMansions and all the trappings of the upper middle class. Kate is the ultimate trend setter - beautiful, sexy, dressed head-to-toe in designer labels. Steve is the admired successful businessman who has it all: a gorgeous wife, big house and an endless supply of high-tech toys. Jenn and Mick rule their new school as they embody all that is hip and trendy - cool clothes, fast cars and the latest gadgets. But as the neighbors try to keep up with the Joneses, none are prepared for the truth about this all- too perfect family.

luni, 5 august 2013

The Devil Inside

Filmul in opinia mea este un esec total... ideea de documentar ofera spectatorilor acel mod de filmare enervant, care face actiunea foarte greu de urmarit si la un moment dat e obositor. Calitatea filmarilor este slaba, de asemenea + absenta aproape totala a coloanei sonore, niciun film fara coloana sonora folks! Alt punct slab, foarte slab, mega slab ... povestea cica se desfasoara in Roma, dar filmarile sunt facute in Bucuresti, orice care-a vizitat Bucurestiul o singura data isi da seama cand actiunea trece prin Centrul Vechi sau prin fata Ateneului. Chiar si accentul actorilor denota faptul ca actiunea cuprinde actori romani. Foarte slab facut acest film.

Nota: 5/10

The Devil Inside

An American girl, Isabella, sets out to make a documentary to understand what happened to her mother who murdered three clergy people. She was not convicted due to insanity and was sent to a mental hospital in Italy. Isabella meets with some priests in Italy who explain that her mother's condition may not be medical, but could be an extra-human possession.

21 & Over

Ideea e aceeasi, scriptul e luat dupa cel de la marea mahmureala(Hangover) insa e destul de bine realizat :)) filmul iti insenineaza ziua (sau noaptea, depinde cand il vezi), razi la destule faze... merge ! :))

Nota: 7/10

21 & Over

When Straight-A college student Jeff Chang's two best friends take him out for his 21st birthday on the night before an important medical school interview, what was supposed to be a quick beer becomes a night of humiliation, over indulgence and utter debauchery.

duminică, 4 august 2013

96 Minutes

Povestea ne conduce catre un moment socant in care vietile a patru tineri se intersecteaza pentru a fi schimbate iremediabil. Problema e ca filmul e destul de slab, actorii joaca prosteste, chiar unii din ei sunt enervanti.

Nota: 6/10

96 Minutes

Inspired by true events, 96 minutes is the story of four young lives slammed together in one shocking moment. The events of the night in inner city Atlanta, Georgia, unfold in real time as we inter-cut between a carjacking and the beginning of that day, following four separate kids - who they are, where they come from, and the seemingly innocuous decisions that lead them towards a life changing conclusion. With no adults to guide them, they're left on their own to try to survive not only this night, but the complex reality of the world they live in.

sâmbătă, 3 august 2013

The Switch

Jason Bateman ar trebui sa fie principalul motiv pentru care vizionezi filmul asta, joaca incredibil rolurile si are un umor pe care'l degaja foarte usor... de asemenea si Jeff Goldblum are un rol ales perfect pentru el, natural si ironic.. joaca foarte bine... la capitolul asta 2-0 pentru barbati :)) l-as putea adauga si pe cel mic si facem doi barbati si jumatate :)))) mai multe in film !

Nota: 9/10

The Switch

Kassie (Jennifer Aniston) and Wally (Jason Bateman) are best friends. Being unlucky in love, Kassie has decided to have a child using artificial insemination. Wally doesn't like this idea, but he isn't capable of admitting to himself, let alone to Kassie, that he's in love with her. At Kassie's artificial insemination party, Wally gets very drunk and spies the sperm donor's sample in the bathroom. Wally was way too drunk to know what he did that night, and Kassie has moved away because she doesn't feel that New York City is a place to raise a child. Now 7 years later, Kassie has moved back with her son Sebastian. While she is looking to get Roland (the sperm donor) more involved in their lives, Wally can't help but notice the many striking similarities that he and Sebastian share.

