joi, 29 mai 2014

Afternoon Delight

Filmul pare o comedie neagra, dar pana la urma e o drama cap-coada, este destul de plictisitor si oricum se adreseaza femeilor pentru ca la ele e problema principala din film, iar personajul principal nu face tare multe sa-si indrepte relatia de cuplu, de familia chiar, ba mai mult o complica in momentul in care se incurca total aiurea cu cine nu trebuie. In loc sa-si salveze ei viata, incearca s-o salveze cui nu trebuie :)).

Nota: 5/10

Afternoon Delight

Rachel is a quick-witted and lovable stay-at-home mom. Frustrated with the realities of preschool auctions, a lackluster sex life and career that's gone kaput, Rachel visits a strip club to spice up her marriage and meets McKenna, a stripper she adopts as her live-in nanny.

da' nu Amazing Movie ... 

luni, 26 mai 2014

Hell Baby

Cred ca e porcaria anului 2013 (daca aveti alte sugestii be my guest) pana acum. E genul de film la care nu te poti uita nici daca esti in ultima stare de plictiseala. Am impresia ca in ultima vreme sunt tot mai multe failuri atunci cand vine vorba unei comedii imbinata cu un horror ... Umorul in film e de foarte prost gust, actiunea n-are niciun rol in film, iar persoanejele sunt slabe, putine si ele oricum.

Budget: $2.500.000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend: $4.980 (USA) (6 September 2013)
Gross: $4.980 (USA)

Cred ca asta spune multe despre acest film :))

Nota: 3/10

Hell Baby

An expectant couple who moves into the most haunted house in New Orleans call upon the services of the Vatican's elite exorcism team to save them from a demonic baby.

joi, 22 mai 2014


Genul de film dur, psihologic, care vrea sa exprime realitatea dura din timpul razboiul dintr-un tanc. Asta e conceptia mea referitor la ce a vrut regizorul sa arate cu acest film ... mie unul mi se pare cel mai slab echipaj organizat, adunat intr-un tanc si trimis la razboi :)) Tragaciu' a tras doar in conserve si ii e frica sa traga in chestii care misca, 'loaderu' vorbeste mult si prost si enerveaza tot echipajul, capitanul pare sa fie cel mai neexperimentat din toti :)))). Toata actiunea are loc in tanc si e destul de intunecata.

Nota: 6/10


June, 1982 - The First Lebanon War. A lone tank and a infantry platoon are dispatched to search a hostile town - a simple mission that turns into a nightmare. The four members of a tank crew find themselves in a violent situation that they cannot handle. Motivated by fear and the basic instinct of survival, they desperately try not to lose themselves in the most emblematic act of uncivilized problem solving: war.

Cu efect de Instagram asa :)) 


Se pare ca orice film face Jason Statham, acesta e sortit succesului. Actor principal din nou, interesant sa-l vad cu pleata totusi :))))). In mare parte filmul mi-a placut, doar ca merge pe aceeasi idee consacrata de mult, din nimic, devii personajul care capteaza atentia, fie ca e vina ta, fie ca nu, iar in final tu esti invingator, iar ceilalti in salvari si masini de politie. Actiunea e destul de cursiva si te tine cat de cat acolo... De apreciat legatura fainuta tata-fiica, fiica ce joaca destul de interesant ce-i drept :)) Acuma nu stiu daca a fost de vina plictiseala teribila din tren sau filmul are totusi nitel potential, chiar daca e film regizat de Stallone care n-a avut o cariera ravasitoare in filme de genul.

Nota: 9/10


Phil Broker is a former DEA agent who has gone through a crisis after his action against a biker gang went horribly wrong and it cost the life of his boss' son. He is recently widowed and is left with a 9-years-old daughter,Maddy. He decides to quit the turbulent and demanding life of thrill for Maddy's sake and retires to a small town. His daughter fights off a boy who was bullying her at school and this sets in motion a round of events that end in his direct confrontation with the local Meth drug lord. His past history with the biker gang also enters the arena, making matters more complex. But he has a mission in his mind to protect his daughter and he is ready to pay any cost that it demands.

The Other Woman

Se spune ca 2014 este anul comediilor, iar acest film face parte din acest gen. 3 doamne una si una alcatuiesc careul personajelor principale din film, un film facut special pentru fete, insa poate fi urmarit cu usurinta si de barbati (dovada reiesind din faptul ca ne-am distrat bine in cinematograf), alter-egoul lor facandu-si aparitia clar :)))). Este o comedie buna, presarata cu momente amuzante in fiecare secventa de-a lungul actiunii. Cameron Diaz inca se tine bine, in ciuda varstei, aparand usoare urme ale 'batranetii'.

Nota: 9/10

The Other Woman

After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly Whitten tries to get her ruined life back on track. But when she accidentally meets the wife he's been cheating on, she realizes they have much in common, and her sworn enemy becomes her greatest friend. When yet another affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot mutual revenge on their cheating, lying, three-timing SOB.

luni, 19 mai 2014

Side Effects

Un film care te adoarme la inceput, dar te trezeste si iti capteaza atentia la un moment dat. Faptul ca te tine in suspans ii ofera o nota mare, actorii jucand si ei destul de bine, in special Law si Rooney, mai putin Tatuum, care e pus in film asa pion, nu deranjeaza pe nimeni :)). Scenariul e ok, iar atmosfera e demna de un thriller bun. Bun si finalul si toata imbarligatura de acolo.

Nota: 9/10

Side Effects

Emily Taylor, despite being reunited with her husband from prison, becomes severely depressed with emotional episodes and suicide attempts. Her psychiatrist, Jonathan Banks, after conferring with her previous doctor, eventually prescribes an experimental new medication called Ablixa. The plot thickens when the side effects of the drug lead to Emily killing her husband in a "sleepwalking" state. With Emily plea-bargained into mental hospital confinement and Dr. Banks' practice crumbling around him, the case seems closed. However, Dr. Banks cannot accept full responsibility and investigates to clear his name. What follows is a dark quest that threatens to tear what's left of his life apart even as he discovers the diabolical truth of this tragedy.

vineri, 16 mai 2014

Sleepless in Seattle

Un film de craciun, dar care nu exemplifica spiritul acesta foarte vizibil, insa de sarbatori copiii pot face "minuni". Este o comedie romantic, numai buna de vazut impreuna cu familia, intr-o seara placuta. Tom Hanks primeste un rol destul de serios pe care-l interpreteaza interesant, iar Meg Ryan arata diferit de Meg Ryan pe care o stiu eu ( :)))))))) ), insa fac un cuplu dragut :D.

Nota: 8/10

Sleepless in Seattle

After his wife Maggie passes away, Sam Baldwin and his adolescent son Jonah relocate from Chicago to Seattle to escape the grief associated with Maggie's death. Eighteen months later, Sam is still grieving and can't sleep. Although Jonah misses his mother, he wants his father to get a new wife despite Sam having not even contemplated dating again. On Christmas Eve, Sam, on Jonah's initiative, ends up pouring his heart out on a national radio talk show about his magical and perfect marriage to Maggie, and how much he still misses her. Among the many women who hears Sam's story and falls in love with him solely because of it is Annie Reed, a Baltimore based newspaper writer. Annie's infatuation with Sam's story and by association Sam himself is despite being already engaged. But Annie's relationship with her straight-laced fiancé Walter is unlike her dream love life in the movie An Affair to Remember (1957). She even writes to Sam proposing they meet atop the Empire State Building on ...

miercuri, 14 mai 2014

Premium Rush

Filmul nu are un scenariu stralucit ori prestatia actorilor sa fie la fel, insa ideea e interesanta si pusa in practica printr-un mod original (nu mai trimitem toate pachetele cu masina), iar dupa film poti sa zici ca ai pedalat si tu 2-3 kilometri :)). Actiunea e alerta si plina de adrenalina ceea ce te tine in priza in multe momente ale filmului (urmarirea prin parc mai ales). Amuzant e la final, momentul cand s-au adunat toti, zici ca-s taximetristii Bucurestiului, in orice loc ar fi cand e vorba de o "interventie" in 5-10 minute sunt acolo baietii :)).
Un film placut de urmarit mai ales pentru cei care detin o bicicleta sau fanii sportului pe 2 roti (daca tot e Giro saptamanile astea :D).