vineri, 2 august 2013

The Other Guys

Detectivii newyorkezi Gamble şi Hoitz (Will Ferrell şi Mark Wahlberg) sunt condamnaţi la... o viaţă de birou. Se urăsc unul pe celălalt şi detestă monotonia slubjelor lor nesemnificative, mai ales că sunt forţaţi să trăiască în umbra a doi dintre cei mai mari şi mai tari poliţişti din oraş (Samuel L. Jackson şi Dwayne Johnson). Dar atunci când aceşti tipi duri refuză un caz, Gamble şi Hoitz văd în el o oportunitate. Acum, că au dat peste una dintre cele mai mari crime din ultima vreme, vor fi aceşti agenţi de rezervă în stare să rezolve cazul, fără să se omoare unul pe altul şi fără să distrugă întreg oraşul?
Simpatic filmul, dar plin de momente de retardati :))

Nota: 8/10

The Other Guys

Terry Hoitz's past mistakes in the line of duty and Allen Gamble's reluctance to take risks have landed them the roles of the "Other Guys", disgraced New York City police detectives relegated to filling out paperwork for cocky hero cops Danson and Highsmith. The mismatched duo must look past their differences when they take on a high-profile investigation of shady capitalist David Ershon and attempt to fill the shoes of the notoriously reckless officers they idolize.

Tower Heist

Ben Stiller şi Eddie Murphy sunt protagoniştii acestei comedii despre nişte simpli angajaţi la un complex luxos de apartamente care pun la cale un plan pentru a se răzbuna pe un escroc miliardar de pe Wall Street care le-a furat fondul de pensii.  De mai mult de 10 ani, Josh Kovacs (Stiller) e managerul unuia din cele mai luxoase complexuri de locuinţe din New York City. Maniac al supravegherii angajaţilor, şi nu numai, nu-i scapă nimic din ce se petrece acolo. În cel mai opulent apartament de la ultimul etaj al clădirii stă Arthur Shaw (Alan Alda), un mogul al finanţelor, acum arestat la domiciliu după ce a fost prins că a furat două miliarde din banii investitorilor.  Cei mai loviţi de escrocheria lui sunt, evident, angajaţii complexului, care au lăsat pe mâna lui administrarea fondului lor de pensii. În doar câteva zile Arthur e posibil să dispară şi să scape cu mâinile curate din ceea ce el consideră a fi “crima perfectă”. Aşa că e grabă mare pentru angajaţi să-şi pună în aplicare marele lor plan: vor să fure ceea ce ei sunt convinşi că se ascunde în apartamentului lui Arthur, şi anume... banii lor. Nefiind hoţi de profesie, au nevoie de unul care se pricepe, totuşi. Dar singurul pe care îl găsesc e doar un pungaş de doi bani - Slide (Murphy). Deşi amatori într-ale jafului, angajaţii sunt, însă, foarte buni la ceva: cunosc ca pe propriul buzunar clădirea.
Criminala vocea lui Casey Affleck !

Nota: 9/10

Tower Heist

Josh Kovacs is the manager of a residential apartment in New York. He is close to all the tenants, especially Arthur Shaw, a financier. One day Shaw is arrested by the FBI for fraud. Josh thinks it's a misunderstanding that can be resolved. But later he learns that the employees' pension fund which he asked Shaw to handle is gone. When one of the employees tries to kill himself, Josh's views of Shaw change. He goes to see him and loses his temper. He loses his job. The FBI agent in charge of Shaw tells him that Shaw might walk and recovering the pension fund is unlikely. She tells him that it's been rumored that Shaw has $20 million lying around if he needs it in a hurry. Josh thinks he knows where it is. So with two other employees who also lost their jobs and an evicted tenant, they set out to get into Shaw's penthouse to get the money. But they realize they need the assistance of someone who knows how to steal. So Josh asks a guy he knows is a thief named Slide to help them.

The Ledge

Filmul spune povestea unui barbat, care ameninta ca se va arunca de pe o cladire inalta, in timp ce un politist incearca sa tina situatia sub control.. filmul este destul de ok gandit cap-coada sau de fapt coada-cap, finalul deloc previzibil si cu un destin tragic

Nota: 10/10

The Ledge

A thriller in which a battle of philosophies between a fundamentalist Christian and an atheist escalates into a lethal battle of wills. Ultimately, as a test of faith, or lack of it, the believer forces the non-believer onto the ledge of a tall building. He then has one hour to make a choice between his own life and someone else's. Without faith in an afterlife, will he be capable of such a sacrifice?