Nota: 7/10

Premium Rush

Wilee is one of 1,500 bike couriers in Manhattan who rides on the edge by having a bike with no brakes. On this day, Wilee has a delivery that is so valuable that a corrupt NYC Detective, who needs the money, begins to chase Wilee throughout the city to get it before the envelope is delivered.


O poveste intortochiata cu un subiect ce prezinta femeia si toate laturile ei. Premisele par sa ofere un thriller amoros de calitate cu actori de care s-a auzit insa ceea ce a iesit in final lasa de dorit. Chimia dintre personaja e destul de slaba, iar finalul este foarte incoerent. Sunt parti in film care sunt interesante si te tin captiv, dar si parti care te plictisesc si nu au nicio noima... apar unele insertii interesante (precum scena de balet) insa cam atat ...

Nota: 6/10


The rivalry between the manipulative boss of an advertising agency and her talented protégée escalates from stealing credit to public humiliation to murder.

marți, 13 mai 2014

Movie 43

O idiotenie de film alcatuit din scurtmetraje si reclame insa fara nicio legatura, nu exista un subiect concret al filmului. Cretinitate de film cu glume de 2 lei, scenetele parca-s scrise de copii de 10 ani, plin de glume cu tenta sexuala si injuraturi la greu. Niciodata nu te-ai fi asteptat sa vezi asemenea distributie (Uma Thurman, Kate Winslet, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler) alocata unui asemenea film. Ei probabil s-au distrat copios la filmari pe langa onorariul luat.
Filmul ar trebui sa ma faca sa zambesc in repetate randuri insa slabe sanse sa schitezi ceva vizionandu-l.
Sa nu va uitati la un asa film.

Nota: 4/10 - pentru actorii aia grozavi

Movie 43

Ineffectual, 'has-been' film-maker (Dennis Quaid) swindles his way into an interview with a film executive (Greg Kinnear) in order to pitch an outrageous and controversial comedy manuscript. After pitching the first of his thirteen offbeat fables, the dejected artist forces the rest of his disjointed allegory on the executive at gunpoint. He tells stories of a woman on a blind date with a man who has testicles growing from his neck, in another a smitten woman offers her neck to her boyfriend to 'poop' on -as a sign of commitment and love. In yet another two parents take home-schooling to a whole new level of indecency, striving to give their isolated teenage son all the 'regular' torment and humiliation of puberty by bullying, peer-pressuring and even seducing him themselves. An off-beat, elephant-in-the-room type film.

joi, 8 mai 2014

Life of Pi

Un film frumos. O poveste foarte interesanta si complexa. Peisajele si jocul actorilor este foarte interesant, iar amatorii de animale e musai sa vizioneze acest film, toata " jungla " e prezenta :)) Efectele sunt destul de slabute, prea fictive, iar la un moment dat e amuzant ca o da din Titanic in Arca lui Noe :)). In rest filmul e fain, relatia om-animal exprimata bine in acest caz. Ceea ce e interesant (exceptand acel moment trist din final - no spoilers), este faptul ca te lasa sa iti alegi finalul, final care este ales in functie de persoana ce urmareste acest film, ce iti place, ce crezi ca este plauzibil sau ceea ce vrei tu sa se intample.

Nota: 9/10

Life of Pi

In Canada, a writer visits the Indian storyteller Pi Patel and asks him to tell his life story. Pi tells the story of his childhood in Pondicherry, India, and the origin of his nickname. One day, his father, a zoo owner, explains that the municipality is no longer supporting the zoo and he has hence decided to move to Canada, where the animals the family owns would also be sold. They board on a Japanese cargo ship with the animals and out of the blue, there is a storm, followed by a shipwrecking. Pi survives in a lifeboat with a zebra, an orangutan, a hyena and a male Bengal tiger nicknamed Richard Parker. They are adrift in the Pacific Ocean, with aggressive hyena and Rickard Parker getting hungry. Pi needs to find a way to survive.